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Shipping Countries

You can find this section under Shipping > Shipping Countries in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.

You use the Shipping Countries section to add and edit Shipping settings for countries. You can also use it to disallow shipping to specific countries, to set country-specific CSS and to set Tax Rates. A full list of these settings is defined in the How To Add or Edit A Shipping Country section.

A complete list of Shipping Countries will be imported into your IRP when your IRP instance is created. The majority of your actions in this section will therefore be editing Shipping Country details. You would only have to add a new Shipping Country if a new country was created in the world and you wanted to allow shipping to that country. However occasionally you may need to make edits to a country's settings, for example images, tax rates, shipping messages and so forth.

ShippingCountries.aspx page

The ShippingCountries.aspx page appears as follows:

IRP Admin image

You can use the search bar at the top of the page to locate any Shipping Country in the system and, if you expand 'Other Options', you can filter by sub-countries, orphaned-only or EU members only. The results are displayed in grid below. This shows the following details:

  • ID: The unique IRP identifier for this Shipping Country, created automatically by the IRP.
  • Image: This flag image will appear when a customer sets their Shipping Country. The image will appear in the settings box at the top of the page, the models page and the postage information page.
  • Country: The configured name of the Shipping Country.
  • Country ISO: The Country ISO for this Shipping Country.
  • Currency ISO: The main Currency ISO used in this Shipping Country.
  • Default Shipping Cost: The default shipping cost for this Shipping Country. This will be used in the event that no Shipping Rules are available. Set to a negative value if shipping to this country is not possible.
  • Default Tax Rate: This Shipping Country's default VAT rate, to be applied to all non-specified product categories.
  • Tax Exempt Threshold: This determines (in the default currency) thresholds over which orders should not be charged tax/VAT:
    • Orders with basket totals (excluding tax/VAT, gift vouchers and shipping charges) below this threshold will be charged tax/VAT.
    • Orders with basket totals (excluding tax/VAT, gift vouchers and shipping charges) over this threshold will NOT be charged tax/VAT.
    Customers who are already exempt from tax/VAT will not be affected.
  • Regions: The number of regions, if any, configured for this Shipping Country. For more details, see How to Add Regions to a Country.
  • Sub Countries: The number of sub countries, if any, configured for this Shipping Country. For more details, see How to Add or Edit Sub Countries.
  • Edit: Click this button to make changes to a Shipping Country configuration. For more details, see How to Add or Edit a Shipping Country.

Overview video

Note: Currently videos are not maintained in line with each software release and therefore features may work slightly differently from the way they are shown.

How To Guides (3)

