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Amazon Pay Accounts

This help topic includes a general overview of the IRP Amazon Pay Integration feature in addition to a description of the AmazonPayAccounts.aspx page under Payment Processing > Amazon Pay Accounts.

IRP Amazon Pay Overview
Amazon Pay Accounts Page

IRP Amazon Pay overview

According to Amazon: With Amazon Pay you can maintain close customer relationships and control the shopping experience from check-in to check-out. Amazon Pay fits in to your branded checkout experience, and allows customers to use one familiar login to identify themselves and transact on your site.

To use the Amazon Pay Integration functionality, follow these steps:

  1. Sign up to Amazon Pay.
  2. Configure the Amazon Pay Account(s) in IRP Admin using the Amazon Pay Accounts section (AmazonPayAccounts.aspx) — for more information see 'Amazon Pay Accounts Page' below in the current help topic. For this step you will need to retrieve values for the following settings from your Seller Central account: Merchant ID, MWS Access Key ID, MWS Secret Access Key, Client ID and Client Secret.
    Important: Please contact your IRP Account Manager for help with, and verification of, your Amazon Seller Central account settings.
  3. Define any restrictions on the brands, categories or models that can use Amazon Pay. You do this by configuring the Amazon Pay Restricted setting on the BrandsEdit.aspx, CategoriesEdit.aspx and ModelsEdit.aspx pages. For more details, refer to the Brands, Categories and Models help topics.
  4. Use the Amazon Pay Settings section (AmazonPaySettings.aspx) to enable the Application Setting 'Enable Amazon Pay' and to set other Currency and Country values — see Amazon Pay Settings for more information. If your account is in Sandbox mode in Seller Central, you should also set the 'Use Amazon Pay Sandbox' Application Setting.
  5. Check that the 'Check Pending Amazon Pay Orders' Common Task is correctly configured and active. This allows you to automatically check pending Amazon Pay orders repeatedly at a defined time interval, or executed once at a specific date and time.
  6. Set up System Emails for Amazon Pay customers. These include the 'Amazon Pay Hard Decline Authorization' and 'Amazon Pay Soft Decline Authorization' emails.

Once configured correctly, an Amazon Pay Button will appear on the Basket and Payment Details (checkout) pages on the Desktop and Mobile versions of your website:

Amazon Pay Button

When a customer is successfully authorised after clicking the Amazon Pay button, they will be redirected automatically to the Order Summary page where they will be invited to select a Delivery Address and Payment Method from their Amazon Account. The customer will also be invited to select a Postage Option from the Order Summary pages.

Note that Amazon Pay's Second Payment Services Directive (PSD2) Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) is implemented on the IRP. This enforces Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for Amazon Pay customers checking out on the IRP.

For orders paid for using Amazon Pay:

  • The Amazon Order Reference Id is visible on the Orders.aspx and OrderManage.aspx pages. The Payment Method displayed will be shown as 'Amazon Pay'. Amazon Pay orders are also included on the Orders Overview page (OrdersHome.aspx) so that you can see at a glance how many Amazon Pay orders there have been in the last 30 days. For more details see the Overview (Orders) help topic.
  • The Payment Transactions tab will show all the Amazon Pay transactions for the order. Clicking the 'Response' button beside each row will show the response that was returned following calls to the Amazon Pay API.
  • You can perform charges and refunds from the from the Charge / Refund tab on the OrderManage.aspx page. Note that additional charges of less than or equal to 15% of the Order Total value are permitted. You can place refunds on any charges made from the customer's Amazon Account.
  • There should be at least two log entries per order: 1) Order Placed with the Status being 'New Pay by Amazon Pay' and 2) Amazon Pay Capture Completed with the Status being 'New'.

AmazonPayAccounts.aspx page

The AmazonPayAccounts.aspx page under Payment Processing > Amazon Pay Accounts appears as follows:

Amazon Pay Accounts Page

Note that if your Amazon account is in Sandbox mode in Seller Central, you will see a message at the top of the AmazonPayAccounts.aspx page that states: ‘You are currently running Amazon Pay in Sandbox mode. Click here to change this value just before Go Live’.

