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You can find this section under Products > Attributes in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.

You use this section to define the attributes that can be assigned to products on your website. In turn, you can apply values to the attributes using the Attribute Values section which will allow customers to filter their searches and selections to find suitable products based on specific criteria.

Examples of common attributes include:

  • Age group
  • Colour
  • Gender
  • Material
  • Size

Overview video

Note: Currently videos are not maintained in line with each software release and therefore features may work slightly differently from the way they are shown.

Attributes.aspx page

The main Attributes.aspx page appears as follows


The main grid shows the following details:

  • ID: This is the ID of the Attribute.
    Important: Attribute IDs 1-6 are reserved Google Attributes that are used for the Google Shopping feeds — you cannot delete these attributes:
    1. Size
    2. Colour
    3. Material
    4. Pattern
    5. Age Group
    6. Gender
  • Active: Only active Attributes will appear on the Left Nav Product Filter. If you check or uncheck this box, make sure you click the Update All Attributes to save your changes.
  • Display Order: This is the order that the Attributes will be displayed in within the Attributes section at the left side of the results page. The Attributes are displayed from top to bottom in the left navigation area, with lower display order values appearing first. If you edit this setting, make sure you click the Update All Attributes to save your changes.
  • Attribute Name: This is the name of the Attribute. If you edit this setting, make sure you click the Update All Attributes to save your changes.
  • Is Colour: Colour attributes can be used to display colour swatches that allow a preview of various colour options. The Attribute Values for colour attributes can be given up to two colours to display. If you edit this setting, make sure you click the Update All Attributes to save your changes.
  • SEO Title Extension: This is the SEO Title Extension that will optimise any pages filtered by this attribute for search engines. This text will appear in the title bar/current tab of your web browser as an extension of the existing SEO Title. If you edit this setting, make sure you click the Update All Attributes to save your changes.
  • Values: This is the number of values associated with the Attribute. You can click on any figure to go to the AttributeEdit.aspx screen and make changes.
  • Linked Categories: This shows the number of categories associated with the Attribute. You can click on any figure to go to the AttributeEdit.aspx screen and make changes.
  • Missing Total: This shows the number of products in the categories that are missing the Attribute. You can click on any figure to go to the StockAttributes.aspx screen and make changes.
  • Missing %: This shows the percentage of products in the categories that are missing the Attribute. You can click on any figure to go to the StockAttributes.aspx screen and make changes.
  • Edit: Click this button to edit an Attribute. For more details, see the How To Add or Edit Attributes article in this section.

Attribute Filters

Attribute filters appear on the front end as shown below. For these to appear, make sure that you have enabled the Show Left Nav Attributes Menu Application Setting (and any other settings in the ‘Left Nav Product Filter’ group of Application Settings) and also that you have set the Display Orders correctly:

You can show only items that are in stock by enabling the Application Setting Left Nav Attributes Menu Show In Stock Only Filter. This will be displayed as follows:

Note that if a customer directly enters a model ID for an out-of-stock product, even with the in-stock filter box ticked, the system will bypass any search filters and will display that model’s page.

Left Nav Attributes Filter Application Settings

You can use the following Application Settings to control how the left nav attributes filter appears:

