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Email Templates

You can find this section under Email Marketing > Email Templates in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.

You use this page to configure templates for your Marketing Campaigns. The templates can include custom headers & footers, IRP placeholders, product lists, basket content templates and product recommendations.

The RemarketingCampaignEmailTemplates.aspx page appears as follows:

IRP image

The page shows the following details:

  • ID: The unique identifier for this remarketing campaign email template, added automatically by the IRP.
  • Active: Active templates will be available to use in remarketing emails; inactive templates will not.
  • Template Name: The name used to easily identify this template within IRP Admin.
  • Header & Footer: The header and footer to use for surrounding this template content.
  • Email Count: The number of emails that use this template.
  • Date Created: The date and time on which this template was created.
  • Preview: Click this button to see a preview of the email template.
  • Copy: Click this button to make a copy of the template so that you can easily adapt it for use in another campaign.
  • Edit: Click this button to go to the RemarketingCampaignEmailTemplateEdit.aspx page where you can make changes to the template. For more details see How to Add or Edit an Email Template.

Other functions

At the top of the page you can use the following buttons:

  • Headers & Footers: Click this button to go to the EmailHeadersAndFooters.aspx page where you can view, add and edit headers and footers for your emails. For more details, see the Headers & Footers help topic.
  • Emails CSS: Click this button to go to the CssStylesEmail.aspx page where you can view and edit the stylesheet (CSS) used for HTML emails. For more details, see the Email Stylesheet help topic.
  • Marketing Campaigns: Click this button to go to the MarketingCampaigns.aspx page where you can manage your event-driven email marketing campaign flows. For more details, see the Marketing Campaigns help topic.
  • Add New Template: Click this button to go to the RemarketingCampaignEmailTemplateEdit.aspx page where you can make changes to the template. For more details see How to Add or Edit an Email Template.

How To Guides (1)

How to Add or Edit an Email Template
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