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You can find this section under Products > Brands in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.

Before adding any Models to your site, you must first create the Categories and Brands to which they will belong. Brands are used to group models by the manufacturer, for example Nike, The North Face, Pandora, Titleist and so forth.

‘Brand Awareness’ is an important factor when customers are looking to purchase a product online and as a result, it is important to ensure that your Brand List and advertising are current and up to date within your IRP.

Overview video

Note: Currently videos are not maintained in line with each software release and therefore features may work slightly differently from the way they are shown.

Brand locations on the IRP

Brands occur in a number of areas across the front end of your IRP. These are described in the sections that follow.

Brand Selection

The Brand Selection drop-down list appears beneath the Top Navigation section on the default landing page of your IRP. The drop-down contains an alphabetic list of all currently active Brands within your IRP. Selecting a Brand from this drop-down will open the relevant Brands.aspx page, listing all Models under the Brand sorted by the selection for the Sort By Default Brands Page Application Setting (the default value is best selling).

Brand logos

You should update Brand Logos for all stocked Brands when adding Brands to your IRP. Logos will be automatically resized and centred to 150x150 pixels and 75x75 pixels.

The 150x150 images will appear on the Brands.aspx page discussed under Brand Selection and on the Models.aspx page to the right side of the Model Description:

The 75x75 image will appear on the BrandList.aspx page:

Note that Brand Logos throughout the desktop and mobile sites are rendered with an alt tag for SEO purposes. The content for this alt tag is populated via Small Translation 3133 and defaults to '{0} Logo', where '{0}' is the Brand Name. This applies to everywhere that a Brand Logo is rendered, for example Brands.aspx, BrandCategory.aspx, Mobile/MobileBrands.aspx and Mobile/MobileBrandCategory.aspx.

Brand banners & scrollers

You can set Brand Banners by Brand, Category and Shipping Country to appear on the Brands.aspx page for the corresponding selections.

You can display a brand scroller on your home page by enabling the Application Setting called Show Brands Scroller (located in the 'Products' grouping).

Brand list

The BrandList.aspx page lists all Brands that are available on your site filtered by:

  • Top Brands: This calculates the Top 20 Best Selling Brands on your site and lists them in this order, from left to right.
  • All Brands: This lists all Brands on your site in alphabetic order.

Brand restrictions

Certain Brands cannot be shipped or sold to particular countries. You can set Shipping Restrictions for Brands by editing a Brand, clicking the Shipping Restrictions tab and applying the restrictions to the countries to which the Brand cannot be shipped.

How To Guides (2)

How To Add or Edit a Brand

To add or edit a Brand, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Products > Brands in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.
  2. To add a new Brand, click the Add New Brand button at the top of the page.
  3. To edit an existing Brand, click the Edit button at the right side of the Brand that you want to edit.
  4. You can enter or edit the following details for a Brand. Select the Brand Information and SEO tabs on this page to open the corresponding sections. Data entered on previous tabs will be saved during the session but you need to click the Insert Brand or the Update Brand button to save the details indefinitely.

