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Trade Promotions

You can find this section under Trade Site > Trade Promotions in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.

This section is an extension of the B2C Promotions Engine, implemented within the Trade platform. The section contains all the necessary features to maximise your trade sales using promotional offers, discounts and vouchers, for example, 'Buy 3 for 2', 'Buy one, get one free' and so forth. You can create a promotion that examines basket requirement rules to determine if Free Shipping is available for items. You can to do this by brand or category only. You can configure promotions in multiple ways, including by shipping country and by the contents of a customer's basket.

You can configure rule-based promotions as incentives for your visitors and customers. The feature is very easy to use – the Trade Promotions Engine has the potential to be a great revenue generator for your business.

TradePromotions.aspx page

The main promotions page under Trade Site > Trade Promotions (TradePromotions.aspx) appears as follows:

Trade Promotions page

You can use the search feature to search by promotion name or IRP Admin name. Expand Other Options under the search bar to see the full range of options, including filtering by Active/Inactive status, Promotion Type, Currency, Price List and Start Date / End Date (Before, After or Any).

You can also export the promotion details by clicking the spreadsheet icon under the filtering options.

The main grid shows the following details for each promotion:

  • ID: This is the unique IRP identifier for the promotion.
  • Active: Only active promotions can be applied to customer baskets. You can un-check the box to make the promotion inactive. If you make a change, click the Update All Promotions button.
  • Order: This is the order in which the promotion will be executed on the customer's basket. If multiple product promotions are available on a particular customer's basket, only products that have not been used as part of another promotion can be used in further promotions. You can change the order by typing directly in the box. If you make a change, click the Update All Promotions button.
  • Admin Name: This name is used specifically to identify the promotion in IRP Admin. If no Admin Name has been added, it will be automatically set to the English front end Name/Title.
  • Currency: Should this Promotion Type require a Currency to be set against it, this is the Currency that any Promotional Price or Discount Amount will be in. Note that this value also will also filter down to Basket Restrictions if any exist.
  • Type: This is the type of promotion as described in the Promotion Types section below.
  • Details: This shows details such as the number of models and stock items offered as part of the promotion.
  • Start Date: The date and time that the promotion will, or did, start at.
  • End Date: The optional end date for the promotion. If no end date is set, the promotion will be ongoing from the start date.
  • Orders: This field shows the current numbers of orders made through the promotion.
  • Value: This field shows the current total value of orders generated by the promotion.
  • Price Lists: This field shows the Price Lists associated with the promotion.
  • Delete: If you want to delete a promotion, check the box to the right of the relevant row and click the Delete Selected Promotions button.
  • Copy: If you want to replicate a promotion, click the Copy button. The replicated promotion is inactive initially. You can then go on to edit the details and make the promotion active. For details, see the How To Add or Edit a Promotion topic in this section.
  • Edit: If you want to edit a promotion, click the Edit button. For details, see the How To Add or Edit a Trade Promotion topic in this section.
  • Preview: Click the desktop monitor icon in this column to view the promotion on your desktop site. Click the mobile icon to view the promotion on your mobile site.

You can see the following buttons along the top of the page:

  • View Promotions On Website: Click this button to see the Trade/CurrentPromotions.aspx page on the front end of the website. This is where your customers can see all the promotions in one place. When customers go from here to view the product listings, they can choose to view in-stock only items, in which case only Promotional Products that have a positive Website Stock Level or have been set to 'Stock Held Externally' will appear in the Product List.
    Note on Promotional Pricing In Listings: all listings throughout Desktop and Mobile sites will display the Promotional Price for products that are part of current active Promotions as long as they have no Basket Conditions and also that the setting 'Apply Only When Customer Has Items In Their Basket' is not enabled in the Promotion. If a Promotion does have Basket Conditions, the products will not display as being part of a Promotion within the listings. (Note also that EPOS Promotional Price displays are not included.) For example, if a 'Get Product at 10% Discount' Promotion was set up with no Basket Restrictions and with the Product Restriction Rule that the Brand called 'Wychwood' was included, the front end brand page for Wychwood would appear as follows:
    Promotion Listings
    You can clearly see the promotional prices, the RRPs and the saving text. If you were to click in to one of the models, the promotional price would also be shown on the model page:
    Promotion Listings
  • History Log: Click this button to view the Promotion Audit History Log. This takes you directly to the PromotionHistoryLog.aspx page where you can view details of the actions carried out by IRP Admin users using the Promotions Engine. For details, see the How to View the Promotion History Log article in this section.
  • Add New Promotion: Click this button to create a new promotion. For details, see the How To Add or Edit a Trade Promotion article in this section.
  • Show All Promotions: Click this button to display all promotions in the grid, if they are not already displayed.