How to Add or Edit a Shipping Country

To add or edit a Shipping Country, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Shipping > Shipping Countries in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.
  2. To add a new Shipping Country, click the Add New Shipping Country button at the top of the screen.
    To edit an existing Shipping Country, click the Edit button at the right side of the Shipping Country that you want to edit.
  3. Enter or edit the following details:
    Basic Information
    Shipping Country ID The unique IRP identifier for this Shipping Country. This is generated automatically when adding a Shipping Country.
    Country Name Select the name of this Shipping Country, e.g. France, Ireland, United Kingdom.
    Google Analytics Name The Google Analytics Name is used to calculate domestic Visitors, Transactions and Sessions. This name must correlate exactly with what Google names a Country. In most cases the name of the country will also be the name that Google uses but you should double check just to be sure. If there is a difference then this field is where you enter the name that Google uses. The most important Shipping Country to set this against is the Default Shipping Country of your IRP. Google Queries use the following criteria for calculating Domestic and International figures:
    • Domestic: ga:Country==[GoogleAnalyticsCountryName]
    • International: ga:Country!=[GoogleAnalyticsCountryName]
    IRP World Shipping Country This is the IRP World Shipping Country name that relates to this country. You are only likely to use this field if you have countries named in unusual ways but, if you do, this setting is important for analytics in IRP World. You would use this, for example, if you have countries in your IRP that are split into different regions. For example, instead of just having one country named ‘United Kingdom’, you might have separate countries with the names ‘UK (England)’, ‘UK (Northern Ireland)’, ‘UK (Scotland)’ and ‘UK (Wales)’. In this case, it’s important that you set the ‘IRP World Shipping Country’ value to ‘United Kingdom’ for each of these countries to make sure that IRP World statistics are calculated accurately.
    There is also an Application Setting called ‘Default IRP World Shipping Country ID’ (in the ‘IRP Statistics’ group) which defines the country that you ship to by default.
    Country ISO Country ISO for this Shipping Country.
    Main Country For ISO This highlights the Country as the Main Country for the specified ISO. For example,
    ‘Spain’ and ‘Spain - Canary Islands’ will both have the ISO ‘es’, but only Spain should be set to the Main Country of the ISO.
    Setting this to true will set all others with this ISO to false.
    Currency ISO This is the main Currency ISO used in this Country. Note that it is possible for the same ISO to be used for different countries (e.g. United Kingdom - Northern Ireland and United Kingdom both use GBP).
    Tax Exempt (Note that this setting is visible only if you have enabled the 'Allow User Vat Status Changes' Application Setting (in the Tax grouping').) Specify whether business (B2C) customers from this country are allowed to be exempt from paying tax. This setting applies only to business (B2C) accounts (therefore it is possible, for example, to have a 'Default Tax Rate' set against the country but also to have it marked as 'Tax Exempt' for business (B2C) customers).
    Tax Exempt Threshold This determines (in the default currency) thresholds over which orders should not be charged tax/VAT:
    • Orders with basket totals (excluding tax/VAT, gift vouchers and shipping charges) below this threshold will be charged tax/VAT.
    • Orders with basket totals (excluding tax/VAT, gift vouchers and shipping charges) over this threshold will NOT be charged tax/VAT.
    Customers who are already exempt from tax/VAT will not be affected.
    Dialling Code Enter the international dialling code used for this shipping country. This can be selected during customer account setup based on the selected country.
    Disable 3D Secure When this is selected, 3D Secure authorisation will not be attempted for orders that are shipped to this country.
    Override 3DSecure Order Value Threshold Leaving this setting blank means that the IRP will use the value set in the ‘Live Charging 3D Secure Order Value Threshold’ Application Setting (‘Payments – Live Charging’ grouping). Otherwise the IRP will use the value that you enter here, in your site’s default currency.
    Default Shipping Cost The Default Shipping Cost for this Country. This will be used in the event that no viable Shipping Rules are available. In this case the customer will be informed that the shipping charge is estimated. If shipping to a Country is not possible, or to disable shipping to a Country, set this to a negative value (e.g. -1) and make sure that no Shipping Rule exists for the Country.
    Fulfilment Stock Location This is the location that will be automatically assigned to orders placed from this country. This allows you to restrict users to managing orders only from their location. See also the Admin User Group Special Permission - Show Orders From All Locations. This setting will need to be off for the user group you wish to restrict.
    Is EU Member Country Tick to mark this Shipping Country as a member of the European Union.
    Note that the Intersoft Shipping Gateway integration (see How to Set Up the Intersoft Shipping Integration on the IRP) passes the 'Import One-Stop Shop' (IOSS) number for shipments where the destination shipping country is marked as 'Is EU Member Country'. You use the following Application Settings in the 'Shipping - Intersoft' grouping to configure this:

