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Stock Suppliers

You can find this section under Stock Control > Stock Suppliers in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.

You use this section to view and add details of companies that supply your stock. This is essential for creating Stock Purchase Orders. In addition to managing the contact and financial details for your Suppliers, you can rate them for quality and measure their average lead time. You can also set default Suppliers for each brand in your stock and view summary statistics for your costs and sales figures.

The main Suppliers page (StockSuppliers.aspx) shows several details for each of your Suppliers in a separate row:

IRP Admin image

You can use the search bar at the top of the page to find any Supplier in the system. As with many other pages in IRP Admin, you can export the Supplier data in a format of your choosing by clicking the spreadsheet icon below the search bar.

The details shown in the main grid include the following:

  • ID: This is a unique IRP identifier for this Supplier, created automatically by the IRP.
  • Account Number: This is a unique number provided by the Supplier corresponding to your account with them.
  • Supplier: The Supplier's name, visible throughout IRP Admin.
  • Country: The Supplier's country.
  • Currency: This is the accepted payment currency for the Supplier.
  • Credit Limit: This is the set credit limit provided by the Supplier (if any). This figure can be useful when calculating how much stock to re-purchase.
  • Amount Owing: The total amount that you owe this Supplier.
  • Lifetime Spend: The total amount that you have spent ordering from this Supplier.
  • Purchase Orders: The total number of orders that you have made from this Supplier.
  • Rating: This is a discretionary star rating that you can use to represent the quality of, or your preference for, the Supplier. This is only displayed for reference within IRP Admin. This is a fixed value, not an aggregate.
  • [Email icon]: Click the email icon to open up an email using your default email application so that you can contact the Supplier. This will have the Supplier's email address in the 'To' field and you can then enter your subject and body content.
  • [Statistics icon]: Click the chart icon to go to the EntityStats.aspx page where you can view key sales statistics. See How To View Statistics for a Stock Supplier below for more information.
  • Edit: Click this button to go to the StockSuppliersEdit.aspx page where you can edit the details of a Supplier. See How To Add or Edit a Stock Supplier below for more information.

At the top of the page you can use the following buttons:

  • Add New Stock Supplier: Click this button to add a new Supplier to the system. For details, see How To Add or Edit a Stock Supplier.
  • Set Brand Default Suppliers: Click this button to define a specific Supplier for each brand in your system. You can also choose to auto-calculate the reorder quantity and the minimum stock level values of all items belonging to brands, auto-generate purchase orders for the items in the brand when they are low in stock and override the Suppliers set against the individual stock items belonging to brands. For details, see How To Set Brand Default Suppliers.

How To Guides (3)

How To Add or Edit a Stock Supplier

To add or edit a Stock Supplier, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Stock Control > Stock Suppliers in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.
  2. To add a new supplier, click the Add New Stock Supplier button above the Search bar.
    To edit an existing supplier, click the Edit button on the right side of the row belonging to the Supplier that you want to edit.
  3. Enter or edit the details on the tabs described below.

Supplier Details tab

Use the Payment Information tab to enter key payment details for the Supplier:

Supplier Details
Supplier ID This is a unique IRP identifier for this supplier.
Active You cannot delete Stock Suppliers if you have placed purchase orders with them in the past. In this case you can deactivate them to indicate that they are no longer used.
Supplier Name Enter a recognisable name that will be visible throughout the IRP.
Account Number This is a unique number, provided by the Supplier, corresponding to your account with them.
Currency Enter the accepted payment currency for the Supplier.
Accepts Back Orders A Supplier that does not accept Back Orders can have their Purchase Order marked as Complete if only a partial amount of the requested items are received on delivery. If the Supplier accepts Back Orders, it is assumed that the rest of the Purchase Order will come in at a later date.
Supplier Address
Address Line 1 Enter the first line of the Supplier company address.
Address Line 2 Enter the second line of the Supplier company address.
City Enter the town or city of the Supplier company address.
County Enter the region or county of the Supplier company address.
Country Select the country of the Supplier company address from the drop-down menu.
Postcode Enter the postal or zip code for the Supplier company address.
Sales Email Address Enter the sales email address for this Supplier.
Sales Telephone Enter the Supplier sales telephone number
Fax Enter the fax number for the Supplier.
Other Phone Enter an alternate contact phone number for the Supplier.
B2B Details
Username If applicable, enter the login user name credentials for the Supplier's business website that is used for placing purchase orders.
Password If applicable, enter the login password credentials for the Supplier's business website that is used for placing purchase orders.
Website URL If applicable, enter the Supplier's website URL that is used for B2B payment and purchase orders (if applicable).
IRP Settings
Star Rating (Optional) Enter a star rating representing the quality of, or your preference for, the Supplier. This is only displayed for reference within the IRP.
Average Lead Time This is measured from the moment that you place a purchase order with the Supplier to the moment when that purchase order is completed. It gives you an idea of how long this Supplier takes, on average, to fulfil an order.
Implements IRP Automated Ordering When you enable this setting, it allows purchase orders to be automatically generated for this Supplier. This will only occur if the following conditions are met:
1) The products are deemed low in stock based on their sales velocity calculations.
2) The product brand allows automatic reordering and automatic level recalculation (see the How To Set Brand Default Suppliers article in this section).
*Any automatically-generated orders will always be added as "Awaiting Authorisation" and can therefore be reviewed before being placed.
Send P.O. Email If you enable this, an email will automatically be sent to the Supplier sales email address when you place a new purchase order with this Supplier.
Logo (Optional) Upload a logo for this Supplier. This must be in JPEG format. Click the 'Upload New Logo' button if you make a change.
Notes (Optional) Enter any notes about this Supplier.

