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Custom Content Pages

You can find this section under Interface & Design > Custom Content Pages in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.

You use custom content pages to create web pages that are specific to your company. These are often key selling pages on your website. You can create however many you need of such pages. These pages are translatable into different languages to allow the same section of a site to display different content depending on which language is selected on the front end.

You should use custom content pages instead of Large Translations for ‘complete’, standalone pages such as ‘About Us’, ‘Privacy Policy’, 'Delivery and Returns' and so forth — as Custom Content Pages have been designed specifically for standalone pages and allow for better SEO optimisation.

You can enter HTML, JavaScript and SEO tags to custom content pages in separate sections to simplify the process of adding these features to the page.

Overview video

Note: Currently videos are not maintained in line with each software release and therefore features may work slightly differently from the way they are shown.

CustomContentPages.aspx page

The main CustomContentPages.aspx page appears as follows:

IRP Admin image

At the top of the page you can use the Search bar to find any custom content page in the system. Enter a search term and click the Search button to see the results displayed in the main grid.

In addition, as with many other pages in IRP Admin, you can click the Download icon between the Search bar and the main grid to export the custom content page data in a format of your choosing.

If you need to delete one or more custom content pages, you can check the appropriate box(es) on the right side of the page and click the Delete Selected Custom Content Pages button.

The main grid contains the following information:

  • ID: This is the unique IRP identifier of the custom content page.
  • Page Title: This is the title of the page that will be displayed directly above the content. This is completely translatable.
  • URL: This shows the URL of the page on the front end of your web site (this will be preceded by https://YourIRP).
  • SEO Page Title: This shows the SEO title that is output in the title meta tag.
  • SEO Page Description: This shows the SEO description that is output in your page’s description meta tag.
  • SEO Page Keywords: This shows the SEO keywords that are output in your page’s description meta tag.
  • Country Variations: If you have created a variation of the content for a specific country or countries (see the How to Add or Edit a Custom Content Page topic), you can see the details here.
  • Preview: Click this button to see what the page looks like on the front end desktop version of your web site.
  • Mobile: Click this button to see what the page looks like on the front end mobile version of your web site.
  • Edit: Click this button to make changes to the page — see the How to Add or Edit a Custom Content Page topic.

How To Guides (1)

How To Add or Edit a Custom Content Page

To add or edit a custom content page, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Interface & Design > Custom Content Pages in the IRP Admin left navigation menu. (NOTE: If you are using this feature from the Interface Translations section, go to Interface Translations > Custom Content Pages.)
  2. To edit an existing custom content page click the Edit button beside the page that you want to amend.
  3. To add a new custom content page, click the Add New Content Page button.
  4. Fill out the details below. If you see an asterisk (*) beside a setting it means that the setting is required.
    Custom Content Page Details
    Page ID This is the database ID of this custom content page. If this is a new one, it will be assigned after you create it.
    Page Title This is the Page Title that will display directly above the content. This is completely translatable.
    Content This is the main body of the content. Please do not include any JavaScript here. Use the section below for that. You can include any CSS styling you need to though.

    You can upload any additional files required by clicking the Upload Files button to the bottom right of the content. You can ask the system to generate the correct links for you by clicking the Get a Link button.

    You can also include a Custom Product List in the page by clicking the Add Product List button. After you select one of the Custom Product Lists available in your system and click the ‘Add’ button, a placeholder for the list will be added to the page (for example, ‘$$ProductList1$$’) which will be replaced with the rendered HTML of the product list. In addition, if you need to create a new Custom Product List, you can click the ‘Create New List’ button and a lightbox popup will appear for you to configure the details. For more details, see the Custom Product Lists help topic. (Note that, when customers view a Custom Content Page that includes a Custom Product List containing inactive Models, the inactive Models will not be displayed.)

