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Product Customisations

You can find this section under Products > Product Customisations in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.

Product Customisations allow you to provide base products with personalised elements. For example, t-shirts with image and text printing, sports equipment with inscribed names and so forth. The feature has been designed to allow all kinds of customisable products to be added.

Category, Brand and Model Restrictions

You can apply Category, Brand and Model restrictions to Product Customisations so that only specific Categories, Brands and Models can be personalised by customers.

Content and Printing Methods

A product customisation has different options which specify the type of content that can be added to the base product:

  • You can specify fonts that the customer will be able to select when adding text elements. The font selection drop-down lists display the fonts in their given font styles, where supported by the current browser. Fonts can be limited to upper-case, lower-case or both. Specific font sizes and colours can be used with optional surcharge values.
  • You can specify printing methods for a customisation. Printing methods can prevent text or images from being added if the method is not capable of printing them. The printing method name should describe to the customer how their product will be printed/created, for example, Text Only, Logo Only, Text & Logo. You can add printing methods with surcharges including a fixed rate setup charge and unit charges (these are additional surcharges applied – potentially per a specific number of units based on the number of units bought by a customer).

Product Views

Each customisation must contain at least one Product View, (for example, Front, Back, Side). You can add views to a customisation dynamically and there is no limit to the number of views that are allowed. However the appearance of the customisation control as seen by the customer should be considered. Each view will have a base image (blank product image) which is the image to which the customer will add their custom elements. On the front end of the site, new tabs will display for each view. In IRP Admin, a tab called Personalisation Base Images will be displayed for a customisable model on the ModelsEdit.aspx page. This will allow specific models to override the default base image. This can be used if a particular product, perhaps belonging to a distinctive looking brand, requires a base image other than the default one.

You can add Product Views with surcharges which can also be applied per the number of units ordered. Product Views also allow a minimum custom image width and height to be specified which will prevent images smaller than the given values from being uploaded.

The Product View areas have a Mutually Exclusive property which will prevent images and text from both being present in the given area at the same time. There are also limitations for areas to specifically limit the number of text and image elements an area can hold. Within an area, text and image elements can also be set as fixed. If an area allows only fixed images or fixed text then the customer will not be able to move or resize the elements once they have been added, in which case the element will be automatically centred and resized to fill as much of the area as possible without altering the element’s proportions.

Each view must contain at least one defined area. These are areas in which custom content can be added to a product. They act as limitations for the positioning and size of text and image elements that the customer may add. Areas can be defined on the ProductCustomisationEdit.aspx page by dragging the mouse across the base image. There are checkboxes that allow an area to prevent images or text to be added, but at least one of these must be allowed for a specified area.

Base images

The base image should not exceed 440px as any size greater than this may lead to errors when rendering what the customer adds and may cause HTML elements to overlap. Product Views have a display order which determines the order of the front end tab product view in the customisation control. You can specify a maximum image height and width for a view that will prevent customers from uploading images which exceed the height and width restrictions.

Currently stock-specific base images are not supported; however products of different colours can still be made customisable if they are added as separate models. For example, a new model can be added for a green customisable t-shirt, which can override the default white base image for each view with a green one. Another model could be added for a red customisable t-shirt which could also override the default white base image with a red one. When a customer views either of these products, the correctly-coloured base images will be displayed.


  • Any model-specific base images should match the dimensions and product position of the original base image, otherwise there may be inconsistencies with the text or images that are added for the given model.
  • If the customisable model is deleted, any model-specific base images will be removed from the server. If the product customisation associated with the model is deleted, all images including the model specific images will be deleted from the server.

Orders containing customised products

You can review orders containing customised products as normal in IRP Admin however the stock option description will contain a Personalised link that will open a lightbox. This will display a preview of each view of the customisation with all custom elements that the customer has added overlaid on the base image. Text elements will display the font and colour hex value when the mouse hovers over them. This link will also appear on the EditOrder.aspx page.

Setup overview

Initial set-up of this feature includes the following steps:

  1. Completion of the Customisation Terms and Conditions (Large Translation 107).
  2. Adding categories for customisable products.
  3. Adding customisations for those categories.
  4. Adding customisable products to those categories (and potentially overriding the default base images for the given product where required, for example a product of a different colour than the base image).

These steps are covered in further detail in the How To Add or Edit a Product Customisation article in this section.

Further information


  • You should contact customers if element orientations seem incorrect.
  • Customisations will apply to the normal and mobile versions of your site and any applicable products in a private sale.