Click the Update Stock Supplier button to save the details.

Payment Information tab

Use the Payment Information tab to enter key payment details for the Supplier:

Payment Settings
Credit Limit Enter the set credit limit provided by the Supplier (if any).
Terms and Conditions Enter the provided Supplier terms and conditions of payment.
Payment Methods Enter all means by which the Supplier will accept payment for purchase orders. Check the Is Accepted or Is Preferred beside the existing Payment Methods or click the Add New Payment Method button to add a new method for this Stock Supplier.
Bank Details
Account Number Enter the Supplier bank account number used to receive payment for purchase orders.
Sort Code Enter the Bank Sort Code for this Supplier's account which is used to receive payment for purchase orders.
IBAN Enter the International Bank Account Number for this Supplier which is used to receive payments for purchase orders.
SWIFT Enter the SWIFT code for the Supplier bank.
PayPal Information
Email Address Enter the Supplier PayPal email address. You can use this to send payments to the Supplier via PayPal.
Merchant ID Enter the PayPal Merchant ID. You can use this to send payments to the Supplier via PayPal.

Click the Update Stock Supplier button to save the details.

Purchase Orders tab

This tab will be visible only if there is one or more Purchase Orders against the Supplier. You use this tab to view and potentially edit any Purchase Orders. You can use the search bar at the top of the page to find any purchase order in the system. You can search by Purchase Order ID, Purchase Order Name, Admin User, Stock Location or Stock Supplier and if you expand 'Other Options' you can filter the results by Payment Outstanding, Stock Location, Status and Date Range. For more details, see the Stock Purchase Orders help topic.

Contacts tab

Use the Contacts tab to enter key personal contact details for people within the Supplier's business:

Add New Contact
First Name Enter the first name of the Supplier contact.
Surname Enter the surname of the Supplier contact.
Position Enter the position of the contact within the Supplier company.
Email Address Enter the email address of the contact within the Supplier company.
Phone Enter the land line phone number of the contact within the Supplier company.
Mobile Enter the mobile phone number of the contact within the Supplier company.
Is Main Contact Check this box if this person will be the main contact for this Supplier.
Photo (Optional) Upload a photo of the person. This must be in JPEG format.
Notes (Optional) Enter notes regarding the Supplier contact which will be visible within IRP Admin.

Make sure you click the Add New Contact button or Update Current Contacts button after you have entered or edited the details. Each contact you add will be shown in the Current Contacts grid in the lower part of the page.

Attachments tab

Use the Attachments tab to upload any attachments for this Supplier:

Add New Attachment
Attachments (Optional) Upload any attachments for this Supplier. Click the Browse button to find a locally-saved file.

Make sure you click the Upload Attachment button after you have browsed to the location of the attachment.

How To Set Brand Default Suppliers
How To View Statistics for a Stock Supplier

FAQs (2)

To what does 'Credit Limit' refer in the Stock Suppliers section?
This refers to any set credit limit provided by the Stock Supplier - if any. This figure can be useful when you are calculating how much stock to re-purchase.
Can I rate my Stock Suppliers?
Yes, you can do this on the StockSuppliersEdit.aspx page. In the 'IRP Settings' section, use the 'Star Rating' setting to enter a star rating representing the quality of, or your preference for, the Stock Supplier. This is only displayed for reference within the IRP.
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