    Brand Information tab

    Basic Brand Details
    Brand ID The unique IRP identifier for this Brand. This is generated automatically when adding a Brand.
    Active Active Brands will be visible to the customer on the front end of the website provided the Brand contains Active Models. Inactive Brands will not be visible.
    Brand Name The name of the Brand that will appear on the front end of the website.
    Active Models The Number of Active Models in this Brand. Note that Models must also have an Active Product Category to be counted as Active. This value will be listed as 0 when entering a Brand as there will be no Active Models with this Brand set. This value is generated automatically.
    Current Logo This shows the currently-used Brand logo. If you want to remove this, click the Delete Logo button.
    Upload Logo You can upload a Brand logo of any size by clicking the Browse button, navigating to the required image on your machine and selecting it. Click the Update Logo button to upload the image.
    This Logo will be resized automatically and put in the relevant Brand sub folders in the Images Folder section.
    Brand Description Top
    Description Top Top Brand Descriptions appear at the top of the Brands.aspx page. Note that you can show the top description either independently from, or at the same time as, the description at the bottom of the page.
    Brand Description Bottom
    Description Bottom Brand Descriptions appear beside the 150x150 pixel Brand Logo on the Brands.aspx page. Note that you can show the description either independently from, or at the same time as, the description at the top of the page.
    Other Information
    Email Contact email address for the Brand.
    Web Address The official URL for the Brand.
    Default Supplier This will be used as the default Supplier for products of this Brand when placing a Purchase Order. The values available in this dropdown are taken from the Suppliers set in the Suppliers section.
    Enable Price Match for Brand Customers can request a Price Match for Models in this Brand if you enable this setting. The Price Match link will not be available on the Models page for Models in this Brand if you disable this setting. Note that this setting will override any Price Match specifications placed on individual Models.
    Enable Automatic Level Recalculation When enabled this setting causes the minimum stock level and reorder quantities against each stock item within this brand (for each stock location) to be recalculated based on the sales velocities for the item. Any items low in stock relative to the sales velocity will appear in the ‘Products Low In Stock’ list in the stock control section.
    Enable Automatic Reordering If enabled new purchase orders will be created (but shall require authorisation) for all products within this brand which are deemed to be low in stock relative to their sales velocity.
    Note that you must check the Enable Automatic Level Recalculation box for this to function correctly.
    Deliver To Store Only When selected, all products belonging to this brand will only be available for delivery to store when the application setting ‘EnableDeliverToStore’ is enabled. When checked, all basket controls will be updated to display ‘Deliver to Store Only’.
    Note that if a customer includes items in their order that are 'Deliver to Store Only' but have not chosen this delivery option, they will see the following error message (configurable via Small Translation 2476):
    Your basket contains some items that can only be delivered to a store but you have not selected “Deliver to Store” as your shipping method. Please review the following items and your selection.
    Amazon Pay Restricted Determines whether Models within this Brand are available for purchase via Amazon Payments. Restrictions apply to the items that can be paid using Amazon Payments (e.g. weapons).
    – Tick if Models in this Brand cannot be purchased via Amazon Payments.
    – Untick if Models in this Brand can be purchased via Amazon Payments.
    Exclude From Finance This setting defines whether all products in this brand should be excluded from Finance. If you select 'Yes' then customers who have items from this brand in their basket will not be able to select finance options at checkout. (Note that you can also set this value at the category level. You can use override settings on models (ModelsEdit.aspx) and stock (StockEdit.aspx) which, by default, are set to inherit the brand/category value but can be explicitly set to be excluded from finance.)
    Default Sort By If provided, this sort option will be used on the Brands.aspx page when this brand is selected, overriding the Application Setting called 'Sort By Default Brands Page' (in the 'Product Listing' grouping). It will also be used on the BrandCategories page if the Category does not have a 'Default Sort By' value. Select from the following options in the drop-down list:
    • Inherit: The default sort order will inherit the value of the 'Sort By Default Brands Page' Application Setting.
    • Sales Rank: The default sort order will be best selling products.
    • Price: The default sort order will be price (low to high).
    • Price DESC: The default sort order will be price (high to low).
    • Discount: The default sort order will be discount (low to high).
    • Discount DESC: The default sort order will be discount (high to low).
    • Brand: The default sort order will be product (A - Z).
    • Brand DESC: The default sort order will be product (Z - A).
    • Category: The default sort order will be category (A - Z).
    • Category DESC: The default sort order will be category (Z - A).
    • Rating DESC: The default sort order will be customer reviews.
    • Newest DESC: The default sort order will be newest.
    • Default: The default sort order will be governed by the value of the model-specific setting called Default Sort Order (in the 'Other Model Information' section of the ModelsEdit.aspx page). That setting allows you to precisely control the positioning of individual models on listings pages. (If any model has a blank 'Default Sort Order' value, the sorting will fall back on the sales rank but any models that do have a 'Default Sort Order' value will display above those that don't.) See How To Add or Edit a Model for more details).
    Advanced Information
    Average Profit Margin (%) The Average Profit Margin percentage for Products in this Brand.
    Commission Group Enter the Commission Group that this Brand relates to. For example, this could be used for Affiliate Window (SWIN) tracking. The string values that you enter here should correspond to the string values set within Affiliate Window to flag different commission rates for specific Brands. This works in a similar way to the same functionality in the Categories section.
    Inactive Redirect Type If the Brand is Inactive, the following redirects can be put in place:
    • No Redirect: No Redirect occurs.
    • Redirect To Sibling: A search is performed based on the Inactive Redirect Parameter. A sibling/similar Brand should be entered for the Inactive Redirect Parameter.
    • Redirect To Search: A search is performed based on the Inactive Redirect Parameter.
    Inactive Redirect Parameter The value used for redirects when Redirect To Sibling or Redirect To Search is selected for Inactive Redirect Type.
    Brand External A secondary/external name for the Brand. For example, The North Face brand is officially known as ‘The North Face’. However, a number of retailers and customers may call it ‘TNF’. This value is used in Integrations where secondary names are used.

