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You can find this section under Products > Kits in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.

You use Kits to create product packages, incorporating multiple products into a single model. For example, a cycling kit could consist of a bicycle, helmet and water bottle.

Overview video

Note: Currently videos are not maintained in line with each software release and therefore features may work slightly differently from the way they are shown.

Kit Types

There are two types of kits:

  • Standard Kits: These allow the choice of different stock options, e.g. various sizes and colours of a particular model or multiple models. For example, a Kit containing one bike choice from seven different frame sizes, a helmet choice from eight different colour and size combinations, and one water bottle choice. This allows you to offer different size and colour options or even different stock items as Kit Members.
  • Fixed Kits: There is no stock option choice in Kit items. All are one size/colour options. For example, a Kit containing one tent choice and one ground mat choice. Note that you do not need to create Kit Groups before creating Fixed Kits.

Standard Kit structure

Kits (Group of Kit Groups) are composed of Kit Groups (Group of Kit Members), which are composed of Kit Members (stock options):

Before you can create a Standard Kit, you must create at least one Kit Group. Before you can create a Kit Group, you must create the various stock options (part of a Model) which will be set as Kit Members in the Kit Group. Only Kit Groups can be added to Kits so, even if there is only one stock option, it must be added to its own individual Kit Group. In the example above, there is only one selection for Water Bottle. This must first be added to its own Kit Group, before being added to the Kit.

After you have created the required Kit Groups, you can assign them to a Kit. Kit Groups can be set up so that they are required or not required. In this case, the Member Cost will be added to, subtracted from the Kit Price.

See the How To Add or Edit a Kit Group article and the How To Add or Edit a Kit article in this section for further information.

Fixed Kit structure

Fixed Kits consist of one or more set Kit Members (stock options):

They do not require the creation of Kit Groups and can be created as soon as the corresponding Model and stock options have been added to your IRP.

Fixed Kits can be used to create set product packages, removing the customer selection element. Specific Kit Members are added to Fixed Kits. They are all required and cannot be removed, unlike items in Standard Kits.

When Kit order items are dispatched, auto-dispatched, cancelled or returned, the stock location levels for the constituent Kit items are adjusted by the ordered quantity. This will prevent stock location level synchronisation errors. Fixed Kit order items are also excluded from all stock location level adjustments.

See the How To Add or Edit a Fixed Kit article in this section for further information.

Kits confirmation page

Note that there is an Application Setting called Enable Kits Confirmation Page (located in the grouping called 'Kits'). If you enable this setting, when a customer selects a Kit and then further selects the items to include in the Kit, after they click the 'Confirm Your Selection' button they will be directed to a Kits confirmation page (KitsConfirm.aspx) where they will be invited to review their Kit items and then either add the choices to their basket or return to the selection page.

The Kits Confirmation Page therefore functions like a preview page which appears between the Kit model page and the customer's basket page. When this setting is disabled, the customer will go straight to their basket page after they click the 'Confirm Your Selection' button.

Allowing purchase of out of stock Kits

It is possible to allow customers to purchase Kits that are out of stock by enabling the Application Setting called 'Enable Purchase Of Out Of Stock Kits' (in the 'Checkout Process' grouping).

How To Guides (3)

How To Add or Edit a Kit Group
How To Add or Edit a Kit

Note: Before creating a Kit, you need to add all of the relevant Kit Groups to your IRP.