    • Intersoft IOSS Number: The Import One-Stop Shop (IOSS) number for use with Intersoft.
    • Intersoft VAT Number: The VAT number for use with Intersoft.
    • Intersoft EORI Number: The Economic Operators Registration and Identification (EORI) number for use with Intersoft.
    When the 'Intersoft IOSS Number' Application Setting is populated, shipments to EU member countries will not send VAT and EORI numbers and will instead provide the IOSS number.
    Is PostCode Required If a postcode is required for this Country ensure that the checkbox is ticked.
    Hide Address Line 2 When enabled, countries will not display the Address Line 2 field on address entry forms (not the Country settings drop-down list) throughout the front end of the site. If a customer is updating the country part of their address using one of the address entry forms, if they select a country that has the 'Hide Address Line 2' setting enabled, they will not see the Address Line 2 field on the form. Otherwise, if they select a country with the setting disabled, the Address Line 2 field will be shown. If a customer changes a previously-set address which had an Address Line 2 value, but updates the address to a country which has the Address Line 2 hidden, the previous value will be removed. This setting is disabled by default and applies to the Desktop, Mobile, Trade and Private Sale sites.
    Enable Live Chat Tick to enable Live Chat functionality in this country.
    Enable Amazon Pay Determines whether Amazon Pay will be available in this Shipping Country. The 'Amazon Pay' button will appear on the Basket page if this setting is set to true, the Application Setting 'Enable Amazon Pay' is also set to true and there are Active Amazon Accounts added to your IRP. For more details, see the Amazon Pay Accounts help topic.
    Enable Address Finder This determines whether the Address Finder will be available in checkout Display Style 2 for this shipping country. The Address Finder will appear when this is enabled and the 'Enable Address Finder' Application Setting is enabled. This allows the Address Finder to be disabled for specific countries. For more information, see the IRP Checkout Overview help topic.
    Enable Regions In Checkout When this setting is is enabled, any regions that have been added for this country will display in a regions drop-down list in the customer address input in the checkout flow. These will only be visible if the country has no sub countries, otherwise the sub countries will display instead. Note also that the regions drop-down list will not be displayed if the Address Finder is enabled.
    Country Specific Settings
    Enable Geo Location Lookup If Geo Location is enabled in the system, check this box to allow people coming to the site from this country to be determined by their IP Address. If you do not want the country to be geo located by IP, and let the IRP try to determine their settings based on their browser, uncheck this box.
    Render ‘Rel-Alternate’ Tags When this box is checked, the IRP will render a rel-alternate tag in the head section of appropriate pages. The rel-alternate tag is the best way to inform search engines such as Google that the page has alternative content for a different language and country. For instance, if you have just translated your site into, say, Portuguese, it is definitely worth checking the box for Portugal. Not only that, but you should also check it for any country with a large user base in your market where Portuguese is a major language, for example Brazil. The IRP will automatically render tags for all active languages on your site that are also Spoken Languages of this country. For more information on the rel-alternate tags, search Google for “rel alternate tags”.
    Note: Rel-alternate tag links are not rendered on the brands, brandcategory, category, or models pages for specific countries when there is a Shipping Restriction present for the country and the given Brand, Category or Model.
    Require Agreement To Terms At Checkout This should only ever be ticked if there is a legal requirement for your customers to agree to your terms and conditions before checking out in this country. Note that there is also a Small Translation (ID 150) that is used on the basket page as a snippet of text below the basket control that refers to your Terms & Conditions (and also states that currency conversions are approximate).
    Message (Models Page) Shipping Message (text format) to appear on the front end Models page for this Shipping Country. This text will appear in the Shipping Message Section, directly under the Stock Option selector section and above the Positive Affirmations section. In the Example below, the Message has been set to ‘FREE UK Delivery over £250’. This can also be translated into other available languages.
    NOTE that the Application Setting called Show Model Shipping Message must be enabled in order for the message to appear on the front end.
    Message (Postage Info Page) Country-specific text to appear on the front end PostageInformation.aspx page for this Shipping Country.
    Country Specific CSS Styles This is CSS content which can be output specifically for customers viewing the site from this country. For example, you may want to override the default body tag to have a localized background. Note that this CSS is output everywhere the main Website Stylesheet is output, therefore it is site wide. Do NOT include surrounding style tags.
    Redirect Traffic To Different Domain Use this field if you want to redirect traffic from this country to a different domain. The traffic will be redirected to the exact same URL, but on the other domain. Note that this feature relies on GeoLocation being enabled in the application.
    Trust Pilot Template ID This value will be used as the Template ID for Trustpilot emails sent to customers in this country. (There is also an Application Setting called 'Trust Pilot Default Template ID'. When sending Trustpilot emails, this Template ID will be used if there is no 'Trust Pilot Template ID' for the Shipping Country or Language of the customer.)