  • Left Nav Attributes Menu Brands Filter Sort By Categories Page: The Filter on the Left Nav Attributes menu's Brands Filter on the Categories page (either 1 or 2).
    1: Brand ASC, ProductCount DESC
    2: ProductCount DESC, Brand ASC
  • Left Nav Attributes Menu Brands Filter Sort By Offers Page: The Filter on the Left Nav Attributes menu's Brands Filter on the Offers page (either 1 or 2).
    1: Brand ASC, ProductCount DESC
    2: ProductCount DESC, Brand ASC
  • Left Nav Attributes Menu Brands Filter Sort By Search Results Page: The Filter on the Left Nav Attributes menu's Brands Filter on the Search Results page (either 1 or 2).
    1: Brand ASC, ProductCount DESC
    2: ProductCount DESC, Brand ASC
  • Left Nav Attributes Menu Categories Filter Sort By Brands Page: The Filter on the Left Nav Attributes menu's Categories Filter on the Brands page (either 1 or 2).
    1: CategoryName ASC, ProductCount DESC
    2: ProductCount DESC, CategoryName ASC"
  • Left Nav Attributes Menu Categories Filter Sort By Categories Page: The Filter on the Left Nav Attributes menu's Categories Filter on the Categories page (either 1 or 2).
    1: CategoryName ASC, ProductCount DESC
    2: ProductCount DESC, CategoryName ASC
  • Left Nav Attributes Menu Categories Filter Sort By Offers Page: The Filter on the Left Nav Attributes menu's Categories Filter on the Offers page (either 1 or 2).
    1: CategoryName ASC, ProductCount DESC
    2: ProductCount DESC, CategoryName ASC
  • Left Nav Attributes Menu Categories Filter Sort By Search Results Page: The Filter on the Left Nav Attributes menu's Categories Filter on the Search Results page (either 1 or 2).
    1: CategoryName ASC, ProductCount DESC
    2: ProductCount DESC, CategoryName ASC
  • Left Nav Attributes Menu Display Order Attribute Selector: The Order in which the Attributes filter will appear on the Left Nav Attributes menu (value should be between 1 and 6).
  • Left Nav Attributes Menu Display Order Brand Selector: The Order in which the Brands filter will appear on the Left Nav Attributes menu (value should be between 1 and 6).
  • Left Nav Attributes Menu Display Order Category Selector: The Order in which the Categories filter will appear on the Left Nav Attributes menu (value should be between 1 and 6).
  • Left Nav Attributes Menu Display Order In Stock Only Filter: The Order in which the In Stock Only filter will appear on the Left Nav Attributes menu (value should be between 1 and 6).
  • Left Nav Attributes Menu Display Order Price Range: The Order in which the Price Range Slider appears on the Left Nav Attributes menu (value should be between 1 and 6).
  • Left Nav Attributes Menu Display Order Review Selector: The Order in which the Review Selector appears on the Left Nav Attributes menu (value should be between 1 and 6).
  • Left Nav Attributes Menu Show Attributes Filter: If enabled, an attributes filter will be shown in the left nav
  • Left Nav Attributes Menu Show In Stock Only Filter: If enabled, an in-stock only filter will be shown in the left nav attributes filter.
  • Left Nav Attributes Menu Show Price Range Slider: If enabled, a price range slider filter will be shown in the left nav attributes filter.
  • Left Nav Attributes Menu Show Reviews Filter: If enabled, a reviews filter will be shown in the left nav attributes filter.
  • Show Left Nav Attributes Menu: If enabled, the Left Nav Attributes menu with Price Filter, Brands Filter, Categories Filter, Attributes Filter and Reviews Filter will appear on Listings pages. If disabled, the standard Left Hand Navigation will appear on all but the Offers and Search Results pages where an enhanced Filter menu will appear.

How To Guides (2)

How To Add or Edit Attributes

To add or edit an attribute, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Products > Attributes in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.
  2. To add a new attribute, click the Add New Attribute button at the top of the page.
  3. To edit an existing attribute, click the Edit button at the right side of the attribute that you want to edit.
  4. Enter or edit the details described in the sections that follow.

Attribute Details tab

  1. Enter or edit the details:
    Attribute ID The unique IRP identifier for this attribute. This is generated automatically when adding an attribute.
    Active Active Attributes will appear on the Left Nav Product filter whereas inactive ones will not.
    Attribute Name The language specific name of the attribute, e.g. Size, Colour and so forth.
    Is Colour Colour attributes can be used to display colour swatches that allow a preview of various colour options. The Attribute Values for colour attributes can be given up to two colours to display.
    Display Order The order that the attributes will be displayed in within the attributes section at the left side of the results page. The attributes are displayed from top to bottom in the left navigation area, with lower display order values appearing first.
    Value Sort Choose how the values should be sorted. You can select from:
    • Display Order Ascending
    • Display Order Descending
    • Product Count Ascending
    • Product Count Descending
    • Alphabetical Ascending
    • Alphabetical Descending
    Display Style Select the display style used for this attribute on the models page when using attribute selectors:
    • Dropdown: (The default value.) The attribute values will appear in a simple drop-down list. Unavailable options will appear with a ' - Not Available' label.
    • Swatch: The attribute values will be rendered in a text swatch control. This allows all attribute values to be visible and quickly selected.
    • Colour Swatch: This will show circles with the corresponding colour hex/combination for the attribute values. This will show only for attributes with Is Colour enabled when all attribute values have associated hex values (which can be set on the AttributeEdit.aspx or AttributeValues.aspx pages). The display style will revert to the standard text swatch when these criteria are not met.
    • Size Swatch: The attribute values will display in the same way as the text swatch, but will include a separate link to the size chart associated with the model (when applicable). The size chart information will show in a standard modal window when the link is clicked. This will revert to a standard text swatch for models that do not have an associated size chart. This option allows all attribute values to be visible and quickly selected.
    Note that:
    • When a combination of swatches are used, one of them will act as an 'override', allowing the selections to be reset. By default this will be the first colour swatch. If no colour swatches are used, this will then be the first alternative swatch. Override swatches always allow a selection, even of unavailable items, in order to allow a reset of the selected combination.
    • Note that the displayed model image will not automatically change unless a complete set of attribute values has been selected, unless using a colour swatch. Colour swatches will override other swatch selections, change the model image immediately based on the first image associated with the colour value, and will reset selections as required.
    • The following small translations are used with this feature:
      • 3249: 'Please select a {0}'. This is the error text displayed when a swatch does not have a selected value. The {0} placeholder is used for the position of the swatch name.
      • 3252: 'Please complete your item selection before proceeding.' This error message is displayed under the add-to-basket button when attempting to add an incomplete attribute selection to the basket.
      • 3251: '- unavailable'. This text is appended to unavailable selections in the add-to-basket attribute selector.
    For more information, see How to Add Colour Swatches on Listings Pages.
    Selector Text Here you can enter text that will used on in a drop-down list on the front end when this attribute is a selector attribute for a model that is set to use Attribute Values instead of Option Text as its selector. By default, the front-end selector will begin with the text 'Select a ...' (configurable using Small Translation 2741). If you leave this blank, the Attribute Name will be used instead. You can also use the 'Translate' button to change the language you are editing. NOTE: See the Models help topic for more information about setting the Option Selector. Also see the Categories help topic for information about using the 'Default Option Selector' setting at the category level.
    SEO Title Extension The SEO Title Extension that will optimise any pages filtered by this attribute for search engines. This text will appear in the title bar/current tab of your web browser as an extension of the existing SEO Title. For example, if you enter ‘Filtered by Size’ for the SEO Title Extension value, when you filter by this attribute when searching for Tommy Hilfiger Shirts, the following would be displayed in the title bar/current tab of your web browser: 'Tommy Hilfiger Shirts – Filtered by Size'.
    Is Priority Attribute This setting works with the 'Left Nav Attributes Menu Display Order Priority Attribute Selector' Application Setting ('Product Filters' grouping). When enabled, any Attribute marked as a Priority Attribute will be displayed Left Navigation block separately from non-priority Attributes. If Attributes are marked as Priority but the Application Setting is disabled, the Priority Attributes will be ordered to display first with the rest of the non-Priority Attributes, followed by adherence to existing Display Order functionality.
    Is Google Attribute True/False. Google Attributes are fixed between IDs 1 - 6:
    1. Size
    2. Colour
    3. Material
    4. Pattern
    5. Age Group
    6. Gender
    These Attributes are non-deletable and values are used in the Google Shopping Feeds.
    Include Values In Site Search When enabled, the values for this attribute will be included in the associated search terms for models/stock that have the attribute's values (or attribute value translations). This will allow products to be searched for by their attributes, and applies to both retail and trade sites. Note that the search indexes must be rebuilt before the enabled attributes will start to appear in search results. You can do this manually using the 'Rebuild Search Index' setting on the ReloadSettings.aspx page (see Reload Settings).
  2. When adding an attribute, click the Insert Attribute button to save the attribute details.

