You can find this section under Customers > Customers in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.
The customers section allows you to create customer accounts or edit existing customer accounts on your website.
Customers will typically create their own accounts when placing their first order. The functionality to create accounts in the Admin exists in case a situation arises where an account should be created in the back end (e.g. for testing purposes) or if a customer requests that an account be created for them, rather than creating one in the standard manner.
Overview video
Note: Currently videos are not maintained in line with each software release and therefore features may work slightly differently from the way they are shown.
Customers.aspx page
The Customers.aspx page appears as follows:
If you expand Other Options under the Search bar, you can see the following filters:
- Gender: Select a gender as a filter for customers.
- Language: Select a language as a filter for customers.
- Loyalty Scheme: Select a Loyalty Scheme as a filter for customers (or select all schemes).
- Date Joined: Select the Joined From and Joined To dates for customers who have joined Loyalty Schemes.
- Include Guest Accounts: Check this box if you want to include customers who use guest accounts.
- Subscribed Only: Check this box if you want to include customers who are subscribed to mailing lists.
- Banned From Click And Collect Only: Check this box if you want to include only customers who have been banned from using the Click & Collect feature.
- Trade Only: Check this box if you want to show only Trade Customers in your search results.
You can perform the following actions on the Customers page:
- Add a new customer.
- Edit an existing customer.
- Search for a specific customer or view all customers.
- Email a specific customer.
- View orders, reviews, subscriptions, dropped baskets, recently-viewed models and search terms used by a specific customer.
Key features
Default site gender
There is an Application Setting in the ‘Customer’ grouping called ‘Default Site Gender’. This setting is useful for websites that cater predominantly to shoppers of one particular gender. If you enable this setting, when a customer sets up an account or subscribes to a mailing list, the radio button that they use to indicate their gender will be pre-selected using the ‘Default Site Gender’ value.
Allowing customers to create their own accounts
You can give customers the ability to set up their own business account by enabling the Application Setting called 'Enable Customer Account Types' (in the Customers grouping). Customers can set up their account as either 'Home' or 'Business' and also then enter their VAT Reference.
If you want to automatically deduct VAT from their orders, you can enable the 'Tax Exempt' Shipping Country setting (note that this setting is visible only if you have enabled the 'Allow User Vat Status Changes' Application Setting (in the Tax grouping')). See How To Add or Edit a Shipping Country for more details.
Guest accounts
For details about managing customers who use the Guest Checkout facility, see How To Manage Guest Accounts in this section.
Customer email addresses
Occasionally some Customers might attempt to use junk email addresses when registering. These will cause bounce-backs when any emails are sent to the Customers concerned. Admin Users should therefore conduct regular reviews of their registered email addresses to prevent bounce-backs occurring due to invalid email addresses. Examining the top-level domain of an email is often an indicator of a junk email address. Bounce backs may also be caused by typos in email addresses.
Note also that you cannot update guest customer accounts to use the same email address as existing customer accounts. When you edit an email address, the IRP performs a check to ensure that there are no full or guest accounts with the new email address and an error message is displayed if this is the case.
For more details about this section, see the How To Add or Edit a Customer article in this section.
Customer information in the Alert bar of IRP Admin
You can see at-a-glance information about your customers using the Customers Alerts Bar at the top of your IRP Admin screen. To see this bar, click the Edit button in the top-right corner of IRP Admin and select 'Customers' from the drop-down menu. You will then see the following details in your top nav:
The bar shows the following details:
- New Customers: This shows the number of new customers in your system. Click this button to take you to the Customers.aspx page in IRP Admin. On this page you can see a list of all the new customers that you have configured in your system.
- Customers: This shows the number of customers in your system. Click this button to take you to the Customers.aspx page in IRP Admin. On this page you can see a list of all the customers that you have configured in your system.
- Guests: This shows the number of guest customers in your system. Click this button to take you to the Customers.aspx page in IRP Admin. On this page you can see a list of all the guest customers that you have configured in your system.
- Repeat Customers: This shows the number of repeat customers in your system. Click this button to take you to the Customers.aspx page in IRP Admin. On this page you can see a list of all the repeat customers that you have configured in your system.
