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Traffic Sources

Note: You should use the Traffic Sources and Traffic Partners sections of IRP Admin only in cooperation with your IRP Account Manager.

You can find this section under Orders Tracking > Traffic Sources in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.

The Traffic Sources section is one of the most important and productive sections in IRP Admin. By entering your marketing costs, linking up with your Google Analytics account and harnessing the powerful statistical abilities of the IRP, you have the potential to maximise your sales using insights and strategies specific to your particular retail sector.

Hierarchy of Channels, Sources and Partners

Traffic Channels contain Traffic Sources which are then identified with Traffic Partners:

  1. Traffic Channels: These are the online marketing channels that are defined in IRP World. You download the following channels from IRP World as explained later in this section:
    1. Direct
    2. Paid Search Marketing
    3. Affiliate Marketing
    4. Organic Search Traffic
    5. Free Social Media Marketing
    6. Email Marketing
    7. Paid Social Media Marketing
    8. Marketplaces
    9. Remarketing and Display Advertising
    10. Paid Offline Advertising
    11. Referral Traffic
    12. Comparison and Review Sites
    13. Other (a catch-all category for channels that currently have no name)
  2. Traffic Sources: These are the specific sources within the channels. Again, you download these from IRP World as explained later in this section. Potentially there could be a large number of Traffic Sources and so here are just a few examples:
    • Google PPC (‘Paid Search Marketing’ Channel)
    • Yahoo Organic (‘Organic Search Traffic’ Channel)
    • Amazon (‘Marketplaces’ Channel)
    • IRP Email Marketing (‘Email Marketing’ Channel)
    • Affiliate Window (‘Affiliate Marketing’ Channel)
    • Facebook Paid (‘Paid Social Media Marketing’ Channel)
    • Twitter Free (‘Free Social Media Marketing’ Channel)
  3. Traffic Partners: You could think of Traffic Partners as splits within the Traffic Sources, for example you might have country-specific Partners for each of your PPC Sources. You add Traffic Partners to IRP Admin manually; you don’t download these from IRP World. Examples of Traffic Partners might include:
    • Google AdWords UK
    • Google AdWords USA
    • Google AdWords CHINA

Note that you should decide upon a naming convention for your Traffic Partners and make sure that you are consistent in the names you choose. We recommend that you include as much detail as necessary to distinguish each Traffic Partner from other similar Traffic Partners.

For more details, see the Traffic Partners help topic.

TrafficSources.aspx page

You use the main (TrafficSources.aspx) page to do two things:

  1. Download Traffic Sources from IRP World.
  2. Use your Analytics data to enter your Traffic Source Costs, Revenues and Transactions.

Downloading Traffic Sources from IRP World

Before you download Traffic Sources from IRP World, the main Traffic Sources page (TrafficSources.aspx) appears as follows:

Traffic Sources page

If you (or your IRP Consultant) has not already done so, the first thing you need to do is to click the Get Latest Traffic Sources button. When you do so, the page is populated with data from IRP World as follows (note that the following screen capture includes sales, transactions and Traffic Partner details which you will learn about in later sections):

Traffic Sources page populated with data from IRP World

You can use the Search bar at the top of the page to find any Traffic Source. If you expand Other Options you can filter by Traffic Channel and by paid channel/unpaid channel.

Note: Now that you have downloaded the Traffic Sources, you don’t need to use the Get Latest Traffic Sources button again as the IRP uses the Download Latest Traffic Sources Common Task to keep the Traffic Sources synchronised with IRP World. However, there may be times when you need to use the button, for example if a new Traffic Source is added to IRP World and you need to update your IRP before the Common Task is scheduled to run.

Click the Enable Stat Entry button for the Traffic Sources you use. Then only those ones will appear in the main grid (there needs to be one or more Traffic Partners that fall under a particular Traffic Source).

When your Traffic Sources are in place, you can go on to associate them with specific Traffic Partners. To do this, you can click the Traffic Partners button at the top of the page, or go to Orders Tracking > Traffic Partners in the IRP Admin left navigation menu. For more details, see the Traffic Partners help topic.