Front end

  • The customer will have the opportunity to Personalise This Model (Small Translation 2485):
    Personalise this product
    When they click the 'Personalise This Model' button they will be able to proceed with their customisation or they can click the View Standard Model button to see the non-customisable version. If they click this button, they will see a confirmation message: Are you sure you want to view the standard model? All personalisations will be lost. To proceed they need to click 'OK' or otherwise they can click 'Cancel'.
  • The Buy button is disabled until the customer confirms that they have read the Terms and Conditions (set in Large Translation 107).
  • There is no requirement for a customer to add any custom text or images before adding the product to their basket.
  • Any surcharges that are activated are displayed on the Model page in the customisation control.
  • If for any reason you do not want to display a preview with the customisation, you can enable the Display Preview setting on the ProductCustomisationEdit.aspx page. Each customised element will be listed per area.

    Customers can edit the format of the text additions that they make. As they change the content, font and colour of each piece of text that they add, they can see the changes immediately reflected on their screen. Customers can use label, font and colour selection controls to make their changes and then click a green 'tick' button to confirm their selections.
    Note that, in IRP Admin, the customisation preview does not display for mobile orders as the customer cannot see a preview when adding the customisation to begin with. The elements for all non-preview scenarios should be considered to have the default layout.
  • Once a customised product has been added to the basket, a Personalised link will be displayed on the basket (including Basket Hover), and order summary pages for the standard, mobile and private sale pages.
  • Products that have been customised and added to a customer’s basket can be edited. The Personalised link will be displayed on the basket pages and the basket hover control. This will redirect to the Models page where any existing text and image elements will be rendered along with any previously-added instructions, selected printing method and stock options. The edited customisation can then be added to the basket or wish list.
  • Once a customer has placed an order, they can review their customised product in the My Account section on OrderDetails.aspx.
  • Customised products that a customer has previously purchased can be reordered if they view their orders and click on the customised product name.

Back end

Linked products will display a link above the image/customisation control on the Models page. This links to the non-customisable Model. For example, if you are selling customisable and non-customisable versions of the same product they can be linked through this functionality. The Small Translations governing the link text are 1785 & 1786.

  • You can view further information for all customisation fields by hovering over the information ('i') icons.
  • When inserting a new product customisation in IRP Admin, the active status will be set to false initially and automatically set to true if the customisation is valid.
  • You cannot apply customisable products to Kits or Kit items.
  • Individual customisable products should be added as normal Models, except when added to a category which has a customisation associated with it. Any additional charges associated with customisable products will be reflected in the Model price.
  • You can set product customization printing methods to inactive.
  • The Personalised Versions tab on the ModelsEdit.aspx page allows customised products to be linked with those which cannot:
  • You must set Actual Unit values correctly for each customisable stock option. The Actual Units field on the StockEdit.aspx page should reflect the number of items within a product which could be printed. For example, a box contains 12 customisable golf balls so the ‘Actual Units’ value for this option should be 12. A separate stock option contains 24 golf balls so the ‘Actual Units’ value for this option should be 24. This figure is used in the calculation for working out printing charges.
  • The Application Setting Personalisation Image File Size Limit allows you to set a maximum file size limitation for custom images. This will prevent customers from uploading images any larger than the acceptable value.
  • You can apply quantity discounts to customisable products in the same manner as non-customisable products. The quantity discounts can be set up as normal on the StockEdit.aspx page. If the selected stock option in a customisable product has quantity discounts, a quantity textbox will display. When the mouse hovers over the quantity textbox the discount thresholds are displayed. Surcharges are recalculated when the quantity of a basket item is updated so as to reflect any change in unit dependant surcharges.
  • The Common Task Remove Old Personalisation Images removes any temporary images that have been uploaded for customisations which have not been added to a customer’s basket. It will also remove any images uploaded for customisations that were added to the basket and have existed for a specified amount of days. This task should be set up to run daily if you are selling customisable products on your site. By default the Common Task will remove all images older than 90 days. There is also a Bulk Operation that will delete images older than the specified number of days. Note that it is possible for a customer to add a customised product to their basket and return to it after 90 days by which time any images they uploaded will have been removed.

ProductCustomisations.aspx page

The ProductCustomisations.aspx page appears as follows:

Product Customisations

You can use the search bar at the top of the page to find any Product Customisation. If you expand 'Other Options' you can filter your results by Brand, Category or Active/Inactive status.

