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You can find this section under Marketplaces > eBay in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.

This is where you view, add, manage and delete eBay Marketplaces on your IRP.

Recommended sequence for setting up and managing eBay marketplaces

Note: For full details of each of the IRP sections referred to below, refer to the How to Configure eBay Marketplaces article later in this section.

1. Configure your eBay Seller account. Ensure in particular that you set up the following on eBay (not on the IRP):

  • Payment Policy
  • Returns Policy
  • Shipping Policy
  • PayPal account email address to receive payments.

2. Create your eBay Developer Account.

Customers wishing to use the IRP eBay Marketplace integration should have one or more existing eBay Seller Accounts. The integration uses eBay's Trading and Large Merchant Services APIs for syncing Stock and Prices as well as downloading and managing Orders placed on eBay.

To integrate with eBay APIs, Customers must sign up to the eBay Developer's program ( For more details, see How to Create an eBay Developer Account.

By signing up to the eBay Developer's program, Customers will be allocated Application Keys and will be able to generate Auth Tokens (per Seller Account) which give the IRP access to Seller Listing and Orders through the eBay Trading API.

Note that one Developer Account can link to multiple eBay Seller Accounts. Seller Accounts are differentiated by the Auth Token. We recommend that Customers sign up for one Developer Account regardless of the number of Seller Accounts they have.

eBay Developer Accounts provide Customers with the following Application Access Keys for integrating – these keys are different for Sandbox and Production environments:

  • App ID (Client ID)
  • Dev ID
  • Cert ID (Client Secret)

For more information, see the eBay Developer help topic.

Sandbox and Production eBay Redirect URLs or RuNames are also required so that your IRP can fetch and validate User Tokens. User Tokens are how your eBay Developer Account gains access to each Seller Account.

Note that App ID, Dev ID, Cert ID, RuName and User Token are all credentials that need to be added to your IRP for both Sandbox and Production environments.

For full details, see How to Create an eBay Developer Account later in this help topic.

3. Configure all eBay Application Settings in the IRP.

  • Complete the Production-related details using the info from your eBay account.
  • The Sandbox-related settings apply only to new customers on the IRP.

4. Configure all eBay marketplaces using the MarketplacesEbay.aspx page. The following settings are of particular note:

  • Stock Source – set this as you wish. You may want to demarcate a specific location just for eBay products, or simply use your web stock level. Alternatively you may want to manage your stock levels externally.
  • Update Order Status from eBay Order Status – for most customers this should be disabled, so that you can use the IRP for dispatch and generally so that orders flow completely through the IRP order flow.
  • Ignore Auction Items – Check this box if you don’t want to include auction items in the eBay order downloads to the IRP.
  • User Token – Click the Generate New user Token button and you can then enter your eBay credentials and get new token details. You can manually check this at any time using the Check User Token button however it is normally checked automatically via the Common Task called 'Marketplaces Ebay Check Tokens' (see below for more details).

5. Define the rules for products available to eBay customers using the Inclusion/Exclusion Rules tab.

  • By default everything is available and won’t be removed.
  • Brand rules that you configure here will be replicated on the BrandsEdit.aspx page (Marketplaces tab).
  • Category rules that you configure here will be replicated on the CategoriesEdit.aspx page (Marketplaces tab).
  • Model and Stock rules that you configure here will be replicated on the ModelsEdit.aspx page (Marketplaces tab).

6. Define the product prices and discounts using the Price Rules tab.

  • You can choose simply to use the prices you already have configured for your products in the IRP or you can configure various types of discount specifically for selling on eBay.
  • You can also use the 'eBay Marketplace Stock Allocation (%)' setting for stock items on the ModelsEdit.aspx > StockEdit.aspx page.

7. Configure the automated eBay tasks using the Automation tab:

  • As eBay have API limits for most customers, we recommend that, during initial setup, you have your API verified by eBay (this can be done within the eBay Developer program console – your Account Manager can assist with this) – subsequently this allows you a near-limitless number of API calls. You should then configure the following schedules for automated tasks:
    • Stock and Price Update: we recommend setting this to run every 120 minutes. (This automated task is identical to the Common Task called 'Marketplace Ebay Seller Listing Update'.)
    • Order Download: we recommend setting this to run every 180 minutes. (This automated task is identical to the Common Task called 'Marketplace Ebay Order Download'.)

8. Check the configuration of other eBay Common Tasks:

  • Marketplaces Ebay Check Tokens: we recommend that you run this once a day.
  • Marketplace Ebay Remove Old Service Requests And Feed Submissions: we recommend that you run this once a day.

9. Ensure marketplaces are ACTIVE.

  • Products will be uploaded to eBay (with each stock item being a variation) via the schedule configured for the Stock and Price Update task.
  • Matched Products are synced with eBay based on Stock and Price Rules.
  • Orders will be downloaded to the IRP via the schedule configured for the Order Download task.

10. Check the Seller Listing tab on an ongoing basis. Look for:

  • Items / variations to update.
  • Items that need to be matched (see below for more details).

11. Check for Unmatched items using the Unmatched Items tab.

  • Match where necessary.
  • Bulk update products when needed.

12. View high-level information about the orders that have been placed by eBay customers using the Orders > Marketplace Orders tab.

  • You can link through to the page for managing any order by clicking the Manage button.
  • If for any reason you want to disregard an order, click the Ignore button.
  • To manually download orders, click the Download Orders button (this is normally taken care of automatically by the automated task).

