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Live Chat Settings

You can find this section under Application Settings > Live Chat Settings in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.

You use the Live Chat Settings section to define the settings described below. For more information about Live Chat, refer to the Live Chat Active Sessions help topic.

Setting Description
Live Chat Settings
Enable Live Support Enabling Live Support ensures that the Live Chat logo appears on the front-end of the website. Live Chat allows customers to communicate directly with technical support staff for the website.
Disable after Waiting Threshold Exceeded The maximum number of waiting Live Chat sessions before it is turned off due to excessive volume.
Play New Live Support Session Sound in Admin Check this to play a small sound in IRP Admin whenever a customer begins a new Live Chat session.
Use Automatic Activation Rules If you check this, the Live Chat functionality will be enabled/disabled and scheduled to be enabled/disabled based on currently-set Live Chat Activation Rules. Note that if you disable the use of Automatic Activation Rules, the Enable Live Support setting will remain as what it was at the time of disabling the rules. Therefore if you want to totally disable Live Chat, you need to uncheck the Enable Live Support setting.
Enable Live Support In Checkout Check this to show the Live Chat feature on checkout pages on the front end of your website.
Automatic Translation Settings
Enable Automatic Translations Enable to allow Live Chat to automatically detect Admin User and customer languages and provide automatic translation services for both users. This setting requires a valid Automatic Translation Key.
Automatic Translation Key Key used to carry out Automatic Translations when Automatic Translation functionality is enabled.

If you make any changes here, click the Update Live Chat Settings button.

FAQs (1)

Is there a setting to automatically set Live Chat to inactive outwith business hours?
Yes, you can use the Automatic Activation Rules functionality to configure active versus inactive times for Live Support.
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