Entering your Costs

After downloading the Traffic Channels and Traffic Sources from IRP World, you need to enter your costs. You should do this at least seven days after month end for the previous month. You can enter costs in one of the following ways:

  1. Go to Orders Tracking > Traffic Sources in the IRP Admin left navigation menu and click the Enter Costs button at the top of the page.
  2. Click the Enter Costs button in the bottom navigation bar. This button will be coloured red if you have yet to enter your costs; otherwise it will be grey:
    Enter Costs button on bottom navigation bar
  3. Go to Statistics > Monthly Statistics in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.

Note: Ensure that you enter your figures inclusive of VAT.

For details about how to enter your costs, see the How To Enter Costs article in this section.

How To Guides (1)

How To Enter Costs

To enter costs, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Orders Tracking > Traffic Sources in the IRP Admin left navigation menu and click the Enter Costs button at the top of the page.
  2. Click the Enter Costs button in the bottom navigation bar. This button will be coloured red if you have yet to enter your costs; otherwise it will be grey:
    Enter Costs button on bottom navigation bar
  3. Go to Statistics > Monthly Statistics in the IRP Admin left navigation menu. The IRPStatistics.aspx page appears with two tabs: Enter Costs and Other Figures. See the following sections for details about how to populate these sections.

Note: Ensure that you enter your figures inclusive of VAT.

Using the Enter Costs tab

  1. First select the Month and Year using the 'Select Month' drop-down list at the top of the page:
  2. Select Month drop-down list

  3. In the Traffic Source Costs section you need to enter your Costs against each of the Traffic Sources. You can also select a currency and a cost per click for each traffic source. Then:
    i. Enter the Sales figures from your Analytics (do not click the Refresh icon beside the Sales cell – this causes the IRP to auto-generate Traffic Source Sales figures but there is no guarantee that these will be accurate – however you can do this to use as a marker or rough guide as long as you manually enter the correct figures afterwards. EXCEPTION: You can use the Refresh icon for IRP Email Marketing.)
    ii. Enter the Transactions figures from your Analytics (do not click the Refresh icon beside the Transactions cell – this causes the IRP to auto-generate Traffic Source Transactions figures but there is no guarantee that these will be accurate – however you can do this to use as a marker or rough guide as long as you manually enter the correct figures afterwards):
  4. Traffic Source Costs section
  5. When you have entered your costs, click the Update Costs for [Date - Year] button.
  6. Carry out the steps above for each of the months that you need to cover until your figures are up to date.
  7. Finally select the Other Figures tab and click the 'Re-Calculate Figures for [Month] - [Year] button.

NOTE: As described in the following section, the data on the 'Other Figures' tab are calculated automatically as they are downloaded directly from Google Analytics and also some calculations are carried out by the IRP using the Auto Update IRP Statistics Common Task. So in general the only button to use in this section on a regular basis is the 'Re-Calculate Figures for [Month] - [Year] button.