To add or edit a Kit, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Products > Kits in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.
  2. To add a new Kit, click the Add New Kit button at the top of the page.
    To edit an existing Kit, click the Edit button at the right side of the Kit that you want to edit.
  3. Enter or edit the following details:
    Basic Kit Information
    Model ID The unique IRP identifier for this Kit. A Kit is a special type of Model made up of constituent Kit Groups. This is generated automatically when adding a Kit.
    Active Active Kits will appear on the front end of the website. Inactive Kits will not be visible to the Customer.
    Kit Name The name of this Kit that will appear in the Title bar and in any Search Results or Listings Pages. Click the Translate link to translate the name into any active language in your system.
    Display Style This setting allows you to lay out the kit page differently depending on the kind of kit choices you have:
    Choices Below Image and Description:
    This is the default style for kits. It displays the Image(s) for the kit at the top of the page, to the left. To the right of it, the Description of the Kit. Underneath this, the IRP then renders the kit choices. This is the best style when you have long or many options in your kit choices.
    Choices To Right Of Image, Description Below:
    This style displays the Image(s) for the kit at the top of the page, to the left. To the right of it, the IRP renders your kit choices. Underneath this, the IRP then renders the description. This is the best style for compact kit choices e.g. when you have short option names, for example when you are hiding the Model names of your options. This style also enables you to use the Collapse Description option against each kit choice.
    Category The Category this Kit falls into. If the Product Category does not exist, please add it using the Add Category button.
    Brand The Brand or Manufacturer of this Kit. If the Brand does not exist, please add it using the Add Brand button.
    Base Price The Base Price for this Kit. This Price will be displayed on Listings pages and the Title page for the Kit and will be used to determine the final Price for the Kit when selections have been made.
    Base RRP The Base RRP for this Kit. This RRP will be displayed on Listings pages and the Title page for the Kit and will be used to determine any saving on the Base Price.
    Show Local Base Prices Choose whether to show the Local Price column on the Stock Option Editor.
    Local Base Price The Base Price for this Kit. This Price will be displayed on Listings pages and the Title page for the Kit and will be used to determine the final Price for the Kit when selections have been made.
    Offer Status The Offer Status for this Kit. If a Kit’s Offer Status is set to anything other than ‘Not on Offer’, the corresponding Offer Icon will appear next to the Kit’s Main Image on Listing pages.
    Kit Description
    Description The HTML or Text Description to be displayed on the Kits page for this Kit. HTML Descriptions can be high level descriptions containing any valid HTML (including imagery). Text Descriptions will display as such and line breaks can also be included.
    Auto Generate Short Description Automatically generate the Kit’s Short Description from its Full Description.
    Short Description Short Description to appear in some areas on the website front end such as listing pages when the List View is selected. This option only appears if Auto Generate Short Description is not checked.
    Additional Information 1
    You can use this section to provide, for example, ingredient details, additional product information, or for any reason you desire. This will be shown in the same area as the product description and any other sections you have configured such as Reviews, Q&A, Price Match Requests, etc. See the example below for more information.
    Additional Information 1 Tab Title The title that you enter here will be used as the title of the Additional Information 1 tab/section (depending on the display style Application Settings you have configured) for this kit only. If no content is currently saved then a Category-level title will be used if one exists (you configure this on the CategoriesEdit.aspx page). If no Category title exists then a Small Translation (2664) is used as a default. You can 'Translate' the title into any active language in your system.
    Additional Information 1 The content that you enter here will appear as an additional description section on the customer-facing kit page. You can include images, text and video content using the HTML Editor and you can select any language from the drop-down list to indicate which country the section applies to.
    Additional Information 2
    As described above for 'Additional Information 1', you can use this section to provide additional product information or for any reason you desire. See the example below for more information.
    Additional Information 2 Tab Title The title that you enter here will be used as the title of the Additional Information 2 tab/section (depending on the display style Application Settings you have configured) for this kit only. If no content is currently saved then a Category-level title will be used if one exists (you configure this on the CategoriesEdit.aspx page). If no Category title exists then a Small Translation (2665) is used as a default. You can 'Translate' the title into any active language in your system.
    Additional Information 2 The content that you enter here will appear as an additional description section on the customer-facing kit page. You can include images, text and video content using the HTML Editor and you can select any language from the drop-down list to indicate which country the section applies to.
    In the following example, we have entered 'INGREDIENTS' for the 'Additional Information 1 Tab Title' setting and a list of ingredients for the 'Additional Information 1' setting. The tab appears as follows on the front end:
    Additional Information
    Stock Information
    Stock ID The Stock ID of the Kit. This will be generated automatically when the Kit is saved.
    Postage Weight (g) The postage weight of the combined Kit Members. We advise that weights are entered as Volumetric Weights to avoid any issues with International Shipping.
    EAN-13 Part Code The European Article Number or Barcode of a Stock Option/SKU. Required for Google Shopping.
    Part Code The Manufacturer’s Partcode of a Stock Option/SKU or an internal Partcode.
    External Stock ID A secondary SKU/Partcode for the stock item.
    Custom SEO
    Page Title Enter the SEO Title for this kit. You can select a language from the drop-down list above the text box to enter language-specific text.
    Page Description Enter the SEO Description for this kit. You can select a language from the drop-down list above the text box to enter language-specific text.
    Page Keywords Enter the SEO Keywords for this kit. You can select a language from the drop-down list above the text box to enter language-specific text.
    Other Kit Information
    Gender The Gender specification, if applicable, for this Kit.
    Age Group The Age Group specification, if applicable, for this Kit.
    Season The Season specification, if applicable, for this Kit.
    Year The Year specification, if applicable, for this Kit.
    Enable Price Match for Kit Customers can request a Price Match for this Kit if this setting is enabled. The Price Match link will not appear on the Kits page if this setting is disabled.
    Display Time Frame for Dispatch on Kits Page Enabling this setting will display an estimation for dispatch on the front end Kits page.
    Can Be Discounted Discountable Kits can be discounted with Vouchers, Loyalty Schemes or Site wide Discounts. Non-discountable Kits will be ignored.
    Has Manufacturer-Issued UPIs Related mostly to feed management, when this field is set to true, it indicates if any Unique Product Identifiers (e.g. EAN13), are actual manufacturer UPIs or not.