You can see the following details in the main grid:

  • ID: This is the unique IRP identifier for this Product Customisation, added automatically by the IRP.
  • Active: Active Product Customisations will be applied to Models where the Brand and Category restrictions have been met. Inactive Product Customisations will not apply at all on the front-end of the site. Note that a Product Customisation cannot be made active until Product Views and Printing Methods have been added.
  • Base Image(s): This shows the Base Image (if any have been configured) for the Product Customisation. Any extra images will be shown in a count below the image shown. You can click on the image to go through to the Product Views tab on the ProductCustomisations.aspx page.
  • Name: This name is only used in the IRP Admin so that this Product Customisation can be quickly referenced and identified on the ProductCustomisations.aspx page.
  • Max Elements: This is the sum of the maximum number of text elements and the maximum number of image elements that can be added to this Product Customisation.
  • Text: This is the maximum number of text elements that can be added to this Product Customisation.
  • Images: This is the maximum number of image elements that can be added to this Product Customisation.
  • Printing Methods: This shows the number of Printing Methods that have been configured for the Product Customisation. You can click on the number to go through to the Printing Methods tab on the ProductCustomisations.aspx page.
  • Product Views: This shows the number of Product View areas that have been configured for the Product Customisation. You can click on the number to go through to the Product Views tab on the ProductCustomisations.aspx page.
  • Models: This shows the total number of models that are included in the Product Customisation configuration.
  • Preview: Click this button to see what the Product Customisation configuration will look like on the front end of your website.
  • Copy: Click this button to make a copy of a Product Customisation so that you can simply modify the copied version and save it as a new Product Customisation.
  • Edit: Click this button to go to the ProductCustomisationEdit.aspx page where you can make changes to a Product Customisation. For details see How To Add or Edit a Product Customisation.

See the How To Add or Edit a Product Customisation article in this section for help with creating product customisations.

How To Guides (1)

How To Add or Edit a Product Customisation


  • The Product Customisation feature has been designed with manufacturers in mind. Manufacturers will have a set of guidelines that must be followed to order customised products from them. All sections are fully customisable, allowing any limitations or extra charges to be applied where necessary.
  • All surcharge values discussed in this article include VAT.
  • The layer buttons are hidden when there is only one element in the customisation (front end).
  • When a customisation displays without the preview then the model images display by default.
  • The surcharges section is hidden when there are no charges (front end).
  • You can easily duplicate an existing Product Customisation by clicking the Copy button. This allows you to use the same basic details as many times as you need, making whatever modifications you need to make each time.

To add or edit a Product Customisation, follow the steps described in the sections that follow.