Categories tab

You can now edit the Product Categories for the attribute. Product Categories are the Categories to which this attribute is applied. For example, an online golf store has an attribute called 'Hand'. This attribute will apply only to certain products they stock such as golf clubs, golf gloves, and so forth. They will not apply to golf balls, trousers, and so forth.

You can either link an attribute to all Product Categories or to specific Product Categories. Proceed as follows:

To link to all Product Categories:

Note that linking the attribute to all Product Categories will invite you to enter values for this Attribute against every stock item on your website.

  1. Click the Link [Attribute Name] button.
  2. You will see that all Categories now appear in the Linked Product Categories box in the section below.

To link to specific Product Categories:

  1. Highlight the Category in the Non-Linked Product Categories list and click the Link button.
  2. Subsequently, if you want to remove the link between the attribute and a Product Category, highlight the Category in the Linked Product Categories list and click the Unlink button.

Values tab

This tab works in unison with the Attribute Values page, so whatever updates you make here are reflected on both pages.

  1. To enter a new value for the attribute, enter the name in the Value box and click the Add Value button.
  2. To edit the name, display order or translation for the attribute, use the appropriate fields click the Update All Attribute Values button.
  3. For attributes that have the Is Colour setting set against them, you can enter a name and select the hex values for the colours to show in the IRP colour swatch functionality to display swatches on all front-end listing pages. Use the built in colour picker control which shows a list of pre-approved, commonly-used colours along with the recommended colour name:
    IRP image
    Leave these blank if no colour should display. A second colour is optional. When you specify a second colour, both colours will display in the same swatch circle.
  4. To delete a value, check the 'delete' box and click the Delete Selected Attribute Values button. Note that this cannot be undone.

Completing the configuration

To complete the process of displaying attributes on the front end, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Categories section in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.
  2. Use the Search bar to find the Categories that you have associated with the attribute.
  3. Click the Edit button beside the first category that you want to work with.
  4. Click the Attributes tab.
    Here is an example of what you might see:
    Attributes tab in Categories section
  5. If necessary, use the Link Attributes to select one or more unlinked attributes and link them to this category.
  6. Configure the Display Order of the attributes.
  7. Click the Add Values button to go to the StockAttributes.aspx screen. Here you can enter the values that you have configured for each of the products in the category that you are working with. As you type, the name of each value should appear.
  8. Click the Update [Attribute Name] button to save the details.
  9. Make sure that you have enabled the Show Left Nav Attributes Menu Application Setting (and configured any other relevant settings in the 'Left Nav Product Filter' group of Application Settings).
How to Bulk Update Attribute Values

FAQs (1)

How can I show attributes only for in-stock items?
You can enable the ‘Left Nav Attributes Menu Show In Stock Only Filter’ Application Setting (‘Left Nav Product Filter’ grouping ) which will display a check box in the left nav for filtering results by those that are in stock only. This in turn will filter the number of attributes in the left nav.
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