    In almost all cases, this should be left on, but for things such as Kits, it is possible that you may be creating an ‘item’ which does not have a ‘barcode’ as such. In which case, you should uncheck this item. Another example is your gift vouchers, which of course only have a part code in the context of your store.
    Advanced Kit Information
    Inactive Redirect Type If the Kit is Inactive, the following redirects can be put in place:
    • No Redirect: No Redirect occurs.
    • Redirect To Sibling: A search is performed based on the Inactive Redirect Parameter. A different Model ID should be entered for the Inactive Redirect Parameter.
    • Redirect To Search: A search is performed based on the Inactive Redirect Parameter.
    Inactive Redirect Parameter The value used for redirects when Redirect To Sibling or Redirect To Search is selected for Inactive Redirect Type.
    Purchase Type Some product manufacturers require that customers must speak to a member of sales staff before making a purchase. This is typically limited to the golf industry. If you sell products that require advice, instruction or guidance before purchase, set this to ‘Contact Retailer’. Otherwise leave as ‘Normal’.
    Hide Price In Listings Prices will be hidden on Listings pages if this setting is enabled. The Customer will only be able to view the Price by clicking into the Kits page.
    Notes Supplementary notes held against the kit. These are not displayed on the front end.
  4. When you have entered or edited all the details, click the Insert Kit or Update Kit button to save them. If Inserting a new Kit, two new tabs will appear, Images and Kit Choices.
  5. Click the Images tab. Here you can set the main image that will appear for the Kit. Enter or edit the following details:
    Main Images for 'Kit'
    Display Large Image on Kit Page Enabling this setting makes the Kit's Image on the front end Kits page clickable. Clicking this image will open a lightbox window displaying the originally uploaded versions of the Kit’s Images. This is recommended where the image quality is good.
    Current Main Image The Current Main Image that will appear for this Kit.
    Product Image Order You can reorder images using drag and drop actions. The first image is the default main image for the Kit. Images are ordered from left to right and determine the default order in which images are displayed on Kit detail pages. To see the original version of an image, click the magnifying glass icon. Click the Delete button to remove an image. Note that when the main image is changed, the large popup of the image may be changed based on the new image size. The large image popup will show when the Model image is clicked. This will occur where the original model image uploaded is bigger than that displayed on the main Models page. If the original model image uploaded is the same size as the one displayed on the Models page, the large image popup will not appear. The application setting, ‘Enable Large Image Popup on Models Page’ will need to be enabled before the large image popup appears.
    You can also use this section to ‘tag’ images in your IRP with a description of up to 200 characters. The description will be displayed below the image and will also be shown when you change the image on the carousel. These tags can help customers better understand what the image is showing. To tag images, follow these steps:
    1. Click the right-side ‘tag’ icon. A text box opens to the right of the image:
    Image Tag editing screen
    2. Select the language for the tag using the drop-down list.
    3. Enter the text for the tag. You can separate distinct features with commas. Here is an example:
    Example Image Tag description
    4. Click the Update button to save the tag description.
    5. Check that the tag appears the way you want it to appear on the front end. Here's how the example from the previous step appears; you can see the description below the image:
    Example Image Tag on the IRP front end
    You can also use this section to display a different image from the main image when a customer hovers over their cursor over the main image. This applies to all listing pages (Brands, Categories, Search and so forth) on the standard and private sale sites. This allows customers to see more aspects of a product without having to click through individually to each one that they are interested in.
    You can configure this feature at the Application Setting level by setting ‘Model Listing Hover Image Index’ (Product Listing group) to 0 (no hover image will show), 1 (the first additional image will show), 2 (the second additional image will show) and so forth. However you can override the Application Setting on the model level by ticking the box in the top-left corner of the image:
    Tick box for overriding Application Setting for image hover-over images
    Here is an example on the front end with Application Setting set to ‘1’ – this is before hovering the customer:
    Listing image before hovering the cursor on IRP front end
    Then when the cursor is hovered over the image, the following image is shown:
    Listing image after hovering the cursor on IRP front end
    Upload New Main Image (or drag and drop multiple images) A Main Image of any size can be uploaded by clicking the Browse button, navigating to the required Image on your machine and selecting it. Click the Upload Main Image button to upload the Image.
    Videos for 'Kit'
    Video Platform Select the video platform that is hosting the video content and provides an option to embed the content. Only the video ID is required for each platform. This is the unique ID provided by the platform that identifies the video. Typically you can find the Video ID in the video URL, settings, or embed code. It is recommended that all other inputs use the default value, however further details on what each value does can be found on the respective video platform's site.
    Upload Video Thumbnail (Optional) This is the thumbnail image that will display for the video in image carousels or when the video is loading. Note that the IRP will automatically display a 'play' icon on top of thumbnail images when displaying to customers. A default grey thumbnail will be used if you do not provide a custom thumbnail. All thumbnails will automatically display with a semi-transparent white play icon overlay. You can change this play icon on the CssStylesStandardControls.aspx page using the 'Upload Files' feature.