Product Customisation Information tab

  1. Go to Products > Product Customisations in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.
  2. To add a new Product Customisation, click the Add New Product Customisation button at the top of the page.
  3. To edit an existing Product Customisation, click the Edit button at the right side of the Product Customisation that you want to edit.
  4. Enter or edit the following details:
    Product Customisation Details
    Customisation ID The unique IRP identifier for this Product Customisation. This is automatically generated when adding a Product Customisation.
    Active Active Product Customisations will be applied to Models where the Brand and Category restrictions have been met. Inactive Product Customisations will not apply at all on the front end of the site. Note that a Product Customisation cannot be made active until you have added Product Views and Printing Methods.
    Name This name is used only in IRP Admin so that this Product Customisation can be quickly referenced and identified on the ProductCustomisations.aspx page.
    Priority Priority is used if multiple Product Customisations apply to the same Model. Lower values correspond to higher priorities, making them more likely to display, for example 0 has a higher Priority than 1 so will display before any Customisations with a priority of 1 or greater.
    Display Preview If you check this box, any Custom Elements that the Customer adds will display on the preview image, overlaid on a base image. If a fairly accurate preview is not possible then you should not check this box so that no preview displays but the personalised elements can still be recorded. If you leave this box unchecked, the options will be listed separately in the boxes and will not be shown on the preview options - but the model images will continue to be shown.
    Description This optional description can be used to detail what the Product Customisation is for and what it allows for other Admin Users.
    Advanced Details
    Max Text Elements The maximum number of Text Elements that a customer can add to the customisation.
    Note that the Max Text Elements value is set against the full customisation which limits the maximum number of text elements that can be added across all product views. To limit the number of text elements for a specific product view, you need to enable the Allow Custom Text setting (on the 'Product Views' tab) and enter a value for the Text Element Limit setting for the area within it.
    For example, if you would like to configure product views such as the 'front' and 'back' of an item which are each limited to one piece of text, you need to set Text Element Limit to 1 for the area in each of these views. If there is a Max Text Elements value of 2 and no Text Element Limit per view, a customer can add both of these elements to either the 'front' or the 'back' rather than one text element each.
    Text Element Surcharge This surcharge will be applied for each Text Element that the customer adds.
    Max Image Elements The maximum number of Image Elements that a customer can add to the customisation.
    Image Element Surcharge This surcharge will be applied for each Image Element that the customer adds.
    Allow Text Colour Selection If unchecked, all Text Fonts will be black by default and the customer will not have the option of changing this colour. If checked, a universal colour palette or specific colours can be defined under the Text Element Options tab.
    Allow Text Font Selection If unchecked, this will prevent the customer from being able to choose a font from a dropdown list and the default font will be Arial. If checked, specific fonts can be defined under the Text Element Options tab. Note that all fonts must be supported in CSS in order to display correctly on the front end of the site.
    Allow Element Rotation This allows customers to rotate Text or Images that they add if the Display Preview setting is enabled. Rotation does not work in IE8 or earlier.
  5. When inserting a Product Customisation, click the Insert Product Customisation button to save the details. You should then see the following message at the top of the page:
    Product Customisation Message in IRP Admin
    And new tabs will appear: Category Restrictions, Brand Restrictions, Model Restrictions, Text Element Options, Printing Methods and Product Views.
  6. On the Category Restrictions and Brand Restrictions tabs, you can apply the customisation to the customisable category that you have created previously and/or any specific Brand/s. To do this, highlight the Non-Selected Categories/Brands that you want to apply the customisation to and click the Add >>> button. This will add these Categories/Brands to the Select Categories/Select Brands lists. You can revert this by highlighting the Selected Categories/Brands that you want to remove, and clicking the <<< Remove button.
  7. When you have entered or edited the necessary details on the tabs, click the Update Product Customisation button.
  8. On the Model Restrictions tab you can apply the customisation to a specific model or models. To do this, click your mouse cursor in the search bar and then select the model or models from the drop-down list that you want to apply the customisation to and click the Add Models button. You will then see the model or models you have added in the grid on the page and from here you can also delete models that you have previously selected:
    Product Customisation Add Model Restriction
  9. When you have entered or edited the necessary details, click the Update Product Customisation button. With the main Product Customisation Information set, you can now move on to adding Product Views, Text Element Options and Printing Methods.

Product Views tab

Product Views are the areas in which images or text can be added to the product. Examples of Product Views include Front, Back, Left Pocket, and so forth. Each view must have one or more Defined Areas that a Customer can add images and/or text to. This tab also allows you to add the base image for this product as well as define the areas to which custom content can be added.

