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Deliver To Store Overview

The Deliver To Store feature is a variation on the Click & Collect feature which gives you the simple ability to allow your customers to select a store for delivery as a shipping method. If you like, you can enable this feature at the same time as Click & Collect because it functions independently of it. However, unlike Click & Collect orders, store stock levels are not taken into consideration for Deliver To Store orders; only web stock levels are used. Otherwise, Deliver To Store orders function in the same way as web orders, with a special case Shipping Method ID automatically applied and the delivery address being populated directly from a selected delivery Stock Location.

Note that currently this feature is only available at no charge to the customer.

In order for an item to be eligible for Delivery to Store, the following conditions must be met:

  1. At least one Stock Location must be a ‘Deliver To Store’ location.
  2. The item web stock must be available for purchase (as per standard web orders).
  3. You must have enabled the main ‘Enable Deliver To Store’ Application Setting (which is in its own grouping of Application Settings called ‘Deliver To Store’).

When you have met all of these conditions, ‘Deliver To Store’ options will be available for selection on the delivery page (Secure/DeliveryAddress.aspx / Mobile/Secure/DeliveryAddress.aspx / PrivateSale/Secure/DeliveryAddress.aspx) and basket page (Basket.aspx / MobileBasket.aspx / PrivateSale/Basket.aspx) of your desktop, mobile and Private Sale pages.

Here is an example of a basket page. You can see that the customer can simply use the 'Shipping Method' drop-down menu to select 'Deliver to Store' as their preferred option:

Deliver To Store option on basket page

After the customer clicks the Proceed to Checkout button they will go firstly to the /Secure/BillingAddress.aspx page where they can confirm their address details and then they can click the Continue to Store Options button. This takes them to the /Secure/Postage.aspx page where they can select their preferred store location:

Deliver To Store

Note that the description 'Deliver to store allows you to order an item(s) and pick it up at a participating store near you. We'll send you an email when your item(s) are ready for collection. is configurable via Small Translation 3185. This is displayed below the 'Deliver to Store' title on the Secure/Postage.aspx, PrivateSale/Secure/Postage.aspx and Mobile/Secure/MobilePostage.aspx pages.

Here is an example of a basket page that contains a brand that has been configured as 'Deliver To Store Only' (via the BrandsEdit.aspx page):

Deliver To Store option on basket page

In this case, the customer needs to select a Shipping Method of ‘Deliver To Store’ from the drop-down menu and their shipping fee will be set to zero:

Deliver To Store Shipping Method option on basket page

Note that if a customer includes items in their order that are ‘Deliver to Store Only’ but have not chosen this delivery option, they will see the following error message (configurable via Small Translation 2476): ‘Your basket contains some items that can only be delivered to a store but you have not selected “Deliver to Store” as your shipping method. Please review the following items and your selection.

IRP Admin Pages involving the Deliver To Store feature

The Deliver To Store feature affects the following sections of IRP Admin:

  • StockLocationEdit.aspx: This page allows you to define a Stock Location as being eligible for Deliver To Store orders using the ‘Is Deliver To Store Location’ value (this is false by default).
  • StockLocations.aspx: This page displays a column for the ‘Deliver To Store’ value.
  • BrandEdit.aspx: This page allows you to set the ‘Deliver To Store Only’ value against any brand. When checked, all basket controls on the front end of your website will be updated to display ‘Deliver to Store Only’. Note: If you don’t check this box, all eligible stock will be available for both home delivery and Deliver to Store.
  • SiteEmailEdit.aspx: This page includes an option to configure the site email type ‘Deliver To Store Ready For Collection Email’.
  • Orders.aspx: Deliver to Store orders will automatically have a special case Shipping Method ID applied to them and the text ‘Deliver to Store’ will show on the order details (this will be free):
    Order Details page showing Deliver to Store
  • OrderManage.aspx: An additional button is available when managing Deliver to Store orders which will send a ‘DeliverToStoreReadyForCollection’ site email when clicked (this will also BCC the stock location email address) and you can also elect to send a dispatch notification to the store:
    Order Manage page showing Send Ready For Collection button
  • OrdersPrint.aspx: (‘Print Approved Order Sheets’) Additional options will display in the order source drop-down list for ‘Deliver to store only’ and ‘Non-deliver to store only’.
  • OrdersPrintPage.aspx: (Available when you click the ‘Sheets’ button on OrderManage.aspx to print various order sheets.) This will display ‘Deliver to Store’ for the Shipping Method name. The order type will display as ‘Delivery to Store – Location Name – StockLocationID’. The full stock location name and address will display as the delivery address.

Successfully using the Deliver To Store feature

To ensure that you are using the Deliver To Store feature in the optimal manner, follow these steps:

  1. Define one or more of your Stock Locations as a Deliver To Store location. For more details see Stock Locations.
  2. If required, define one or more of your Brands as a ‘Deliver To Store Only’ brand. Remember: If you don’t check this box, all eligible stock will be available for both home delivery and Deliver to Store (assuming you have enabled the ‘Enable Deliver To Store’ Application Setting as described below). For more details see Brands.
  3. Ensure that your web stock is available for purchase. For more details see Models.
  4. Set up System Emails to automatically notify a Deliver To Store location that a customer’s order has been dispatched to them and to inform your customers when their Deliver To Store order is ready for collection. For more details see System Emails.
  5. Enable the ‘Enable Deliver To Store’ Application Setting. For general information about these IRP settings see Application Settings.
  6. Test that your front-end basket (Basket.aspx / MobileBasket.aspx / PrivateSale/Basket.aspx) and checkout delivery pages (Secure/DeliveryAddress.aspx / Mobile/Secure/DeliveryAddress.aspx / PrivateSale/Secure/DeliveryAddress.aspx) look as you want them to and that orders are coming through and are being managed on the back end as you expect.
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