    Note: Videos will be displayed in the image carousel and image list on desktop, mobile, and trade sites. You can also add videos on the FixedKitEdit.aspx ModelsEdit.aspx pages in IRP Admin. After you have added a video, you can edit the video platform settings by clicking the video button against the thumbnail in the image list. You can provide tags for thumbnail images and reorder them in the same way as normal model images, however video thumbnails cannot be the main image and cannot be used as the listing hover image.
  6. Click the Kit Choices Tab to add Kit Groups to the Kit.
    In the Add New Kit Choices section, use the Search bar to find the Kit Groups you want to add to the Fixed Kit.
    Click the Add to Kit button at the right side of each Kit Group you want to add to the Kit. These will be added to the Current Kit Choices section. You can set the following options for the Kit Groups here:
    Order Sets the Display Order which the Kit Groups will appear in, on the front end.
    Out Of Stock Selection Allows Customers to Order Kit Members that are Out Of Stock. Note that these Kit Members will only display if the Display If Out Of Stock setting is enabled.
    Display If Out Of Stock Displays Kit Members that are Out Of Stock in addition to the Kit Members which are In Stock.
    Required Choice Makes this Kit Choice a Required Choice. Customers must select a Kit Member from this Kit Choice in order to add the kit to the basket. If this setting is disabled, the text ‘(optional)’ appears beside the Kit Choice Name.
    Allow Quantities Allows customers to enter how much of this particular item they want to order. The cost here is worked out by taking the value the customer enters and multiplying it by the Extra Cost value set against the Kit Member in the Kit Group section. This is discussed in further detail in the How To Add or Edit a Kit Group article in this section.
    Show Model Name Displays Model Name in the dropdown selection. For example, if enabled:
    If disabled:
    Show Stock Indicator Shows whether a Kit member is available/in stock in the dropdown selection. For example, if enabled:
    If disabled, no Available Stock Indicator is shown.
    Show Quantity In Stock Shows the quantity in Stock for this particular Kit Member. Note that the Show Stock Indicator setting must be enabled for this value to appear.
    If disabled, no Available Stock Quantity is shown.
    Collapse Descriptions This allows Customers to collapse the Kit Choice sections using the link. If the Show Descriptions setting in the Kit Group is enabled, all Model Descriptions will be displayed in the Kit Choice section. This allows customers to expand and close the different Kit Choice sections as necessary.
  7. When you have entered or edited all the details, click the Update Kit button.
How To Add or Edit a Fixed Kit

FAQs (10)

What is a kit group?
A kit group provides an option within a kit and is a collection of stock items / models.
Where can the kits be viewed on the website?
The kits can appear as normal models or they will be in the category section.
What is the basic set up for a kit?
To set up a kit simply create the kit, give it a package price, create the kit groups and then add these kit groups to your kit
What is the display name?
The display name is the option or choice name that you are presenting to your site visitors.
What is the Admin name?
This allows you to name the kit yourself, to suit your own preferences, and can also make it easier to search for specific kits in IRP Admin.
What is the choice number?
This refers to the order in which the choices will appear.
What is meant by ‘Can choose if out of stock’?
This allows a customer to still choose part of the kit even though it is not in stock. It is up to you to arrange the delivery of this with the customer if you wish to deliver all of the order together when all items become in stock again, or send it separately.
What is meant by ‘Required Item’?
This is an item that must be purchased as part of the kit.
What determines the web stock value of a fixed kit?
The web stock value of a fixed kit is determined by the value of the lowest web stock value of the fixed kits components.
Can I make changes to stock details of a kit even if orders have already been placed for it?
You cannot make changes to the details if orders have already been placed for the kit, otherwise the changes would mess up previous orders. If you want to make changes, the best thing to do would be to create a new kit that includes the information you want to be offered to customers.
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