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Amazon Pay Settings

You can find this section under Payment Processing > Amazon Pay Settings in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.

This section is where you configure some of the key settings for the IRP Amazon Pay Integration feature. Here you can define Sandbox usage and you can also select the currencies and countries that are supported. In addition, you can define the way to authenticate customer Amazon Pay accounts and configure an Amazon Pay button to appear on the first page of the checkout.

The AmazonPaySettings.aspx page appears as follows:

Amazon Pay Settings Page

At the top of the page you can see the following buttons:

  • Amazon Seller Central: Click this button to go to the Amazon Seller Central login page.
  • Amazon Pay Errors: Click this button to go to the AmazonPayTransactions.aspx page. For more details, see the Amazon Pay Errors and Transactions section below.
  • Amazon Pay Accounts: Click this button to go to the AmazonPayAccounts.aspx page. For more details, see the Amazon Pay Accounts help topic.

You can see the following settings in the main body of the page:

Setting Description
Basic Settings
Enable Amazon Pay Checking or unchecking this box dictates whether or not Amazon Pay is enabled on your website. If you have valid, active Amazon Pay accounts in your IRP, and Shipping Countries set up to allow Amazon Pay, if this overall global setting is enabled, an Amazon Pay button will appear on the Basket and Payment Details page on the Desktop and Mobile versions of the site. Clicking this will prompt users to log in using their Amazon Account credentials. On successful login, an Address Book and Wallet widget will appear on the Order Summary pages in the Desktop and Mobile checkout inviting customers to select a Delivery Address and Payment Method from those stored within their Amazon Account.
Authentication Type You can chose from two methods of authenticating Amazon Pay Accounts: 1) Popup: a popup page will be triggered when the customer clicks the Amazon Pay button, and 2) Redirect: the browser will redirect the customer to a hosted Amazon login page. Note that the Mobile site will ALWAYS use the Redirect Authentication Type but you can configure the Desktop site to use either method. In either case, the customer will see a window similar to the following:
Amazon Account Authentication Details
Show Button on First Page of Checkout If enabled, an Amazon Pay Button will appear on the first page of the Checkout process if the following conditions are met:
- The 'Enable Amazon Pay' Application Setting is set to true
- The 'Enable Shipping By Delivery Date' Application Setting is set to false
- The order is not a telesale order
- The basket does not contain items that are not able to be purchased via Amazon Pay
- There is an active Amazon Account for the customer's currency and shipping country
If all of the above conditions are true, the Amazon Pay button will appear on the first page of the Checkout, as in the following example:
Amazon Pay Button In Checkout
Use Sandbox If enabled, the Amazon Pay Sandbox Endpoints will be used rather than the Production ones. This will allow you to test transactions with your Sandbox account before setting your Amazon Pay account live.
Enabled Currencies
Non-Supported Currencies / Supported Currencies 'Non-Supported Currencies' are the currencies that Amazon Pay does not support (cannot charge in). 'Supported Currencies' are the currencies that Amazon Pay supports (can charge in). To move currencies from one box to the other, highlight the currency (and use the Shift key for multiple currencies) and click either the 'Enable' or 'Disable' button, as appropriate. Currently, Amazon Pay supports charging in GBP, EUR, USD and JPY.
The configuration here will be reflected on the specific CurrencyEdit.aspx page of each currency ('Supported by Amazon Pay' setting). For more information, see the Currencies help topic.
Enabled Countries
Non-Enabled Countries / Enabled Countries 'Non-Enabled Countries' are the Shipping Countries that Amazon Pay is not enabled for. Should a customer's settings be set to one of the below countries, they will not see an Amazon Pay button on the Basket or Payment Details page. Also, if the customer selects a Delivery Address from one of the below countries, an error message will be displayed on the Order Summary page and the 'Place Order' button will be hidden.
'Enabled Countries' are the Shipping Countries that Amazon Pay is enabled for. If Amazon Pay is enabled and there are valid Amazon Pay Accounts active on your IRP, an Amazon Pay button will appear on the Basket and Payment Details page if the customer's country settings are set to one of the below countries.
To move countries from one box to the other, highlight the country (and use the Shift key for multiple countries) and click either the 'Enable' or 'Disable' button, as appropriate.
The configuration here will be reflected on the specific ShippingCountries.aspx page of each currency ('Enable Amazon Pay' setting). For more information, see the Shipping Countries help topic.

When you make any changes on this page, be sure to click the Update Amazon Pay Settings button.

Amazon Pay errors and transactions

You can also see errors associated with Amazon Pay transactions by clicking the Amazon Pay Errors button at the top of the main AmazonPaySettings.aspx page. This takes you to the AmazonPayTransactions.aspx page where you can view full details of all transactions.

The AmazonPayTransactions.aspx page appears as follows:

Amazon Pay Errors

You can use the search bar to find any Amazon Pay Account, All Transactions, Successful Transactions or Failed Transactions. The main grid shows numerous details including the ID, Transaction Type, Account, Order ID, Customer ID, Amount, Platform, Error Code, Success status and TimeStamp.

To view the details of any transaction, click the More Details button. This takes you to the AmazonPayTransactionDetails.aspx page where you can see full transaction details, error details and the response from Amazon Pay.

Placement of buttons on checkout pages

By default, the PayPal button appears above the Amazon Pay button on the Basket.aspx or MobileBasket.aspx page:

PayPal and Amazon Pay buttons

However, you can control the order in which the buttons appear using the following CSS classes in the Website CSS Stylesheet:

  • .amazon-paypal-container
  • .amazon-paypal-container .paypal-basket
  • .amazon-paypal-container .paypal-login
  • .amazon-paypal-container .amazon-container
  • .amazon-paypal-container .paypal-container
  • .amazon-paypal-container .amazon-basket, .amazon-paypal-container .amazon-login
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