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Stock Suppliers

You can find this section under Stock Control > Stock Suppliers in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.

You use this section to view and add details of companies that supply your stock. This is essential for creating Stock Purchase Orders. In addition to managing the contact and financial details for your Suppliers, you can rate them for quality and measure their average lead time. You can also set default Suppliers for each brand in your stock and view summary statistics for your costs and sales figures.

The main Suppliers page (StockSuppliers.aspx) shows several details for each of your Suppliers in a separate row:

IRP Admin image

You can use the search bar at the top of the page to find any Supplier in the system. As with many other pages in IRP Admin, you can export the Supplier data in a format of your choosing by clicking the spreadsheet icon below the search bar.

The details shown in the main grid include the following:

  • ID: This is a unique IRP identifier for this Supplier, created automatically by the IRP.
  • Account Number: This is a unique number provided by the Supplier corresponding to your account with them.
  • Supplier: The Supplier's name, visible throughout IRP Admin.
  • Country: The Supplier's country.
  • Currency: This is the accepted payment currency for the Supplier.
  • Credit Limit: This is the set credit limit provided by the Supplier (if any). This figure can be useful when calculating how much stock to re-purchase.
  • Amount Owing: The total amount that you owe this Supplier.
  • Lifetime Spend: The total amount that you have spent ordering from this Supplier.
  • Purchase Orders: The total number of orders that you have made from this Supplier.
  • Rating: This is a discretionary star rating that you can use to represent the quality of, or your preference for, the Supplier. This is only displayed for reference within IRP Admin. This is a fixed value, not an aggregate.
  • [Email icon]: Click the email icon to open up an email using your default email application so that you can contact the Supplier. This will have the Supplier's email address in the 'To' field and you can then enter your subject and body content.
  • [Statistics icon]: Click the chart icon to go to the EntityStats.aspx page where you can view key sales statistics. See How To View Statistics for a Stock Supplier below for more information.
  • Edit: Click this button to go to the StockSuppliersEdit.aspx page where you can edit the details of a Supplier. See How To Add or Edit a Stock Supplier below for more information.

At the top of the page you can use the following buttons:

  • Add New Stock Supplier: Click this button to add a new Supplier to the system. For details, see How To Add or Edit a Stock Supplier.
  • Set Brand Default Suppliers: Click this button to define a specific Supplier for each brand in your system. You can also choose to auto-calculate the reorder quantity and the minimum stock level values of all items belonging to brands, auto-generate purchase orders for the items in the brand when they are low in stock and override the Suppliers set against the individual stock items belonging to brands. For details, see How To Set Brand Default Suppliers.

How To Guides (3)

How To Add or Edit a Stock Supplier
How To Set Brand Default Suppliers
How To View Statistics for a Stock Supplier

To view statistics for a Stock Supplier, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Stock Control > Stock Suppliers in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.
  2. Search for the Supplier you are interested in and click the bar chart icon at the right side of the page: Bar chart icon
  3. If you are an Admin User with permission to use the IRP Stock Control features, you will be directed to the ProductStockAnalysis.aspx page. For more details see the Stock Log help topic.
  4. If you do not have permissions to use the IRP Stock Control features, you will be directed to the EntityStats.aspx page where you can view sales statistics for the model. See the section below entitled Using the Entity Stats Page.

Using the Entity Stats page

The EntityStats.aspx) page appears as follows:

Stock Supplier statistics page

The key financial statistics for a selected date range (the last 30 days by default) are at the top of the page. These are:

  • % Margin: The standard percentage increase/decrease measure for unit (sale) price to cost price over the selected date range.
  • Units Ordered: The total number of units that have been ordered from the Supplier over the selected date range.
  • Avg. Cost Price: The average cost price measured over the lifetime.
  • Number of Orders: The total number of orders placed with the Supplier over the selected date range.
  • Total Profit: The total profit over the selected date range.
  • % of Overall Profit: The percentage of the overall profit constituted by the profit in the selected date range.
  • % of Overall Sales: The percentage of overall sales constituted by the sales in the selected date range.
  • Total Sales: The total sales figure over the selected date range.

Filter options

The filter options are under the key statistics at the top. You can filter by country, order type (web sales, retail sales or telesales), product and date. If you click Other Options under the Search bar, you can filter by brand, category, and model. You can also change the Supplier to view.
When you have selected your filters, click the Apply Changes button and you will see the results returned in the areas below.

Sales charts

The lower section of the page displays the Sales Chart. This plots Total Sales Value on the y-axis against Date on the x-axis. Click the Graph By icon to toggle between month and day graphs. You can hover the cursor over any node on the chart to view summary information.

Scroll down to view the Country Sales Chart. This is a pie chart showing a breakdown of your sales by country. You can hover the cursor over a section of the chart to view summary information for each country.

Order details

To view order details for a Supplier, click the Orders tab. The Supplier Order statistics are shown:

Order Stats Example

The fields displayed include:

  • Order ID: This is the unique ID for an order.
  • Date: This is the date when the order was placed with the Supplier.
  • Order Item ID: This is the unique ID for the item.
  • Stock ID: This is the unique ID for the stock.
  • Model ID: This is the unique ID for the model.
  • Product: This is the name of the product that was ordered.
  • Option: This is the option on the product that was ordered.
  • Quantity: This is the quantity of the item that was ordered.
  • Unit Price: This is the unit (sale) price of the item that was ordered.
  • Cost Price: This is the cost price of the item that was ordered.
  • Profit: This is the profit on the item that was ordered (unit price minus cost price).

In the Product Option Sales section you can view key information about option sales, including: Stock ID, Option, Units Sold, Unit Cost, Unit Price, Revenue and Profit.

(Optional) Click the Export Sales Data icon Export Sales Data icon to export the data in a variety of possible formats. You can then go on to select from a large number of options by clicking the Advanced button:

Advanced export button

Returning to the main Supplier statistics page, you can also view the best-selling items associated with a Supplier by clicking the Best Sellers tab (if available).

FAQs (2)

To what does 'Credit Limit' refer in the Stock Suppliers section?
This refers to any set credit limit provided by the Stock Supplier - if any. This figure can be useful when you are calculating how much stock to re-purchase.
Can I rate my Stock Suppliers?
Yes, you can do this on the StockSuppliersEdit.aspx page. In the 'IRP Settings' section, use the 'Star Rating' setting to enter a star rating representing the quality of, or your preference for, the Stock Supplier. This is only displayed for reference within the IRP.
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