- Customers on Mailing List: This shows the number of customers on mailing lists in your system. Click this button to take you to the MailingList.aspx page in IRP Admin. From here you can scroll through the list of customers on your mailing lists. For more information, see the Mailing List help topic.
- Customer Contacts: This shows the number of customer contacts in your system. Click this button to take you to the ContactUsResponses.aspx page in IRP Admin. From here you can see the questions that customers have asked using the Contact Us feature on the IRP. For more information, see the Customer Contacts help topic.
Customer Application Settings
The following Application Settings are available for the Customers functionality (located within the grouping called 'Customers'):
- Default Site Gender: Select the gender to which the vast majority of your site shoppers belong. This will mean that when a customer is setting up an account or subscribing to a mailing list, the radio button will be pre-selected to the default site gender selected.
- Enable Customer Account Types: Enabling this offers customers the ability to set up their account as either 'Home' or 'Business' accounts. This may be useful if you have a requirement for B2B ordering.
- Enable Customer Date Of Birth Entry: If enabled, customers will have the option to add their date of birth to their accounts.
- Enable Gender: Enabling this function will ask your customers whether they are Male or Female when they sign up for an account on your site. This will also effect what results display on the Also Bought section.
- Enable Geo Location Country Lookup: Determines whether a customer's initial location is determined from a stored IP Address in the Geo Locations Admin page or from the Country element of their browser session.
- Set New Customer Approval Threshold In Hours: The number of hours after a new customer first places an order until their customer account is set from Awaiting Approval to Approved by the relevant Common Task.
In the 'Checkout Process' grouping there is also an Application Setting called Log Off After Order. If you enable this Setting, the IRP will automatically log a customer out after they have placed an order. There is also a Setting in the same grouping called Show Additional Place Order Button At Top Of Page - enabling this setting will cause an additional 'Place Order' button to be displayed at the top of the Order Summary page, under the 'Order Notes' section. Note that if the user's Shipping Country requires Terms and Conditions or they are checking out with Amazon Pay, the additional 'Place Order' button will not be displayed.
(The main Application Setting for allowing customers to checkout their purchases using the secure checkout is also in the 'Checkout Process' grouping: Enable Checkout. If this Setting is disabled, the Secure Checkout will not be available.)
Front-end customer account options
Log In
When the customer clicks the 'my account' icon in the header area at the top of your website, they can click the Log In link to view the following screen (/MyAccount/Login.aspx):
If the customer needs to create an account to proceed, they will see the /MyAccount/Setup.aspx page. Here they enter details such as their email address, password and contact details. Note that they will go through the standard Mailing List Sign-up process that is present in the Mailing List sign-up widget wherein they explicitly consent to marketing. This means that customers will receive Mailing List Confirmation emails and voucher incentive sign-ups.
Note that if a customer enters an invalid email address, Small Translation 1580 will be displayed. The English default is Please enter a valid email address.
When a returning customer signs in, they will see the following menu in the left nav (note that visibility of the 'Loyalty Points History' link depends on whether you have enabled the Points Loyalty Scheme feature):
The customer can then use the rest of the options in the menu, as described below.
My Account
When the customer clicks the My Account Home link in the menu, they will see the following screen (/MyAccount/MyAccount.aspx):
Order History
When the customer clicks the Order History link in the menu, they will see the following screen (/MyAccount/OrderList.aspx):
If an order has been completed and tracking information has been saved against the order, the tracking code will be displayed. If the shipping method has a tracking URL saved against it, the tracking code will be a link to that URL. If the tracking URL value contains the $$TrackingCode$$ placeholder, the placeholder will be replaced with the tracking code. For more information, see the Shipping Methods help topic.
Change Address Details
When the customer clicks the Change Address Details link in the menu, they will see the following screen (/MyAccount/EditAccountDetails.aspx):
Saved Cards
This is where customers can save card details to their account so that it's easier for them to reuse their card while checking out. Note that currently this functionality is available only when using a Global Payments payment processor.
