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Navigation - Custom Mobile Menu Links

The IRP allows you to add links into mobile menus, either at the top or bottom of the menu. The link text and URLs are translatable. You can also configure the links to appear only in specific countries. If no specific country is set against the links then they will appear for all countries.

Here are example links on the mobile menu: one at the top of the menu called 'View Our Special Offers' and one at the bottom called 'Home Page':

Mobile Menu Custom Links

Note that the 'My Account' page will always be last in the list and if you have the 'All Offers' link enabled, it will always be at the bottom also.

You can find the link for Mobile Menu on the following pages within the Interface & Design > Navigation section in the IRP Admin left navigation menu:

  • NavigationBottom.aspx
  • NavigationBottomCheckout.aspx
  • NavigationBottomMobile.aspx
  • NavigationLeft.aspx
  • NavigationMobileBottomCheckout.aspx
  • NavigationSiteMap.aspx
  • NavigationTop.aspx
  • NavigationTradeBottom.aspx
  • NavigationTradeBottomCheckout.aspx
  • NavigationTradeTop.aspx

For more details, see the How To Add Or Edit Custom Mobile Menu Links topic.

Custom Mobile Menu Link Parents

Mobile Menu Custom Links can specify parent links within the same custom link area (the top or bottom of the mobile menu). Links with children should not have a Link URL otherwise the child links will not be reachable. Multiple generations of custom links can be added and will function in the same way as the existing category or brand menus. This allows for a completely custom multi-layered mobile menu structure.

The following Application Settings (in the 'Mobile Site' grouping) allow the default mobile brand and mobile category menus to be disabled:

  • Enable Mobile Menu Brand Links: When enabled, an automatically-generated series of links will be rendered in the mobile menu for all active brands.
  • Enable Mobile Menu Category Links: When enabled, an automatically-generated series of links will be rendered in the mobile menu for all active categories. This will include animated sliding links between parent and child categories.

It is recommended that custom links are added before deactivating both the brand and category mobile menus.

Here is an example configuration in IRP Admin showing one top-level parent link ('View Our Special Offers') that has two children ('Top Hoodie!' and 'Our Best Selling Sock!'). Note that the Display Order is configured so that 'Top Hoodie!' will be shown before 'Our Best Selling Sock!'. (In the configuration of the top-level parent (on the NavigationMobileMenuCustomLinksEdit.aspx page) the 'Link URL' setting is left blank):

Mobile Menu Custom Parent Link

When viewed on the mobile site, this appears as follows (the top-level parent is shown in the screen capture on the left and the two child menus (which appear when 'View Our Special Offers' is clicked) on the right):

Mobile Menu Custom Parent LinkMobile Menu Custom Parent Link

How To Guides (1)

How To Add Or Edit Custom Mobile Menu Links
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