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You can find this section under Payment Processing > Currencies in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.

The IRP comes preloaded with a set of currencies. The default IRP configuration will have all of the orders charged in one currency and the other currencies are there as a close guide price. The actual price that customers will pay depends on the exchange rate of the bank. For example, if an item costs 100GBP and a person is browsing your site in US Dollars, they will see the item priced at (for example) at $156.25. If they make the purchase, they will be charged 100GBP.

The IRP also allows you to charge in other currencies. You enable this by setting the Charge Credit Card Orders in this Currency setting to True. You will also have to have the PSP (for example Realex) set up to allow this. For every currency that you wish to charge in, you require a Realex account.

For simplicity, we recommend charging in one currency; it makes little difference to the end user.

The main Currencies.aspx page appears as follows:

IRP Admin Currencies page

You can use the search bar at the top of the page to search by Currency Name, ISO or HTML Symbol.

The fields shown in the main grid are as follows:

  • ISO: The international ISO symbol for the currency e.g. ‘AUD’
  • Active: Active currencies are selectable by customers on the front end of the website. Inactive currencies are not selectable by customers.
  • Currency: The full name of the currency, e.g. ‘Australian Dollars’
  • Default: The default currency used in your IRP. If a currency is your default, the column will show ‘True’, otherwise it will show ‘False’.
  • Exchange Rate: The exchange rate for this currency. Exchange rates will be used to translate into prices for this currency. The value can be updated manually or automatically via a Common Task.
  • Auto Update: Whether the rates are automatically updated from the Exchange Rate Web Service (True/False).
  • HTML Symbol: The HTML representation of the currency symbol to be displayed next to a price on the front end of the website. The ISO for this currency will be used if no symbol is specified (e.g. $, £ etc.).
  • Charge Cards in this Currency: Whether to charge in this currency (True/False).

At the top of the page you can see the Add New Currency and Show All Currencies buttons. You use the former to add more currencies to IRP Admin and the latter to display all the currencies in the main grid (this is helpful if you have used the search bar to find a specific subset of currencies and you now want to show all the currencies). You can also click the Card Processors button to go directly to the PaymentProcessors.aspx page. See Admin User Group for more details.

For more details, refer to the How to Add or Edit Currencies article in this section.

Currency auditing

Using the Currencies Log, you can see at a glance when exchange rates were updated and when currencies were enabled for charging in the IRP. This is helpful for reporting and general understanding of sales. You can also keep track of updates to a currency as the log shows Admin User names, actions and timestamps.

You can view the Log by opening the CurrencyEdit.aspx page for any currency and then clicking the Log tab. You will see the following page:

Currencies Log

Currency format variations

You can set a Currency Format Variation in terms of Shipping Country, Language, Currency Symbol Position and Decimal Separator. For example, if the currency 'Euro' has a Currency Format Variation for France set against it, with 'Francais' as the Language, the Currency Symbol Position set as 'After Price' and the Decimal Separator set as 'Comma', if a customer views the site with their country set to France, their Language set to Francais and their Currency to Euro, then all prices throughout the website will use the Currency Format Variation set for Euro based on their settings and will display the prices with the Currency Symbol Position after the price, using a comma as the Decimal Separator, for example ‘4,50€’. This applies to all prices displayed throughout the Desktop, Mobile, Trade, Private Sale and EPOS sites.

You can set a number of different Currency Format Variation combinations; you can set the Currency Symbol Position to be displayed before the price, after the price, or to take the place of the Decimal Separator. The Decimal Separator itself can either be a Decimal Point or a Comma. In the case where a Currency does not have a Currency Symbol set against it, the Currency ISO will be used in place of the symbol and will follow the positioning set via any active Currency Format Variations.

Updating the exchange rate

You can update the exchange rate for any currency from the IRP Live Web Service by clicking the Get Current Rate from Web Service button on the CurrencyEdit.aspx page.

How To Guides (1)