Using the Other Figures tab


  • Your IRP must be linked with your Google Analytics accounts in order for the statistics in this section to be accessible. This is normally carried out by your IRP Consultant, however you can find details about how this is achieved in the Enabling Google Analytics API with IRP help topic in the IRP Knowledge Base.
  • There are IRP Statistics Settings associated with this section. You can find these by clicking the cog wheel icon in the top right corner of the IRPStatistics.aspx page which directs you to the IRPStatisticsSettings.aspx page. Working with your IRP Consultant, you should check that these are configured correctly:
    • IRP World Company Account ID: (In the 'IRP World Settings' section.) This is the unique identifier for your business on IRP World. This should be set by your IRP Consultant.
    • Default IRP World Shipping Country: (In the 'IRP World Settings' section.) This is the default IRP World Shipping Country that helps the IRP to align statistics for similar countries. For example, if your company resided in Ireland, this would be the IRP World Shipping Country ID 105. The values are stored on the IRP World and should be set by your IRP Consultant. Whilst some companies choose to split their domestic customers into regions, they should all be grouped under the one parent country by using this setting.
    • Statistics Auto Calculation Period: (In the 'Other Settings' section.) This is used in the Common Task for auto-updating IRP statistics and determines how far back statistics will be calculated. There are three options: ‘Current Calendar Year Only’, ‘Current And Last Calendar Year’ and ‘Since First Order Date’.
    (Note that the settings in the 'Google Analytics Settings' section are described in the Enabling Google Analytics API with IRP help topic.)
  • Most of the figures in the sections on this tab are calculated automatically as they are downloaded directly from Google Analytics and also some calculations are carried out by the IRP using the Auto Update IRP Statistics Common Task . If necessary however, you can edit them manually by clicking the Edit button. You might want to do this, for example, if you think that the figures are slightly off (say a large number of returns have reduced the sales figures for the particular Month and Year you are working with.) If you do make manual edits, click the Re-Calculate Figures for [Date - Year] button to update the figures.

You manage the Other Figures tab as follows:

  1. First ensure that you are using the same Month and Year as you did for the Traffic Source Costs section using the Select Month drop-down list at the top of the page. Then you can work with the Other Figures tab which includes the following settings:
    Sales (inc. Tax)
    Total This is the Total Revenue generated on your website from Web Sales or Telesales for the selected Month and Year. This figure is calculated from your IRP.
    Domestic This is the Total Domestic Revenue generated on your website from Web Sales or Telesales for the selected Month and Year. This figure is calculated from your IRP.
    International This is the Total International (non-Domestic) Revenue generated on your website from Web Sales or Telesales for the selected Month and Year. This figure is calculated from your IRP.
    ePOS This is the Total Revenue generated from your IRP till for the selected Month and Year. This figure is calculated from your IRP.
    Desktop This is the Total Revenue generated by the Desktop version of your website from Web Sales or Telesales for the selected Month and Year. This figure is calculated from your IRP.
    Mobile This is the Total Revenue generated by the Mobile version of your website from Web Sales or Telesales for the selected Month and Year. This figure is calculated from your IRP.
    Tablet This is the Total Revenue generated by the Mobile version of your website from Web Sales or Telesales for the selected Month and Year. This figure is calculated from your IRP.
    Total This is the Total Number of unique sessions on your website for the selected Month and Year. This figure is taken from Google Analytics.
    Domestic This is the Total Number of unique domestic visitors to your website for the selected Month and Year. This figure is taken from Google Analytics.
    International This is the Total Number of unique international (non-Domestic) visitors to your website for the selected Month and Year. This figure is taken from Google Analytics.
    Desktop This is the Total Number of unique desktop visitors to your website for the selected Month and Year. This figure is taken from Google Analytics.
    Mobile This is the Total Number of unique mobile visitors to your website for the selected Month and Year. This figure is taken from Google Analytics.
    Tablet This is the Total Number of unique tablet visitors to your website for the selected Month and Year. This figure is taken from Google Analytics.
    Total This is the Total Number of Transactions generated on your website for the selected Month and Year. This figure is taken from Google Analytics.
    Domestic This is the Total Number of Domestic Transactions generated on your website for the selected Month and Year. This figure is taken from Google Analytics.
    International This is the Total Number of International (non-Domestic) Transactions generated on your website for the selected Month and Year. This figure is taken from Google Analytics.
    Desktop This is the Total Number of Desktop Transactions generated on your website for the selected Month and Year. This figure is taken from Google Analytics.
    Mobile This is the Total Number of Mobile Transactions generated on your website for the selected Month and Year. This figure is taken from Google Analytics.
    Tablet This is the Total Number of Tablet Transactions generated on your website for the selected Month and Year. This figure is taken from Google Analytics.
    Fulfilled This is the Total Number of Transactions that have been fulfilled on your website for the selected Month and Year. This figure is taken from your IRP.
    Cancelled This is the Total Number of Transactions that have been cancelled on your website for the selected Month and Year. This figure is taken from your IRP.
    Returned This is the Total Number of Transactions that have had items returned on your website for the selected Month and Year. This figure is taken from your IRP.
    Conversion Rates
    Overall This is the Overall Conversion Rate, calculated by:
    (Total Successful Transactions / Total Unique Visitors) * 100
    Note that both the ‘Total Successful Transactions’ value and the ‘Total Unique Sessions’ value are taken from Google Analytics.
    Domestic This is the Domestic Conversion Rate, calculated by:
    (Total Successful Domestic Transactions / Total Unique Domestic Visitors) * 100
    Note that both the ‘Total Successful Domestic Transactions’ value and the ‘Total Unique Domestic Visitors’ value are taken from Google Analytics.
    International This is the International Conversion Rate, calculated by:
    (Total Successful International Transactions / Total Unique International Visitors) * 100
    Note that both the ‘Total Successful International Transactions ’ value and the ‘Total Unique International Visitors’ value are taken from Google Analytics.
    Desktop This is the Desktop Conversion Rate, calculated by:
    (Number of Desktop Transactions / Number of Desktop Visitors) * 100
    Note that both the ‘Number of Desktop Transactions ’ value and the ‘Number of Desktop Visitors’ value are taken from Google Analytics.
    Mobile This is the Mobile Conversion Rate, calculated by:
    (Number of Mobile Transactions / Number of Mobile Visitors) * 100
    Note that both the ‘Number of Mobile Transactions ’ value and the ‘Number of Mobile Visitors’ value are taken from Google Analytics.
    Tablet This is the Tablet Conversion Rate, calculated by:
    (Number of Tablet Transactions / Number of Tablet Visitors) * 100
    Note that both the ‘Number of Tablet Transactions ’ value and the ‘Number of Tablet Visitors’ value are taken from Google Analytics.
    Other Values
    Stock Cost This is the Total Cost of the Stock purchased on your website for the selected Month and Year. This value is calculated from your IRP.
    Units Sold This is the Total number of Units Sold on your website for the selected Month and Year. This value is calculated from your IRP.
    Discount Total This is the Total Discount offered on your website for the selected month and year. This value is calculated from your IRP.
    Bounce Rate This is the rate at which visitors leave your site after visiting only the page that they first land on. This figure is taken from Google Analytics.
    Customers This is the number of customers who have ordered in the selected month and year. This value is calculated from your IRP.
    CLV % This is the Customer Lifetime Value for your website calculated by: Total Order Value / Distinct Ordering Customers. NOTE: These values are taken from the 1st Order Date until the Date specified. This value is calculated from your IRP
    Average Order Values
    Overall This is the Average Order Value for the selected month and year. This value is calculated from your IRP.
    Desktop This is the Average Order Value for orders placed on the Desktop version of your website for the selected month and year. This value is calculated from your IRP.
    Mobile This is the Average Order Value for orders placed on the Mobile version of your website for the selected month and year. This value is calculated from your IRP.
    Traffic Source Figures
    The details in this section are pulled in from the Enter Costs tab, as described previously.
  2. If you have made any manual edits on this page, click the Re-Calculate Figures for [Date - Year] button.

FAQs (4)

Who should enter the 'Enter Costs' data on the Traffic Sources page?
Typically these are tasks that will be carried out by your IRP Account Manager, assisted by your Ecommerce Manager.
How often do I need to enter costs on the Traffic Sources page?
Costs should be entered and updated every month, shortly after month end for the previous month. You cannot enter costs again until a month has completely ended.
Can I add a new Traffic Source?
If you need to add a new Traffic Source, contact your Account Manager. You cannot do this yourself using IRP Admin. You can of course add as many Traffic Partners as you need.
How do I enable the Google Analytics API to work with the IRP?
See the following Knowledge Base help topic:
Enabling Google Analytics API with IRP
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