The 'Saved Cards' page is available on desktop (MyAccount/CustomerPaymentMethods), mobile (Mobile/MyAccount/MobileCustomerPaymentMethods) and trade sites (Trade/MyAccount/CustomerPaymentMethods), and is visible only when the Enable Saved Payment Methods Application Setting is enabled (in the 'Saved Payment Methods' grouping).
The 'Saved Cards' page includes the last four digits of the customer's card, the card type and expiry date. There is also a check box that customers use to control which card is their default card. To add a new card, customers simply click the Add New Card button, complete the details and click Add Card.
Customers can select the saved card to use when checking out using the IRP Checkout. Note that you can also enable the Saved Payment Methods Required Card Security Digits Per Transaction Application Setting. When enabled, customers who select a previously-saved card during checkout will be required to enter their security code to proceed. If disabled, customers will not need to provide the code and they will be able to reuse the card with one click. In this case the card will be charged without the security code, provided it can be authenticated.
Change Email/Password
When the customer clicks the Change Email/Password link in the menu, they will see the following screen (/MyAccount/EditPasswordDetails.aspx):
Forgotten Password
When the customer clicks the Forgotten Password link in the menu, they will see the following screen (/MyAccount/Password.aspx):
When a customer requests a password reset, the following sequence occurs:
- The IRP generates a time-limited token linked to the customer account.
- The IRP sends a link with the token to the customer's email address in a system email.
- When the customer clicks the link, the page that appears will check that the token is valid and, if it is, present the customer with a password change form.
- Once the password is successfully changed, the customer will receive a confirmation email.
(If a customer can successfully log in without using the password reset token (in other words, they have remembered their password), any valid tokens will be expired.)
You use the following System Emails with this functionality:
- Password Reset By Token: When active, this is sent to a customer when they request a password reset on the site. It informs the customer that a password reset link has been generated for them and it displays the full date and time when the token will expire (e.g. “12:11 05/07/2021 (UTC)” (as defined by the 'Temporary Customer Password Expiry In Hours' Application Setting)), after which they will have to request another password reset email.
- Trade Password Reset By Token: When active, this is sent to a trade customer when they request a password reset on the site and contains the same content as the 'Password Reset By Token' email.
- Password Reset By Token No Customer Account: When active, this is sent only when a password reset request has been made to the IRP using an email address that is not associated with a customer account. This may apply to customers who used the Guest Checkout previously but chose not to upgrade to a full account at that time.
- Password Reset By Token Successful: When active, this informs the customer that they have successfully changed their password.
This functionality makes uses of the following Small Translations:
- ID 401: The default version is, "Enter your email address below and click 'Reset Your Password'. This will create a new temporary password for you, and email it to the address you've entered." This is the message displayed to the user on the Password Reset page.
- ID 3258: The default version is, "Your password reset has been successful, you can now login using your new password." This message displayed to the user after their password has been reset.
- ID 3259: The default version is, "This password reset link has expired and can no longer be used." This message is displayed to the user if a password reset link is no longer valid/expired.
- ID 3260: The default version is, "Too many password reset requests, please try later." This message is displayed to the user if there have been too many password reset requests within a set timeframe from the same IP address.
Note that, if necessary, you can also click the Reset Password button on the CustomerEdit.aspx page which will trigger an email to be sent to the customer which they can follow to set their own new password. For more details, see the How To Add or Edit a Customer topic.
Email Subscriptions
When the customer clicks the Email Subscriptions link in the menu, they will see the following screen (/MyAccount/EmailSubscriptions.aspx):
You can use Small Translation 2513 to translate the 'Catalogue' header on this screen.
Stock Notifications
When the customer clicks the Stock Notifications link in the menu, they will see the following screen (/MyAccount/StockNotifications.aspx):
If the customer requests a stock alert, they will receive an email when the item comes back into stock.
Become a Partner
When the customer clicks the Become a Partner link in the menu, they will see the following screen (/PartnerSetUp.aspx):
Loyalty Points History
Note that customers will be able to view this link only if you have enabled the Points Loyalty Scheme feature. When the customer clicks the Loyalty Points History link in the menu, they will see the following screen (/PointsLoyaltySchemeTransactionHistory.aspx):