How to Add or Edit Currencies

To add or edit a currency, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Payment Processing > Currencies in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.
  2. To add a new currency, click the Add New Currency button at the top of the screen.
  3. To edit details of an existing currency, click the Edit button at the right side of the currency that you want to edit.
  4. Enter or edit the following details. If you see an asterisk (*) beside a setting it means that the setting is required.
    Currency Details
    Active Active currencies are selectable by customers on the front-end of the website. Inactive currencies are not selectable by customers.
    Currency The full name of the currency, e.g. "Swedish Krona"
    ISO The international ISO symbol for the currency e.g. "SEK"
    Exchange Rate The exchange rate for this currency. Exchange rates will be used to convert this currency into prices. The value can be updated manually or automatically from the IRP Exchange Rate Web Service.
    HTML Symbol The HTML representation of the currency symbol to be displayed next to a price on the front-end of the website. The ISO for this currency will be used if no symbol is specified (e.g. $, £, etc.).
    Other Options
    Charge Credit Card Orders In This Currency If your IRP has been set up for Live Charging and you have a merchant account for this currency associated with your payment provider, check this box to charge in this currency.
    Allow Offline Orders In This Currency Check this box if you want to receive offline orders in this currency.
    Supported by Amazon Pay Currently, Amazon Pay supports charging in GBP, EUR, USD and JPY. Please ensure you have an Amazon Pay Account set up for this Currency if this setting is true. For more details, see the Amazon Pay Accounts help topic.
    Auto Update From Web Service Check this to auto update this Currency's Exchange Rate from our Web Service. Leave this unchecked if you are using a Fixed Exchange Rate in this Currency for charging.
    Auto Update Uplift (%) The percentage that the Exchange Rate will be increased / decreased by when updated automatically. For example, a value of 2% will increase the Exchange Rate by 2% of its current value. Negative values will decrease the Exchange Rate. NOTE: This uplift will only take effect when a Currency is updated via the Web Service therefore if you want the uplift to have an immediate effect on your front-end prices, after you click the Update Currency button you need to go to the Web Services section of IRP Admin (WebServicesHome.aspx) and click the Exchange Rates button. You will then see the price change on the front end. If you have 'Auto Update From Web Service' enabled on the CurrencyEdit.aspx page and you do not manually run the Exchange Rates web service, then the uplift will kick in when the web service next runs automatically - by default this is every 4 hours but will occur at whatever frequency the Common Task is set to run at.
    Note also that if you click 'Get Current Rate From Web Service' this will only update the value in the Exchange Rate text box - it will not run the Exchange Rates web service.
    Enable Points Loyalty Schemes Check this box for this currency to be available for use in Points-Based Loyalty Schemes.
    Enable Price Match Check this box for this currency to be available for a Price Match request to customers on the front-end of the website. Having this unchecked will override any ‘Enable Price Match’ setting against models when a customer has their currency set to this currency.
    Has Decimal Places Check this box if this currency uses decimal fraction values rather than whole values.
    Currency Format Variations
    Currency Format Shipping Country Select a Shipping Country for the Currency Format Variation to apply to. Other settings will then appear, as described below.
    Currency Format Language Select a Language for the Currency Format Variation to apply to.
    Currency Symbol Position Select where the Currency Symbol should be displayed when using this variation (Before Price, After Price or As Decimal Point. (Note: when a currency symbol is not set, this will determine where the ISO is displayed in its place.)
    Decimal Separator Select which Decimal Separator should be displayed when using this variation (Decimal Point or Comma). (Note: if Currency Symbol Position is set to 'As Decimal Point', this value is negligible as the Currency Symbol will take the Decimal Separator's place.)
  5. If you configured the 'Currency Format Variations' section, click the Add button. You will then see the details shown in a table as in the following example:
    Currency Format Variations
    If you make any changes, click the 'Update' button.
    As an example, if the currency 'Euro' has a Currency Format Variation for France set against it, with 'Francais' as the Language, the Currency Symbol Position set as 'After Price' and the Decimal Separator set as 'Comma', if a customer views the site with their country set to France, their Language set to Francais and their Currency to Euro, then all prices throughout the website will use the Currency Format Variation set for Euro based on their settings and will display the prices with the Currency Symbol Position after the price, using a comma as the Decimal Separator, for example ‘4,50€’. This applies to all prices displayed throughout the Desktop, Mobile, Trade, Private Sale and EPOS sites.
  6. When you have entered or updated all of the details, click the Insert New Currency button or the Update Currency button to save the details.

Advanced Pricing

If you have an IRP licence for the Advanced Pricing feature (also referred to as 'Fixed Currency Pricing') you will see a button at the top of the page to Enable Advanced Pricing for the currency you are editing on the CurrencyEdit.aspx page. You use this as follows:

  1. Click the Enable Advanced Pricing button to allow the currency to be available for fixed currency pricing. You will then see a confirmation dialog box.
  2. Click OK to proceed. The button at the top of the page will then transition to a Disable Advanced Pricing button.
  3. The currency will now be available for selection on the Advanced Pricing > Bulk Import Prices and Advanced Pricing > Stock Prices pages. Visit those pages to confirm that this is correct.

For more information about Advanced Pricing see the How To Set Up IRP Advanced Pricing help topic.

FAQs (1)

Can I allow Price Match requests in any currency?
Yes, you can do this on the ‘Edit Currencies’ screen. Select the currency that you want to work with, click the Edit button and check the box for ‘Enable Price Match’. This will allow this currency to be available for a Price Match request to customers on the front end of the website. Having this unchecked will override any ‘Enable Price Match’ setting against models when a customer has their currency set to this currency.

Application Settings (1)

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