    SEO tab

    SEO Page Data
    The values entered in this section will be used to populate the Meta Tag Title, Description and keywords (specialized HTML tags that contain data about the contents of a website or web page) for the corresponding Brand.
    SEO consultants can tailor the information contained here to increase search engine rankings, and so forth.
    All values are limited to 250 characters and can be translated into available languages.
    Page Title This will appear in the title bar/current tab of your web browser when on the Brand page.
    Page Description This brief description will appear under the URL when returned by a search engine. It should contain information on the Store and Brand.
    Page Keywords This should contain Keywords relevant to the Store and Brand, each separated by a comma. These will be indexed as meta data which will help potential customers to find your site using search engines.
  5. If you have an active Trade site then you will also see a section for completing the same details for the Trade site.
  6. When you have entered or edited the details, click the Insert Brand or Update Brand button.
  7. You can now enter information on the remaining tabs:
    Shipping Restrictions Tab
    Shipping Restrictions Select the Category for this Shipping Country Product Restriction, select the Country (or Countries, by holding down the Shift key) and click the Add Restrictions button.
    Any existing restrictions are shown in the 'Current Shipping Restrictions' section in the lower part of the screen.
    Price Discounting Tab
    Discount RRPs by % Applies a Percentage Discount to the RRPs of Stock and Models within this Brand. Enter a numeric value in the field and click the Discount Prices button to reduce all Models belonging to this Brand by the supplied value.
    Set All Model and Stock Prices to RRP Sets all Model and Stock Prices to the RRP which will result in no saving being displayed to the Customer. Click the Set All Prices To Their RRP button to perform this action.
    Marketplaces Tab
    Marketplace Select the appropriate marketplace from the drop-down list.
    Category Select the Category that this marketplace Inclusion / Exclusion Rule applies to. Select 'All Categories' for a Brand-only Rule.
    Inclusion Status Select whether this Brand-Category Inclusion / Exclusion Rule should Exclude or Include Products. By default all active Brand products are included in the marketplace integration. The default inclusion for this Brand's products is overridden by the following rules:
    – Models by default inherit their inclusion/exclusion from brand-category rules.
    – Each stock item inherits its inclusion/exclusion from its parent model.
    This inheritance can be overridden at both a model and stock level, i.e. a model can be specifically included/excluded ignoring brand-category rules.
    Brand-Category Inclusion / Exclusion Rules
    This section will be available only if there exist brands or categories with specific include or exclude settings.
  8. When you have entered or edited the details on the remaining tabs, click the Update Brand button.
How To Update Default Suppliers for Brands

FAQs (7)

What is Brand External?
This refers primarily to other names which someone might call a brand. Its main purpose is to write integration programs between the IRP and the client’s own system.
What is meant by the disable price match for brand and all associated models?
The price match is a pop up on the front end which a customer can use to request a price-beater option on a product that a competitor might be selling at a cheaper price.
Where does the brand description and logos appear on the site?
The brand description and logo appear at the bottom of the brands page, below all of the brand range models. The brand logo will also appear on the BrandList.aspx page and is also shown on the models pages.
What is the Brands SEO section?
The SEO tags are used for the site's meta data. This allows search engines to crawl the information. The easier this information is to find, the easier it will be to improve SEO, which should hopefully in turn increase sales. This is an area we advise clients to customise and change regularly. We will provide advice on this.
What are brand shipping restrictions?
This allows you to restrict the sale of a brand in a particular country.
What is brand price discounting?
This is a quick way to take a set percentage off all products within a brand. This is limited however, as all models may not have an RRP.
Why, when I click on a link for a Brand or a Category, am I just directed to the home page?
This is likely to be because you have shipping restrictions in place and the Application Setting ‘Hide Products Restricted From Shipping’ is enabled. There is functionality (‘Redirect Type’, ‘Redirect Parameter’) on the Categories, Brands, and Brand-Categories pages that will redirect to the home page when ‘Hide Products Restricted From Shipping’ is enabled and when a shipping restriction exists for the given Category, etc.
Live Market Data
Today v Yesterday 0.01%
February 2025 v February 2024 26.14%
YTD 2025 v 2024 18.60%
Arts and Crafts 1.11%
Baby & Child 0.06%
Cars and Motorcycling 0.11%
Electrical & Commercial Equipment 0.03%
Fashion Clothing & Accessories 0.41%
Food & Drink 0.56%
Health and Wellbeing 0.29%
Kitchen & Home Appliances 0.34%
Pet Care 0.53%
Sports and Recreation 0.42%
Toys, Games & Collectables 2.58%

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