    Show Marketing Signup When Creating An Account This setting, when enabled, will show the check box for signing up to the Mailing List when creating an account on the system. The check box will not show for an account which has logged in and is subscribed to the Mailing List.
    For guest accounts, a user has to specifically select the box to be subscribed and it will always be displayed. A second visit by the same guest account email will only change their subscription status if the user has actively changed the tick in the box.
    Note: To ensure that the account setup and checkout pages for any Shipping Countries display the consent check box for signing up to the mailing list, you can check the tick box for the 'Show Marketing Signup When Creating An Account' setting and clear the tick box for the 'Is Marketing Signup On Account Creation Initially Ticked' setting. You can see the effect of this on the front end (Desktop, Mobile, Private Sale or Trade) if you change your country settings to a country to which you have made the above changes - the MyAccount/Setup.aspx and checkout pages (/Secure/BillingAddress.aspx) will show a tick box for 'Receive Our Exclusive Discounts and Offers' as shown in the screen capture below (the text for this is translatable via Small Translation 2663). When a customer ticks this box, their consent is recorded in the IRP database.
    Show Marketing Signup When Creating An Account
    Is Marketing Signup On Account Creation Initially Ticked This setting determines the initial value of the Marketing Signup check box - ticked or unticked. For example, where you need customers to explicitly give consent, this setting has to be set to 'unticked' i.e. the box that asks them if they'd like to sign up to your Mailing List must be 'unticked'.
    Affiliate Window Include Tax In Totals This is the override the value of the 'Affiliate Window Include Tax In Totals' Application Setting (when enabled, AWIN order totals will be calculated with tax included; when disabled, tax will be deducted from AWIN order totals.) Select from 'Inherit, 'Yes' or 'No'.
    Web Gains Affiliate Marketing Override Event ID This is the Event ID that will override the value of the 'Webgains Affiliate Marketing Default Event ID' Application Setting. Note that if the category-specific setting 'Webgains Affiliate Marketing Event ID' is also set, then the category ID will be used. If there is no category-specific setting, the country override will be used and if there is both no category-specific setting and no country-specific setting, then the default Application Setting value is used. For more details, see the Categories help topic and also search for 'WebGains' within the Application Settings help topic.
    Web Gains Affiliate Marketing Override Program ID This is the Program ID provided by WebGains that will override the value of the 'Webgains Affiliate Marketing Program ID' Application Setting. For more details, search for 'WebGains' within the Application Settings help topic.
    Web Gains Include Tax In Totals This is the override the value of the 'Web Gains Include Tax In Totals' Application Setting (when enabled, WebGains order totals will be calculated with tax included; when disabled, tax will be deducted from WebGains order totals.) Select from 'Inherit, 'Yes' or 'No'.
    Spoken Languages
    Add New Spoken Language You can add a spoken language for this country here. Spoken languages added against the country can be managed in the grid that appears below. Order in this case means the popularity of the language in the country. A lower value for Order means it is more popular.
  4. When inserting a Shipping Country, click the Insert Shipping Country button to save the details. Go back to the Shipping Countries page, find the country you have just added and click the Edit button.
  5. You will see that a new Tax Rates section and additional settings in the Basic Information section are now available.
    NOTE: You will also see a section called ‘Additional Display Currencies’. For more information, see the Additional Display Currencies section below.
  6. You can now enter or edit the following details:
    Basic Information
    Current Flag Image This image will appear when a customer sets their Shipping Country. The image will appear in the Settings Box at the top of the page, the Models Page and the Postage Information page.
    Upload Flag Image Upload a new Country Flag image. To add a new Flag Image, click the Browse button, navigate to the required Image on your machine and select it. Click the Upload button to upload the image.
    Note that this image must be in .gif format and any current Flag Image for this Shipping Country will be overwritten.
    Tax Rates
    Price Tax Display Status Override the default tax inclusion status in prices for this country. Select from Inherit (from global setting), Tax Free or Tax Included. Note that this comes into affect only when the Application Setting 'Allow User Vat Status Changes' (in the 'Tax' grouping) is enabled. (The Current Global Value is Tax Included.)
    Default Tax Rate (%) This country’s Default Tax Rate, to be applied to all non-Specified Product Categories. If a country is tax-exempt, enter 0 for this setting.
    Category Specific Tax Rate (%) Category Specific Tax Rates allow you to enter Tax rates for Categories. For example, Children’s Clothing should have a Tax Rate of 0% in the UK instead of the default UK Tax Rate of 20%.
    If a Category Specific Tax Rate exists and the Customer has one or more products which belong to this Category in their basket, the Category Specific Tax Rate will apply to these items rather than the Default Tax Rate.
    To add a specific Tax rate for a Product Category, select the Product Category from the drop-down and enter a valid numerical percentage Tax Rate value. Click the Add button to save the Category Specific Tax Rate.
    A list of goods and services with reduced Tax Rates for the UK can be found here.
  7. When you have entered or edited all of the details, click the Update Shipping Country button.