To add a Product View, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Product Views tab.
  2. To add a new Product View, click the Add New Product View button at the left side of the page.
  3. To edit an existing Product View, click the Edit button at the right side of the Product View that you want to edit.
  4. Enter or edit the following details:
    Product View ID The unique IRP identifier for this Product View. This is automatically generated when adding a Product View.
    Product Customisation The Product Customisation this Product View will, or does, apply to. This is automatically set to the customisation for which you are adding the Product View.
    Product View Base Image (Adding Product Views only.) The Base Image is what the customer will see when they are customising the Product. Custom Text and Image elements will appear on top of this image. Images can be uploaded by clicking the Choose File button, navigating to the required Image on your machine and selecting it. Base Images must be in JPEG format and should not exceed 440px.
    View Name This translatable Name value will appear as the tab Text for this View on the front end. Click the Translate button to change the language you are editing.
    Display Order Each view will display in its own tab on the front end, so the display order determines which view to display first. Lower values will appear before higher values, with a value of 0 appearing first.
    Surcharge This GBP surcharge will be applied when the customer personalises this View, i.e. adds a Text/Image element to the View. This surcharge can be set per amount of units. For example, if a surcharge of 5 and 12 units are specified, the 5 surcharge will be applied to every 12 units to be printed. If 24 units are ordered the total surcharge value will be 10. In cases where fewer units than the units value are ordered, the surcharge will be applied once. For example, if a surcharge of 5 and 12 units are specified, and a customer orders 8 units, the 5 surcharge will still be applied.
    Min Custom Image Height (px) This sets the minimum Image Height. Images smaller than this will not be uploaded.
    Max Custom Image Height (px) This sets the maximum Image Height. Images larger than this will not be uploaded.
    Min Custom Image Width (px) This sets the minimum Image Width. Images smaller than this will not be uploaded.
    Max Custom Image Width (px) This sets the maximum Image Width. Images larger than this will not be uploaded.
  5. When inserting a Product View, click the Insert View button. A new section called Product View Areas will open which will allow you to specify the areas that can be customised on the product:
    Product Customisation Product Views
  6. You must define the Areas in which customers will be able to place Images/Text. To define or draw an Area, drag the mouse over the base image to select an area that the customer will be able add Images or Text to. The X and Y, Height and Width values of the area will be displayed below. If you plan on adding more than one Area in the same View, ensure that they do not overlap.
  7. When you have defined the area, enter or edit the following details:
    Start X The starting X coordinate for this area - this is populated automatically according to the area you have selected with your cursor.
    Start Y The starting Y coordinate for this area - this is populated automatically according to the area you have selected with your cursor.
    Width (px) The width of this area in pixels - this is populated automatically according to the area you have selected with your cursor.
    Height (px) The height of this area in pixels - this is populated automatically according to the area you have selected with your cursor.
    Area Name This translation will appear in a dropdown list on the front end of the site when the customer selects the area to which they want to add their text or images. Click the Translate button to change the language you are editing.
    Mutually Exclusive Text & Images If enabled, either Text or Images can be added to the Area, but not both in the same Area.
    Allow Custom Images If enabled, Images will be accepted in the Area. If disabled, Images cannot be added to the Area. A customisable area must allow custom images, text or both. If you check this box then the following settings will also appear:
    Fixed Image Area: If checked, any images that a customer adds will be automatically centred in this area and shall not be moveable or resizeable. Note that this applies only if a preview is displayed for this customisation.
    Image Element Limit (optional): This value will limit the number of images that a user can add to this area.
    Allow Custom Text If enabled, Text will be accepted in the Area. If disabled, Text cannot be added to the Area. A customisable area must allow custom images, text or both. If you check this box then the following settings will also appear:
    Fixed Text Area: If checked, any text that a customer adds will be automatically centred in this area and shall not be moveable or resizeable and font sizes will not be selectable (the font size will be changed automatically based on the number of characters entered). The number of lines of text to add and the number of allowed characters per line must be specified if this is selected. Note that this applies only if a preview is displayed for this customisation.
    Is Text Numeric Only: If checked, any text that a customer adds will be limited to numeric characters 0-9.
    Text Element Limit (optional): This will limit the number of text elements that can be added to this area to the given value (which is optional).
    Max Number Of Characters (optional): This is the maximum number of characters to allow per element in the input text area which the customer will add their text to.
    Character Surcharge: This surcharge will be applied to each character of each personalised text element that the customer adds to this area.
  8. When you have added the necessary View details, click the Add Area button.
  9. When you have added the required Product Views, click the Update View button to save them all.
  10. Once configured you will see the Product Views listed in a grid:
    Product Customisation Product Views Grid
    Here is an example of how previously-configured Product Views look when you are back on the ProductCustomisationEdit.aspx page:
  11. To define more Areas or make changes to an existing area from the ProductCustomisationEdit.aspx page, click either the Has Areas link or the Edit button at the right side of the Product View you want to define an Area for. From here you can edit any of the details that you have previously entered for the Product View as well as add Areas.

Text Element Options tab

You can specify the available Text Fonts, Font Sizes and text Colours for the Customisation here. All of these Text Elements are optional.

Text Fonts

Add the fonts that will be available to customers when they add custom text elements. Font names should correspond to CSS fonts. To add a text font, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Text Element Options tab.
  2. In the Text Fonts section, enter the following details:
    Font Name This name must be a CSS supported font-family in order to display for the customer. Non-CSS fonts can still be added for reference when printing, but will not be visually represented. Fonts which have been added for other customisations will appear as you start to type. Note that if you are adding a New Font, leave the Existing Font setting blank as these two settings are mutually exclusive.
    Display Name The name that will be displayed to the customer for this font. Note that you can easily translate this into any language in your system by clicking the Translate button beside the setting.
    Existing Font Choose from a list of previously added Fonts. This allows you to add the same font with different Case settings. Note that if you are adding a New Font, leave the Font Name setting blank as these two settings are mutually exclusive.
    Allow Upper Case If Upper Case is enabled and Lower Case is not, all Text will display in Upper Case only. Both Options should be selected to allow Upper and Lower case Text.
    Allow Lower Case If Lower Case is enabled and Upper Case is not, all Text will display in Lower Case only. Both Options should be selected to allow Upper and Lower case Text.
  3. When you have entered the necessary details, click the Add New Font button.