You can see the following details on this page:

  • ID: The unique IRP identifier for this Amazon Pay Account. This is generated automatically by the IRP.
  • Active: Active Amazon Pay Accounts can appear on the website's front end as long as the customer's selected country has Amazon Pay enabled. Inactive Accounts will not appear. If you make a change here, be sure to click the Update Amazon Pay Accounts button to save your changes.
  • Account Name: The name given to this Amazon Pay Account for quick identification in IRP Admin.
  • Merchant ID: Your Merchant / Seller ID (as defined in your Amazon Seller Central account) is the unique identifier for all of your transactions.
  • Currency: In almost all circumstances this will show the default setting of 'All Unhandled Currencies'.
  • Region: The region of this Amazon Pay Account. The region determines what Widget JavaScript to import at the checkout stage.
  • Enable SCA: If True, the IRP will attempt a Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) payment flow for each customer attempting to check out with Amazon Pay using this account. (UK and EU accounts should use SCA whereas US accounts should not use SCA.)
  • Credentials Complete: Yes / No — this indicates whether or not your Amazon account credentials are complete in the IRP.
  • Edit: Click this button to edit the configuration of an existing Amazon Pay Account. For more details, see the How to Add or Edit an Amazon Pay Account article later in this section.

At the top of the screen you can see the following buttons:

  • Amazon Seller Central: Click this button to go to the Amazon Seller Central login page.
  • Enable Amazon Pay: Click this button to enable or disable the Amazon Pay functionality in the IRP. Note that the feature will not work if this is disabled.
  • Amazon Pay Errors: Click this button to go to the AmazonPayTransactions.aspx page. Here you can view errors relating to the Amazon Pay functionality, for example transaction errors, address validation errors and invalid country codes. You can filter the errors by Amazon Pay Account and by Date Range.
  • Add New Amazon Pay Account: Click this button to configure a new Amazon Pay Account. For more details, see the How to Add or Edit an Amazon Pay Account article later in this section.
  • Settings cogwheel: Click this button to go to the AmazonPaySettings.aspx page. See Amazon Pay Settings for more information


Here are notes on several features of Amazon Pay on the IRP.

Note on 'New Pay by Amazon Pay' Order Status

If Amazon Pay cannot complete a Payment Authorization within an acceptable amount of time, they request that an Asynchronous Authorization is performed. This means that the Authorization is initiated but the Success / Failure result is sent at a later date, i.e. when Amazon can confirm. Such orders are added to the system as 'New Pay by Amazon Pay' and are in essence 'Pending', meaning that the IRP will automatically push them through to 'New' if Amazon sends a message indicating that Authorization has been successful and, inversely, they will be cancelled if Amazon indicates a failure.

Note on 'Order Cancelled as a Result of Manual Authorization Check'

This refers to the situation where Amazon has not sent the full Authorization Details for Pending Payments (i.e. New Pay By Amazon) even though the funds were actually captured. The IRP subsequently cancels these Pending Orders as the pre-requisite information was missing. These orders will need refunded directly in Amazon Seller Central.

Note on customer telephone numbers

The Customer 'Telephone' Contact Details value will be set to the Telephone Number provided in the address that is set via the Amazon Pay address book widget in the case that the 'Telephone' field is either 'Not Provided' or has not been set at all.

When customers change their minds about using Amazon Pay to pay for an order

When a customer who has initially chosen to check out via Amazon Pay subsequently decides to use an alternative Payment Method by going back to the basket page and clicking 'Proceed to Checkout', their Amazon credentials are reset and they are logged out. This prevents any dummy Delivery and Billing Addresses being created as a result of Amazon Pay feeding into other Payment Type orders.

Note that when an Amazon Pay order is rejected (for example due to fraud) after the order is confirmed, the stock will be replenished when the order is cancelled. In addition, when an Amazon Pay order fails to successfully charge the Amazon account, the web stock level will NOT be decreased (as though the purchase had been successful).These features prevent stock levels from becoming inaccurate due to failed Amazon Pay attempts.

How To Guides (1)

How to Add or Edit an Amazon Pay Account
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