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Help Categories

You can find this section under Site Help > Help Categories in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.

You use the site help feature to create a structured help section on your front-end website. You can also customise the site help and use it as a blog or a customer knowledge base section.

You create site help using Help Categories and Help Topics. Help Categories act as a heading or section. You can assign multiple topics to each Help Category but each Help Topic should be assigned to one Help Category only. Help Categories and Help Topics are shown in the image below:

IRP Admin image

If Site Help is enabled in Application Settings, customers can go directly to the Help page by entering your_IRP/Help.aspx in their browser (where your_IRP is your IRP domain name). Of course, you can provide a link to this area in an appropriate part of your navigation.

HelpCategories.aspx page

The main HelpCategories.aspx page appears as follows:

IRP Admin image

This shows various details including:

  • ID: This is the unique IRP identifier for this Help Category.
  • Display Order: This defines where this Help Category should appear in relation to other Help Categories in the left navigation menu. Lower values will display before higher values, e.g. a Help Category with a display order value of 1, will appear before a Help Category with a value of 2. You can edit this value – if you do so, be sure to click the Update Help Categories button to save your changes.
  • Help Category Name: This is the name of the Help Category which will be displayed in the left navigation menu
  • Help Topic Title: This is the default Help Topic for this Help Category. This Help Topic will be displayed when someone clicks the Help Category link in the left navigation menu.
  • Visible In Menu: This indicates whether or not the Help Category is displayed in the left navigation menu.
  • Date Created: This shows the date and time when the Help Category was created in IRP Admin.
  • Edit: Click this button to make changes to a Help Category. For more details, see How To Add A Help Category.

Site Help Application Settings

You configure several key Application Settings for Site Help under Application Settings > Site Help Settings, including the essential Enable Site Help setting. See the Site Help Settings topic for more information.

How To Guides (1)

How To Add A Help Category
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