Additional Display Currencies

The 'Additional Display Currencies' section contains the parameter Add New Display Currency. Here you can select currencies that customers can select when they are set to be from this country.

Note that these Display Currencies only really come into play when you have enabled the Application Setting ‘Restrict Currencies To Display Currencies Only’ in the ‘Advanced Pricing’ grouping (see * below). This setting (and an additional one described in Step 7 below) can help to prevent customers ‘playing the exchange rate game’ by selecting a currency that works in their favour to get a lower price.

To use this section, proceed as follows:

  1. Select a currency to add so that customers who are set to use the version of the website from this country are able to see this currency on the drop-down list of currencies available to them on the front end (using the ‘Change International Settings’ function on the website). For example on the page for editing the Canadian country configuration (ShippingCountryEdit.aspx?ShippingCountryID=1941) you could select ‘USD - American Dollar’.
  2. In the box beside the Display Currency, select an order in which the currency will appear. A lower order means that it is more popular.
  3. Click the Add button. The section will then show the new Display Currency:
    Additional Display Currency added
  4. Click Update Shipping Country.
  5. Uncache the site.
  6. Assuming that the ‘Restrict Currencies To Display Currencies Only’ Application Setting (in the ‘Advanced Pricing’ grouping), is enabled, you can check that things are working as you intended by opening the relevant country-version of your website and examining the currency options that are available for selection to the customer. For example, using the Canadian example given previously, open the Canadian version of your website (using the ‘View Website’ button in the bottom nav) and click the International Settings arrow at the top of the page. You should see this in the ‘Currency’ section:
    Additional Display Currency added for Canada
    This means that the customer is only able to select two possible currencies: CAD or USD.
  7. Note that there is another Application Setting available that is related to this feature: ‘Show Only Default Currency When No Display Currencies Available’ (also in the ‘Advanced Pricing’ grouping). If you enable this Application Setting and you have not configured any Additional Display Languages (as described above) then customers will ONLY be able to use their default country currency on your site. In the Canadian example used above, this would mean that customers would only see the ‘CAD’ option in the ‘Currency’ section.

* When the Application Setting ‘Restrict Currencies To Display Currencies Only’ is enabled and a customer changes their Shipping Country via their front-end international settings, the currency will be set automatically to the country’s default currency if the currency that the customer has selected is not permitted in the new Shipping Country. The currency remains untouched if the ‘Restrict Currencies To Display Currencies Only’ Application Setting is not enabled.

Note: The Application Settings described above are in the ‘Advanced Pricing’ grouping. You do not need to use the IRP Advanced Pricing feature (also known as 'Fixed Currency Pricing') to use the previously-described Settings.

How to Add or Edit Sub Countries
How to Add Regions to a Country
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