A Marketplace Works like Magic on Service Performance
eCommerce has remained stubbornly inefficient for decades. To understand the need for a Service Marketplace we must highlight why Services are the unsolved half of the eCommerce problem.
eCommerce success clearly requires both {PRODUCTS + SERVICES}. Not one or the other - but BOTH. Merchants sell via a PRODUCT (online store), but the online store succeeds almost entirely by SERVICES (Email, PPC and Facebook etc) to deliver traffic. Therefore it is a combination of {PRODUCTS + SERVICES} that determine Merchant success.
IRP invested to combine {PRODUCTS + SERVICES} by creating a SERVICE MARKETPLACE. We did this because we believe that only Markets have the magic power to solve the Service problem. Are we right? Read on….
eCommerce is Solved by {PRODUCTS + SERVICES}
Why is a Benchmarked Service Marketplace the Missing Link
Services largely dictate Profit - yet they are unregulated, inefficient and not yet benchmarked. Poor Service performance makes eCommerce unprofitable for the Merchant. How do we know if Services are working if we do not compare?
If 50% of eCommerce success comes down to Services then the industry has to take a data approach to Trading of Services. Benchmarks, Data and Competition in Services are equally as critical as the Platform in selling goods online for profit.
As Service results are readily measurable in monetary terms - by Costs and Sales - a SERVICE MARKETPLACE is both simple and necessary to measure performance, Rank Providers and offer Merchant choice.
Service Markets drive Performance by COMPETITION
The Service Marketplace has Worked Magic
Merchants who have engaged in the Market achieved remarkable results. The Service Market identified Inefficient Traffic Spend, Cost Overruns, Poor Channel Performance, Poor International Sales, Better Providers - and some Merchants have seen sales growth of over +400% sinmply by changing Services.
This IRP Service Marketplace approach - where data has been collected on every Provider's historical results - removed the guesswork and risk to make decisions based on data. It has transformed both eCommerce results and thinking.
Competition, when it is embraced, breeds excellence and innovation. Measurement of Service Provider results - in Traffic Costs and Revenues - puts the Market onto a profit footing. Merchants are given the power and resilience of a market to deliver results.
eCommerce PROFIT is built on {PRODUCTS + SERVICES}
Conclusion on the IRP Service Market Investment
The Service Marketplace has demonstrated the power to transform outcomes. Competition forces Service Providers and Agencies to perform and innovate. It addresses the unsolved Services side of eCommerce using data and competition. It can work like magic for the Merchant.
IRP has invested in Data and the Service Market. The future is Big Data driven and Services must not escape accountability and competition.
There is no such thing as eCommerce Fairy Dust - but the IRP SERVICE MARKETPLACE can create Magic for Merchants
Read more about the IRP Service Marketplace...