Font Sizes

Add the font sizes (in pixels) that will be available to customers when they add custom text elements. If no font sizes are specified the default Sizes (8-32) will display for customers. To add a font size, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Text Element Options tab.
  2. In the Font Sizes section, enter the following details:
    Font Size (px) This will be a selectable Font Size in pixels.
    Surcharge This surcharge will be added to the total cost of the customised product for each Text Element at this size.
  3. When you have entered the necessary details, click the Add New Font Size button.

Text Colours

Add the text colours that will be available to customers when they add custom text elements. If no specific colours are added and the customisation allows text colour selection, customers will be able to select colours from a full colour palette. To add a Font Colour, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Text Element Options Tab.
  2. In the Text Colours section, enter the following details:
    Hex Value The hexadecimal value of the colour. This can be entered manually or selected from the expandable colour palette to the right.
    Colour Name This optional colour name can be used to describe the font colour to other IRP Admin users. It can also prove useful when reviewing purchased customised products which require printing.
    Surcharge If provided the surcharge will be added if one or more text elements uses the given colour.
  3. When you have entered the necessary details, click the Add Text Colour button.

You can remove text element options by clicking the Remove button beside the text element option that you want to remove.

Printing Methods tab

Printing methods describe how the customisation will be produced for the customer. They allow you to restrict the ability to add text or images for a given printing method if they are not possible to print. You can add various charges for printing methods including a setup charge and charges per unit.

To add a Printing Method, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Printing Methods tab.
  2. To add a new printing method, click the Add New Printing Method button at the left side of the page.
  3. To edit an existing printing method, click the Edit button at the right side of the printing method that you want to edit.
  4. Enter or edit the following details:
    Printing Method ID The unique IRP identifier for this printing method. This is automatically generated when adding a printing method.
    Active This determines whether or not the printing method will be selectable on the front end.
    Product Customisation The product customisation this printing method will or does apply to. This is automatically set to the customisation for which you are adding the printing method.
    Method Name This translatable name value will appear in the printing method dropdown list on the front end of the site when a customer is personalising a product.
    Method Description The description is optional, however it can be used to fully explain what is allowed for this printing method. Any given value will display as a tooltip for the customer when they hover their mouse over the given printing method in the dropdown list.
    Setup Charge This will be the additional cost charged to the customer for printing using this printing method.
    Allow Custom Images If enabled, images will be accepted in the customisation when this printing method is selected. If disabled, Images cannot be added to the customisation.
    Allow Custom Text If enabled, text will be accepted in the customisation when this printing method is selected. If disabled, text cannot be added to the customisation.
    Apply Surcharges Per View If checked any defined unit surcharges, defined in the Printing Method Charges section, will apply to each view that the customer personalises. Therefore if a customer personalises two views, the applicable unit surcharge value will be doubled.
  5. When inserting a Printing Method, click the Insert Printing Method button. A new section called Printing Method Charges will open which will allow you to enter the following charge details if necessary:
    Max Printable Units This charge will only apply to stock options that have up to this many units.
    Surcharge This is the surcharge value that will be applied for this printing method when up to the above number of units are ordered.
    Per Unit(s) If this value is 6 then the surcharge will be applied for every 6 units ordered. If fewer than 6 units are ordered the charge for 6 will apply.
    You can add as many printing method charges as required by entering values for the three fields and clicking the Add Charge button.
    You can remove charges by clicking the Remove button beside the charge that you want to remove.
  6. When you have entered the necessary details, click the Update Printing Method button.

Once you have added the product customisation, when you create a product with the customisable category type, it will be displayed with the base images added in the customisation control on the front end, as shown below:

FAQs (2)

Can I use Google Fonts for Product Customisations?
Yes, provided that the font is added to the stylesheet as in the following example:
@import url(' You Glory');
and that the font is added to the Product Customisation with the exact font family name provided by Google (‘Give You Glory’), then it will display correctly on the front end of the site. However this will not be reflected within the IRP Admin section.
Can I add symbols or shapes to Product Customisations?
Currently this is not possible.
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Kitchen & Home Appliances 0.10%
Pet Care 0.44%
Sports and Recreation 0.56%
Toys, Games & Collectables 0.72%

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