13. Monitor your marketplaces on an ongoing basis using these sections:

  • Seller Listing Actions tab (to view all inventory status updates)
  • Rejected Orders tab (to see a list of orders that have been rejected)
  • Order Downloads tab ( to check that the Order Download task and manual downloads are working as expected)
  • Errors tab (to check eBay API Call errors)
  • The 'Marketplace Errors' alert on the Alerts menu in the top nav (this directs you to the MarketplacesOverview.aspx page)
  • Marketplaces Overview page (MarketplacesOverview.aspx). Here you can see the key statistics about your eBay operation.
  • The eBay Alerts bar at the top of IRP Admin (assuming you have selected this using the 'Edit' menu at the top-right corner of the Admin).
  • Sales tab in the top-left corner of IRP Admin.

MarketplacesEbay.aspx page

The MarketplacesEbay.aspx page appears as follows:

eBay Marketplaces page

This displays the following information for the eBay Marketplaces that you have in your system:

  • ID: The unique IRP identifier for this eBay Marketplace.
  • Active: Indicates whether the marketplace is active or not. Active marketplaces will periodically upload products for sale via Ebay as Fixed Priced Items, with each stock item as a variation. Inactive marketplaces will not schedule product uploads. If an uploading process is in progress when the marketplace is set to inactive, the process will be allowed to complete. If you make a change here, be sure to click the Update eBay Marketplaces button.
  • Admin Name: This is the name of the eBay marketplace.
  • Currency: This is the currency used by the Marketplace. This determines the exchange rate to apply to product prices before upload to the Marketplace.
  • eBay Site: The eBay site this Marketplace relates to. This value is important for Seller Listing and Order Downloads as well as Feed Submissions.
  • Stock Source: What the Stock value should be set to when Seller Listing Updates are processed.
    – Web Stock Level: The value will be pulled directly from the website Stock Level.
    – Externally Managed: The value will not be set allowing for Stock Levels to be updated outside of the IRP.
    – Specific Stock Locations: The value will be made up of the Stock Levels from the Selected Stock Locations.
  • Fulfilment Location: The stock location from which products will be shipped for this Marketplace.
  • SKU Counts: This shows the number of Stock Keeping Units that are associated with each eBay Marketplace.
  • Order Totals: This shows the number and value of all orders associated with each eBay Marketplace.
  • Rejected Orders: This shows the number and value of all rejected orders associated with each eBay Marketplace.
  • Automation Tasks: This indicates the number of Automation Tasks that are enabled for each eBay Marketplace
  • Errors: This indicates the number of errors generated by each eBay Marketplace.
  • Edit: Click this button to make changes to an eBay Marketplace configuration. For more details, see the How To Configure eBay Marketplaces article in this section.

The MarketplacesEbay.aspx page has the following buttons at the top of the page:

  • eBay Logo: Click this link to go to the eBay Account login page.
  • Orders Last 30 Days: Click this button to go to the Orders.aspx?MarketplaceType=2&Last30Days=true page in the Orders section of IRP Admin. From here you can manage eBay orders in the same way that you manage any other type of order in the IRP.
  • Errors: Click this button to go to the MarketplacesEbayErrors.aspx page.
  • Rejected Orders: Click this button to go to the MarketplacesEbayRejectedOrders.aspx page.
  • Add New Marketplace: Click this button to add a new eBay Marketplace. You will then be redirected to the MarketplaceEbayEdit.aspx page. For more information, see the How to Configure eBay Marketplaces article in this section.

eBay Alerts bar

(This is visible only if eBay Integration is enabled on your the IRP.) You can see at-a-glance information about your eBay Marketplaces using the eBay bar at the top of your IRP Admin screen:

Amazon alert bar

The bar shows the following details:

  • Marketplaces: This shows the number of eBay Marketplaces that you have configured in the system. Click this button to take you to the MarketplacesEbay.aspx page in IRP Admin. For more information, see the eBay Marketplaces help topic.
  • Orders Last 30 Days: This shows the number of eBay Orders that have been placed in the last 30 days. Click this button to take you to the Orders.aspx?MarketplaceType=2 page in IRP Admin. For more information, see the Orders help topic.
  • Total Last 30 Days: This shows the total value of all eBay Orders that have been placed in the last 30 days. Click this button to take you to the Orders.aspx?MarketplaceType=2&Last30Days=true page in IRP Admin. For more information, see the Orders help topic.
  • Orders Overall: This shows the total number of eBay Orders that have been placed on your website. Click this button to take you to the Orders.aspx?MarketplaceType=2 page in IRP Admin. For more information, see the Orders help topic.
  • Total Overall: This shows the total value of all eBay Orders that have been placed on your website. Click this button to take you to the Orders.aspx?MarketplaceType=2 page in IRP Admin. For more information, see the Orders help topic.
  • Products: This shows the number of models and stock items that you are selling on eBay. This is for reference only (you cannot click through to a specific page).

How To Guides (2)

How to Configure eBay Marketplaces
How to Create an eBay Developer Account
Live Market Data
Today v Yesterday 0.08%
October 2024 v October 2023 10.50%
YTD 2024 v 2023 10.09%
Arts and Crafts 0.11%
Baby & Child 0.18%
Cars and Motorcycling 0.00%
Electrical & Commercial Equipment 0.55%
Fashion Clothing & Accessories 0.02%
Food & Drink 0.17%
Health and Wellbeing 0.03%
Kitchen & Home Appliances 0.00%
Pet Care 0.12%
Sports and Recreation 0.02%
Toys, Games & Collectables 0.04%

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