Trade Promotion types

There are several types of promotion available:

  1. Buy ['x' number of products] & Get ['y' number of products] for a Fixed Amount Off
    For example, 'Buy 2 get 1 for £5 off'.
  2. Buy ['x' number of products] & Get ['y' number of products] for a Percentage Discount
    For example, 'Buy 1 get 1 half price'.
  3. Buy [‘x’ number of products] & Get ['y' number of products] for a Set Price
    For example, 'Buy 1 get 1 Free', 'Buy 4 get for the price of 3', 'Buy 2 get 1 for £50'.
  4. Buy ['x' number of products] Get them for a promotional price
    You can opt to include the following types of promotional price:
    • Money Off Each: This takes a set amount of money off each of the 'X' qualifying products. For example: Buy 2 products, get £5 off each of them.
    • Set Percentage (%) Off Each: This takes a set percentage off each of the 'X' qualifying products. For example: Buy 4 products, get 10% off each of them.
    • Each for a Set Price: This means that each of the 'X' qualifying products are given a set price. For example: Buy 3 products, get them for £3 each.
    • Set Combined Total for 'X': This means that the combined total of the 'X' qualifying products is equal to the set value. For example: Buy 3 for £10.
  5. Free Gift With Purchase
    For example, 'Get a free book with this product today'.
    1. This Promotion Type restricts the Customer to one Free Gift per order. You cannot use this Promotion Type to offer multiple Free Gifts with an order. If you want to do this, you should instead use the 'Get Product At Set Price' Promotion Type and set the price to zero.
    2. Free Gifts are removed if there is nothing else in the customer's basket. You can add a restriction rule that the Basket Sub Total must be, for example, at least £0.01.
  6. Free Shipping
    For example, 'Free shipping for this product today'
  7. Get Product At Fixed Discount
    For example, 'Get £10 off this product today'
  8. Get Product At Percentage Discount
    For example, 'Get 10% off this product today'
  9. Get Product At Set Price
    For example, 'Get this product today for £10'
  10. Money Off Basket Sub Total
    For example, '£5 off all orders with no minimum spend required'
  11. Money Off Total Above Minimum Spend
    For example, '£10 off all orders over £50'
  12. Percentage Off Basket Sub Total
    For example, '10% off all orders with no minimum spend required'
  13. Percentage Off Total Above Minimum Spend
    For example, '10% off all orders over £50'

Quantity Discount / Trade Promotion interaction

You can apply Trade Promotions to products available on the Trade Site with defined Quantity Discounts. Promotional pricing will be applied to the highest Quantity Discount price (the 'original' item price). In the case that the discount earned from a Quantity Discount break becomes greater than the promotional discount, the Quantity Discount break will be used instead.

Trade Promotions marked as 'Discount Taken Off RRP' will apply promotional pricing to the RRP value of a Quantity-Discountable item. In the case that the discount earned from a Quantity Discount break becomes greater than the promotional discount from the RRP, the Quantity Discount break will be used instead.

Managing orders made using Promotions

For more information about promotions, see the B2C Promotions Engine help topic.

Application Settings for Promotions

See the B2C Promotions help topic for details of Application Settings for promotions.

How To Guides (2)

How To Add or Edit a Trade Promotion
How To View the Trade Promotion History Log
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