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Stock Purchase Orders

You can find this section under Stock Control > Stock Purchase Orders in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.

The Stock Purchase Orders section is where you can create, review and authorise purchase orders (assuming you have the entitlements to do so – see Stock Control Overview for more information). You can also use this section to place purchase orders and check in goods from Suppliers.

You can also add automatic orders: this will add 'Awaiting Authorisation' automatic orders for any items that are judged to be low in stock relative to their sales velocities (where automatic orders are allowed). The unit cost for an item will be taken from its previous stock order.

StockPurchaseOrders.aspx page

When you first click on the 'Stock Purchase Orders' heading in the IRP Admin left navigation menu, the StockPurchaseOrders.aspx page is shown and, by default, the 'Awaiting Authorisation' tab is opened. If there are any purchase orders in the 'Awaiting Authorisation' status, they will be shown in the 'Results' grid in the lower section of the page. When there are no purchase orders awaiting authorisation, the StockPurchaseOrders.aspx page appears as follows:

IRP Admin image

You can see the status changes that a purchase order moves through along the top of the page. Click on any of these headings to view the details in a separate grid:

  • Awaiting Authorisation: Any stock previously selected for purchase appears here as an unauthorised purchase order. Once reviewed, you can either authorise the items for purchase or cancel the purchase order.
  • Authorised: These are authorised purchase orders that are ready to be placed with Suppliers. You can continue to review authorised purchase orders at this stage. Note that payments are not currently processed in the IRP for purchase orders. The feature is used only to log when purchase orders have been placed; payment will be made external to the IRP.
  • Open: The section allows you to keep track of purchase orders and update some details, such as whether or not the purchase order has been paid for. You use this section for checking in and restocking items.
  • Complete: These are fully completed purchase orders.
  • Issues: These are purchase orders that have issues flagged against them.
  • Cancelled: These are purchase orders that are cancelled.

You can use the Search bar to find any purchase orders. You can search by Purchase Order ID, Stock Supplier ID, Purchase Order Name, Admin User, Stock Location or Stock Supplier. Click Other Options to further filter your search results by:

  • Status: Select a specific status from the drop-down list: All Order Statuses, Awaiting Authorisation, Authorised, Open, Complete, Issues or Cancelled.
  • Location: Select a specific Stock Location from the drop-down list.
  • Supplier: Select a specific Stock Supplier from the drop-down list.
  • Outstanding Product: Search for outstanding products by name or ID.
  • Placed By: Select a specific Admin User from the drop-down list.
  • Date Range: This returns purchase orders placed within the 'From' and 'To' values you enter.

You can use the Results drop-down list at the top-right of the page to define the number of results you want to view in the 'Results' grid in the lower section of the page.

Purchase Order process

At a high level, the end-to-end process for managing a purchase order (PO) for more stock is a multi-stage process:

  • Stage 1: Create the purchase order by defining the stock, quantities and Suppliers for the order. See How To Create a Purchase Order.
  • Stage 2: Review and authorise the purchase order. See How to Review and Authorise Purchase Orders.
  • Stage 3: Place the purchase order with the Supplier. See How To Place Purchase Orders.
  • Stage 4: Check in the stock when it arrives from the Supplier, complete the order and print labels for the stock. See How To Check In Stock.

For details of how to set up Automatic Reordering, see How to Set Up Automatic Reordering.

How To Guides (5)

How To Create a Purchase Order

To create a purchase order, proceed as follows:

