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Brand Category Page Settings

You can find this section under PPC & SEO > Brand Category Page Settings in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.

The Brand Category PPC section allows you to add and update several settings related to the content of Brand-Category pages and also to view and update the current SEO Meta Tags associated with those pages.

You can set separate SEO values for the B2C and B2B version of the pair and top and bottom content that will display on the BrandCategory.aspx and MobileBrandCategory.aspx pages when visited for that pair.

The BrandCategoryPageSettings.aspx page appears as follows:


You can use the search bar at the top of the page to find any brand / categories and if you expand 'Other Options, you can use the following filters:

  • Brand: Select a brand from the drop-down list.
  • Category: Select a category from the drop-down list.
  • Level: Select Sub-Department, Category or both.
  • Brand Active Status: Select Active, Inactive or both.
  • Category Active Status: Select Active, Inactive or both.
  • Missing: Select any of the following:
    • Top Content
    • Bottom Content
    • SEO Title
    • SEO Description
    • SEO Keywords
    • SEO Title Trade
    • SEO Description Trade
    • SEO Keywords Trade
  • Show settings that are missing [All/Any] of the selected fields in [Language].

In the main grid, you can see the details of the settings for each Brand-Category page that has been configured. Here you can see the character count for each of the settings – for details of each setting in the grid, see How to Add or Edit Brand Category Page Settings. Note that the length for HTML content includes the HTML tags, attributes and content. Note also that you can click the desktop or mobile icons to view the Brand-Category page for any combination.

At the top of the page you can use the following buttons:

  • Add New Settings: Click this button to add new settings. For details, see How to Add or Edit Brand Category Page Settings.
  • View All Page Settings: Click this button to see all Page Settings in the grid.

How To Guides (1)

How to Add or Edit Brand Category Page Settings

To add or edit Brand Category page settings, proceed as follows:

  1. Go to PPC & SEO > Brand Category Page Settings in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.
  2. Click the Add New Settings button at the top of the page to add new settings or click the Edit button for the settings that you want to edit. The BrandCategoryPageSettingsEdit.aspx page appears.
  3. Complete the following fields:
    Brand Category Combination
    Brand Category Page Setting ID This is the unique IRP identifier for these settings, added automatically by the IRP.
    Brand Select the Brand part of the Brand-Category combination that these settings will be used for.
    Category Select the Category part of the Brand-Category combination that these settings will be used for.
    Language Select the Language using the drop-down list.
    Page Content
    Top Content Create the HTML or text description for the top content of this Brand-Category combination.
    Bottom Content Create the HTML or text description for the bottom content of this Brand-Category combination.
    SEO Title Enter the SEO Title for this Brand-Category combination.
    SEO Description Enter the SEO Description for this Brand-Category combination.
    SEO Keywords Enter the SEO Keywords for this Brand-Category combination.
    Trade SEO (if applicable)
    SEO Title Enter the Trade SEO Title for this Brand-Category combination.
    SEO Description Enter the Trade SEO Description for this Brand-Category combination.
    SEO Keywords Enter the Trade SEO Keywords for this Brand-Category combination.
  4. Click the Insert Page Settings button or the Update Page Settings button to save your changes. You should see a message indicating that your insert has been successful and the details will appear in the grid on the BrandCategoryPageSettings.aspx page.
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A Deloitte Fast 50 Company eight times: 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2018, 2019 & 2020