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Blog Articles

You can find this section under Interface & Design > Blog Articles in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.

The Blog Articles section makes it easy for you to add valuable, high-ranking content for your visitors and customers to consume.

Blog articles are visible on the front-end https://[your-irp]/Blog.aspx page. You can configure the number of articles to display on the page using the News Number Of Articles To Show Application Setting in the 'Blog' grouping (the default value is 12).

Note: The header image shown in the following screen capture is just an example placeholder that you should update to something specific and compelling for your company by replacing the /Images/News/news-archive-header.jpg and /Images/News/mobile-news-archive-header.jpg images. In addition, you should use Small Translation ID 3237 to configure the text that overlays the image (by default, the value is ‘Blog’).

IRP image

Readers can also find blog articles by clicking the previous/next links against each blog article or by using a scroller displayed under each blog article which contains all other articles:

IRP image

BlogArticles.aspx page

The BlogArticles.aspx page appears as follows:

IRP image

You can use the search bar at the top of the page to find any blog article and, if you expand 'Other Options', you can use filter by Active / Inactive / Both.

You can see the following details in the main grid:

  • ID: The unique identifier for the blog article, added automatically by IRP Admin.
  • Active: This indicates whether the blog article is being displayed on the front end. Active blog articles will appear to customers, inactive articles will not.
  • Display Order: The order in which the blog article is displayed on the front end. The lower the number the higher up it is displayed.
  • Header Image: The image which appears above the blog content, behind the title. Click this to go to the BlogArticleEdit.aspx page where you can edit the image.
  • Headline: The headline for the blog article.
  • Blog Summary: A summary of the blog article content that appears on the front end.
  • Last Updated By: The name of the Admin User who last updated the blog article.
  • Date Created: The date and time when the blog article was created.
  • Edit: Click to edit the blog article on the BlogArticleEdit.aspx page. For more details, see How To Add or Edit a Blog Article.
  • [View Icons]: Click either the desktop or mobile icons to see what the blog article looks like on the front end.

AMP versions of blog articles

You can also display Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) versions of blog articles. When you check the box called 'Render AMP Version' on the BlogArticleEdit.aspx page, customers will be able to access an AMP version of the blog article. When the 'Render AMP Version' check box is not checked, if customers attempt to access the AMP version of the blog article they will simply be redirected to the desktop version of the article.

The content for the AMP articles can either:

  • Use the standard content used on the desktop version of the blog article when the 'Use Standard Content' check box is checked on the BlogArticleEdit.aspx page.
  • When the 'Use Standard Content' check box is unchecked, a text editor will be displayed in the 'AMP Content' section allowing custom AMP content to be written and used instead. This text editor also allows images to be dragged and dropped onto it, so that images may be used within the AMP content.

AMP pages are styled via an AMP stylesheet — click the View AMP StyleSheet button on the BlogArticles.aspx page or the BlogArticleEdit.aspx page to view and make any changes necessary on the CssStylesAMP.aspx page.

For more details, see How To Add or Edit a Blog Article.

How To Guides (2)

How To Add or Edit a Blog Article
How To Add a Blog Widget
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