  1. Go to Stock Control > Stock Purchase Orders in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.
    The main StockPurchaseOrders.aspx page appears as follows:
    IRP Admin image
    (Note that if there are any purchase orders in the 'Awaiting Authorisation' status, they will be shown in the Results grid in the lower section of the screen. For more details, see the How to Review and Authorise Purchase Orders help topic.)
  2. Click the Create Purchase Orders button at the top of the page.
    The StockPurchaseOrdersCreate.aspx page appears – if there are other purchase orders in progress, they will be shown in the grid called 'Place Purchase Orders' in the lower section of the screen:
    IRP Admin image
    You can see various information within the 'Purchase Order Summary' section of the Place Orders tab (note that these values will all be zero if there are no in-progress purchase orders on display in the lower part of the page):
    • Suppliers: The total number of Stock Suppliers and ultimately Purchase Orders within the stock basket for the selected Stock Location and your Admin User account.
    • Items: The number of items linked to a Stock Supplier in your Stock Basket for the selected destination.
    • Quantity: The total quantity of Items in your Stock Basket for the selected destination.
    • Total Cost: The total cost of the items in your Stock Basket for the selected destination.
    • Total Retail: The total retail value of the items in your Stock Basket for the selected destination.
    • Average Markup: The average markup percentage: (Retail Price Ex Tax - Cost Price) * 100 / Cost Price of the items in your Stock Basket for the selected Destination.
  3. If there are automatic orders that can be created, a Place Automatic Orders button will be displayed to the right of the summary with the number of orders that will be created. You can click the button to create purchase orders for stock items where the stock level (for the Destination it's being ordered for) falls below the Minimum Stock Level. Note that automatic purchase orders will only be placed for stock items that meet the following criteria:
    • Available, or previously available, at Destination Location
    • Stock level at Destination Location < Minimum Stock Level
    • Out of stock status not 'Discontinued'
    • Brand allows automatic reordering
    • Assigned stock supplier that allows automatic reordering
    • Reorder quantity > 0 for Destination Location
    • Item not in open purchase order (Authorised | Placed with Supplier | Dispatched by Supplier | Goods In | Labelling)
    Note that the on-order calculations for automatic and manual purchase orders are affected by the Stock Location that is assigned as the Main Location for Unassigned Back Order Calculations See the Stock Locations help topic for more information.
  4. Above the main grids at the top of the page, you can use the Destination selector to select the Stock Location where the purchased items should go.
  5. If there are no in-progress purchase orders on display in the lower part of the page, you can click the button called Select Stock for Purchase (if another purchase order is in progress you instead have the opportunity to Select More Stock or Review Selection – you can use these features after you have configured the initial purchase order, as described below).
  6. After you have clicked Select Stock for Purchase, you will be directed to the Select Stock tab. On this tab you can use the Search feature to locate the items that you want to purchase. Search by Stock ID, Model ID, Partcode, External Stock ID and individual search terms by Brand, Category and Model (product name). You can use comma-delimited lists of Stock IDs and Model IDs in the search. Click Other Options to further filter by:
    • Stock Active: Select from: All, Active Only, Inactive Only.
    • Brand: Select a brand from the drop-down list.
    • Category: Select a category from the drop-down list.
    • In Previous Purchase Order: This returns the results for a previous purchase order. Select the purchase order from the drop-down list. This can save you time if you are ordering the same products from the same Supplier many times.
    • Supplied Previously By: Select the Supplier from the drop-down list.
    • Marked Supplier: Select the Supplier from the drop-down list.
    • Custom Flag: Select the Custom Flag from the drop-down list.
    • Exclude Stock In POs & Transfers: Check this box to exclude stock that you already have on order.
    • Exclude Stock Already Selected: Check this box to exclude stock that is already in the purchase order basket.
    • Show Products Low In Stock Only: Check this box to return only items that are low in stock.
    • Show Products On Back Order Only: Check this box to return only products that have been ordered and that are low in stock.
    • Sold More Than: Enter a figure for the number of items.
    • Value In Stock: Enter a figure and check 'Greater Than' or 'Less Than'.
    • Num In Stock: Enter a figure and check 'Greater Than' or 'Less Than'.
    • Stock Levels: Select from: All, Out Of Stock Only, In Stock Only.
    • Out Of Stock Status: Select from: All (Except Discontinued), All, Normal, Special Order, Discontinued, Available In.
  7. In the main grid, you can view key information about each stock item, click through to see advanced information. Note that the In Open Orders column shows how many (if any) of the items are present in open purchase orders. In addition, the Order Qty box hover-over will show a ReOrder quantity and an On Back Order quantity (if any):
    IRP Admin image
    Note the following:
    • You can set up one stock location as the Main Location for Unassigned Back Order Calculations in the 'Other Location Details' section of the StockLocationEdit.aspx page in IRP Admin (see the Stock Locations help topic). If the 'Main Location for Unassigned Back Order Calculations' box is checked for a stock location, that location will be accommodated on order items that have yet to be assigned a stock location. The on-order calculation is currently calculated via: Local ReOrder Quantity + On-Order Value (for location). When this setting is checked, that on-order value will also include orders where the stock location has yet to be assigned.
    • For automatic purchase orders, the requested quantity will be set to: ReOrderQuantity + OnBackOrderQuantity. 'OnBackOrderQuantity' includes by default any items that are in an order status before picking and packing for that stock location AND items that are OnBackOrder with no assigned stock location if 'Main Location for Unassigned Back Order Calculations' is enabled for that stock location.
  8. Check the box on the right side of the row for each item that you want to purchase.
  9. When you are ready, click the Add Selected Items To Stock Basket button to add the items to the purchase order.
  10. Note that, if necessary, you can select items that you want to discontinue and then click the Discontinue Selected Items button.
  11. You can now review the purchase order on the Review Selection tab.
  12. Optionally, you can use the Update Supplier against Selected Items setting at the top of the Review grid to bulk update the Supplier against all the items in the grid. Use the drop-down list to select a Supplier and click the Update button when you have made your selection. (Ideally you should have previously defined Suppliers at a brand level or a stock level; see the Stock Suppliers help topic for details). Alternatively, use the Supplier setting in each row to select the Supplier individually for each item (available in in 'Supplier View' as described next).
  13. Optionally, if you want to split quantities for a stock item across multiple Suppliers, click the More button and update the details in the StockBasketItemEdit.aspx window.
  14. You can select to view either the Supplier View or the Cost View of the order in progress using the blue toggle switch above the grid:
    The Cost View includes details of the Supplier Currency, Supplier Unit Cost and Supplier Total Cost for each of the stock items you have selected. Any changes that you make to these values or the 'Quantity' value (shown on both views) cause the IRP to automatically recalculate related values.
  15. If necessary, you can remove an item from the purchase order by checking the box on the right of the row and clicking the Delete Selected Stock Basket Items button.
  16. Ensuring that you have a Supplier assigned to all stock items, that all the other details are correct and that you have checked the boxes for the items that you want to add to the purchase order, click the Update Stock Basket Items button to save the details.
  17. The purchase order will now be shown in the 'Place Purchase Orders' grid on the Place Orders tab on the StockPurchaseOrdersCreate.aspx page. Use the check box on the right side of the grid to select the purchase orders that you want to create and then click the Add Selected Purchase Orders button.
  18. If necessary, you can empty the stock basket by clicking the Empty Stock Basket button.
  19. If you have clicked the 'Add Selected Purchase Orders' button, the purchase orders will now move to the 'Awaiting Authorisation' status and will be shown in the Results grid on the 'Awaiting Authorisation' tab on the main StockPurchaseOrders.aspx page. To progress the purchase order from here, see the How to Review and Authorise Purchase Orders help topic).
How to Review and Authorise Purchase Orders
How To Place Purchase Orders
How To Check In Stock
How to Set Up Automatic Reordering
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