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Country Specific Payment Settings


You can find this section under Payment Processing > Country Specific Payment Settings in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.

You use this page to enable or disable each of your payment options on a per-country basis. You can also define the order in which payment options will appear on the front-end checkout payment page (/Secure/PaymentDetails.aspx or /Mobile/Secure/MobilePaymentDetails.aspx).

CountryPaymentOptionSettings.aspx page

The CountryPaymentOptionSettings.aspx page appears as follows:

Country Specific Payment Settings

The 'default settings' are the base payment settings from which the settings for all countries are derived. These settings depend on how the associated Application Settings have been configured. For example if the 'Enable Payment By Invoice' and 'Enable Payment By Bank Transfer' Application Settings (in the 'Payment' grouping) are disabled, they will appear in the default settings as 'Disabled'.

Select a country from the Filter by Country drop-down list to find the payment settings for any country in the system. The countries in the list are defined in the Shipping Countries section of IRP Admin. When you click the Filter button, the results are shown in the main grid.

You can see the following details for each payment option:

  • ID: This is the Shipping Country ID as defined on the ShippingCountries.aspx page.
  • Flag: This is the Shipping Country flag as defined on the ShippingCountries.aspx page.
  • ID: This is the Shipping Country name as defined on the ShippingCountries.aspx page.
  • Payment Option Settings: Here you can define the following settings for the payment options for each individual country:
    • Inherit: This means that the payment option for this country has the same setting as the default setting for that payment option. Therefore if the default setting is 'enabled', this country's setting will also be 'enabled' and so forth.
    • Enabled: This means that the payment option is enabled for this specific country.
    • Disabled: This means that the payment option is disabled for this specific country.

If you make any changes to the setting of a payment option, make sure you click the Update Country Payment Settings button to save your changes.

Defining the display order of payment options

To change the order in which payment options are displayed on the front-end checkout page, simply drag and drop the payment option into the desired location. Click the Update Country Payment Settings button to save your changes.

Deleting settings

To delete settings, check the box on the right side of the row, then click the Delete Selected Non-Default Country Payment Settings button.

Note: You cannot delete the 'default setting'.

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