    Note that you can translate this into any enabled language.
    Left Nav You can use this setting to override the site wide setting for Enable Left Nav, or simply leave it at ‘Use Application Settings’ and if you later change the overall setting your custom page will follow suit.
    Bottom Nav You can use this setting to hide the bottom navigation for this page.
    Secure Setting Use this setting if you need to force the page to always be under SSL, or always not be under SSL. The default setting will allow the page to function in either SSL situation
    Script Add any JavaScript you need here. Make sure to include the script tags that you need. You can translate this into any enabled language e.g. Facebook has language-specific scripts that will render different text for their buttons.
    Position This is where you need the script above to appear. Select from the following locations:
    • Before Content — This renders the script before your content above.
    • Head Tag — This puts your script in the <Head> HTML tag of your page.
    • Following Body Tag — This renders your script immediately after the opening body tag.
    • Before end of Body Tag — This renders your script just before the closing body tag.
    • After Content — This renders the script after your content above.
    SEO Page Title SEO Page Title is output in the title meta tag. You only need to set this if it is different to your page Title. Note that if you have a translated value for the Page Title and not for the SEO page title it will use your translated value for the page title, and not the default English value. 250 characters max.
    SEO Page Description SEO Page Description is output in your page's description meta tag. Note that SEO Page Description will output the default English value if not translated value exists. You can translate this into any translatable value. 250 characters max.
    SEO Page Keywords SEO Page Keywords are output in your page’s description meta tag. Note that SEO Page Keywords will output the default English value if no translated value exists. 250 characters max.
    Robots Robots is the directive you want to give to search engines and crawlers to tell them how you want them to treat this page. The default is INDEX.FOLLOW — this will direct search engines to index the page, and follow any links that it finds. We recommend that you leave this as default unless you have a specific reason not to.
    Link To Mobile Version
    Linked Mobile Custom Content Use the drop-down list to select a mobile page to which to link the page.
    Country Variations
    Country Variations If you have created a variation of the content for a specific country or countries (see ‘How to Add A Country Variation’ below) , you can use this section to select the country variation.
  5. When you have entered or updated all of the details, insert the page by clicking the Insert Custom Content Page button.

How to add a Country Variation

To add or edit a country variation, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the main CustomContentPages.aspx page.
  2. Click the Edit button beside the custom content page to which you want to add a country variation.
  3. Click the Add New Country Variation button at the top of the page.
    Note: If you want to copy all populated fields from the base custom content page, click the Copy All Fields From Parent button at the top of the page. You only need to do this if you plan to overwrite it.
  4. Fill out the details below. If you see an asterisk (*) beside a setting it means that the setting is required.
    Custom Content Page Details
    Country Select the country from the drop-down list.
    Page Title You can override the Page Title in this field, if you need to. If you always want the ‘foreign’ translation to appear, only set the value for ‘Default’. This ensures that no matter what language the user is in, they will always see the foreign translation in that country. You can of course use it as normal and simply translate the relevant fields. You can also copy the value from the parent Custom Content Page. Click Copy From Parent to select which languages you want to copy.
    Content You can override the Content in this field, if you need to. If you always want the ‘foreign’ translation to appear, only set the value for ‘Default’. This ensures that no matter what language the user is in, they will always see the foreign translation in that country. You can of course use it as normal and simply translate in the relevant languages. You can also copy the value from the parent Custom Content Page. Click Copy From Parent to select which content you want to copy for which languages.
    Script You can override the script in this field, if you need to. If you always want the ‘foreign’ translation to appear, only set the value for ‘Default’. This ensures that no matter what language the user is in, they will always see the foreign translation in that country. You can of course use it as normal and simply translate in the relevant languages. You can also copy the value from the parent Custom Content Page. Click Copy From Parent to select which script you want to copy for which languages.
    SEO Page Title You can override the SEO Page Title in this field, if you need to. If you always want the ‘foreign’ translation to appear, only set the value for ‘Default’. This ensures that no matter what language the user is in, they will always see the foreign translation in that country. You can of course use it as normal and simply translate in the relevant languages. You can also copy the value from the parent Custom Content Page. Click Copy From Parent to select which SEO Page Title you want to copy for which languages.
    SEO Page Description You can override the SEO Page Description in this field, if you need to. If you always want the ‘foreign’ translation to appear, only set the value for ‘Default’. This ensures that no matter what language the user is in, they will always see the foreign translation in that country. You can of course use it as normal and simply translate in the relevant languages. You can also copy the value from the parent Custom Content Page. Click Copy From Parent to select which SEO Page Description you want to copy for which languages.
    SEO Page Keywords You can override the SEO Page Keywords in this field, if you need to. If you always want the ‘foreign’ translation to appear, only set the value for ‘Default’. This ensures that no matter what language the user is in, they will always see the foreign translation in that country. You can of course use it as normal and simply translate in the relevant languages. You can also copy the value from the parent Custom Content Page. Click Copy From Parent to select which SEO Page Keywords you want to copy for which languages.
  5. When you have entered or updated all of the details, click Insert Country Variation.

Note, you will likely want to add a link to a custom content page somewhere on your website. If for example you want to add a link to your bottom navigation on your desktop site, use the Navigation section in IRP Admin (under Interface & Design) and select the option for 'Bottom - Desktop Site'.

Remember, if you cannot see a link for a page after adding it to your navigation, click the 'Uncache' button in the bottom menu of IRP Admin.

Videos (1)

Custom Content Pages
Use Custom Content Pages to design and optimise bespoke HTML pages for domestic and international visitors on mobile, tablet and desktop
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